I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 658: No chance to resist

how so?!

The monster general was horrified!

But before he could figure out what was going on, a powerful palm squeezed his neck fiercely and lifted him up instantly.

At the same time, a cold and playful voice suddenly entered his second middle school.

"You are not hallucinating."

No one present can refute this fact, because it is an iron-clad fact, cruel and true.

Without the Great Flame King 12 shots, they would surely die!

The powerful palm instantly pinched the neck of the third-rank monster general and lifted him up like a chicken.

A strong sense of suffocation instantly made the face of the third-rank monster general turn red.

Suddenly being held up by someone's neck, the third-rank monster general was greatly horrified, a burst of panic.

The huge eyeballs were instantly rounded, and the depths of the eyes were filled with terrifying light.

"You...you, who are you?"

The monster general was extremely horrified, his eyes fixed on Chen Qiu, and there was a storm in his heart. He couldn't believe that he didn't have the slightest room to resist.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the hand of the man in front of him, and this feeling made him feel a deep sense of fear.

This is a super strong!

It is a strong man whose strength has drawn his imagination!

Chen Qiu squeezed the hand of the monster's neck and slowly increased his strength. Suddenly, the monster screamed in pain and struggled even more violently.

But no matter how he struggled, Chen Qiu's hand was like a huge pair of pliers, holding him tightly, making the monster general look like a small fish thrown on the shore, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

"The one who took your dog's life."

Chen Qiu listened to the words of the monster general, saw him struggling hard, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the strength in his hand instantly increased.


The neck of the monster general was crushed directly by Chen Qiu.

After the monster general's neck was crushed, Chen Qiu threw him directly to the ground like throwing garbage.

Even if his neck was crushed, the monster general did not die immediately, and he was still able to struggle after being thrown on the ground.

"Why...why are you so powerful?...why...human beings can have such a strong powerhouse? I'm not reconciled...

The monster general's neck was crushed, and a large mouthful of blood spilled from his mouth. He turned his head with difficulty, staring at Chen Qiu with a stern look, his eyes were full of shock.

Until now, he still couldn't understand why this human being could be so powerful, and he could hit him with a single move without any defense.

No, it wasn't as simple as a heavy blow, and now he felt his life was passing, and the black 520 darkness was rapidly swallowing him.

Knowing that he is doomed, there is no way to save him.

He was killed by this sudden appearance of human beings, and he didn't even have a chance to resist.

This made him very unhappy.

He has always been abusing humans, and he never thought that one day he would be killed by humans, because before that, humans were incomparably weak in their eyes.

In his previous cognition, it was impossible for humans to be their opponents at all, and it was impossible to fight against them.

But now the reality has slapped him hard, not only is human beings not as weak as he imagined, but also powerful enough to make him unbelievable.

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