I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 864 : This is impossible!

However, due to safety considerations, the Dayan Dynasty has not completely opened up, and the entrance and exit to the other world cannot be entered by anyone.

Now, only military personnel and those who have obtained permission can enter the cellar world, and it is fundamentally impossible for ordinary people to enter the cellar world.

Even if ordinary warriors want to sneak in, they can't do it.

The voices of these discussions, Chen Qiu's "six seven seven" spiritual power swept away, and he could clearly hear them.

Chen Qiu couldn't help shaking his head because of these people's comments.

Ordinary people do not have a thorough understanding of the danger level of the cellar world, and their sense of crisis is not strong enough!

This is not a good sign!

Stay safe!

This will ensure that in the event of a dangerous situation, calmly respond!

Chen Qiu felt that he needed to do something to make all the dynasty people realize the danger of the cellar world, and to keep them with a strong sense of crisis at all times, so that they could have enough motivation to become stronger!

It's not enough to lure through rewards alone!

These dynastic people must have enough sense of crisis!

But this matter needs to be put aside for the time being, and he can start this matter after he has finished dealing with the student affairs!

Chen Qiu didn't think too much, and came directly to the front of the students. At this time, all the students were quite excited.

After seeing Chen Qiu coming, the eyes of most of the students were full of excitement.

"Sir Chen Qiu is here! We can go in right away!"

"The cellar world! I have long been curious about it! I used to be able to learn about the cellar world only in various newspapers, but now I can finally enter the cellar world myself, that's so exciting!"

"I just don't know what the trial will be like after we enter the cellar world, I hope it will be a way to get used to it. 99

All the students kept whispering.


Chen Qiu looked at the way the students were whispering, and suddenly his face turned cold and he yelled loudly, "What does it look like?! Now you are a warrior! A warrior should look like a warrior! 35

Chen Qiu's scolding sound, like a thunderous explosion, immediately made all the students who were whispering pale, and immediately closed their mouths, not daring to say any more words...


Seeing that all the students became quiet in an instant, after getting down, Chen Qiu suddenly let out a soft snort, glanced at them, looked at each and everyone trembling like a quail, and said lightly ,

"Once again, when you enter the cellar this time, the world is not for playing, but for dying. Although I will try my best to protect your life and not be threatened by death, I do not dare to guarantee your life safety 100%. !"


Chen Qiu's words shocked the students as soon as 1.2 came out, and their faces turned even paler. What Chen Qiu said before made them think that entering the cellar world is not life-threatening.

But what Chen Qiu said now sounded a wake-up call for them.

It is exactly as Chen Qiu said.

Nothing can be guaranteed 100%.

Chen Qiu can't guarantee their life safety 100%!.

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