I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 865 : Clear! Clear!

After all, there are too many dangerous things in this world, too many variables, and it is impossible for Chen Qiu to predict everything!

"For the sake of your own life, after you enter the cellar world, you must maintain absolute vigilance, deal with all kinds of troubles at any time, and learn to save yourself at the critical moment. The most important point is that when you enter the cellar world, you must learn to Obey orders, obey orders, and absolutely do not allow anyone to disobey orders! This is for the sake of your little lives!"

Every word Chen Qiu said was like a pot of cold water poured on the fiery hearts of these students, which made them soberly realize that this time they entered the cellar world, it was not as beautiful as they imagined. very dangerous thing.

The tone of Chen Qiu's words made them feel icy cold for a while!

Not only did the students feel cold all over after hearing Chen Qiu's words, and a strong aura of danger rushed toward their faces, but even the surrounding crowd who came to watch the ceremony also felt a chill in their hearts after hearing these words.

However, they also understood what Chen Qiu said, and they knew that the reason why Chen Qiu said this was for the safety of the students and their protection.

If Chen Qiu didn't say anything and let these students free themselves and enter the second world, maybe they would all die on the second day!

It's really possible!

With the dangerous situation of the monsters in the cellar world, if you are a little careless, even a powerful warrior may be ignored by these students.

Although these students are talented, it is their cultivation time. After all, it is not very long, because their cultivation is not particularly high. Now their highest cultivation is Chen Qiu's sister, Chen Xi'er.

But even if Chen Xi'er's cultivation is placed in the cellar world, it is nothing, monsters more powerful than her cultivation are everywhere, and a brick may be a large piece!

"Obey orders, obey orders, only in this way can you all come out alive!"

Chen Qiu's expression was very serious, and he didn't seem to be joking with them at all, and shouted coldly, "Do you understand?!

Chen Qiu's cold shout suddenly awakened all the students.


All the students answered in unison.

"Speak louder! Soft, haven't you eaten at all?!


The roar that resounded through the sky broke out, and the white clouds in the sky were scattered.

Hearing the roar resounding through the sky, Chen Qiu showed a satisfied look on his face, nodded lightly, and then shouted loudly, "Go! Enter the cellar world! All the students who have surpassed the third-rank realm, step forward immediately. !35

People with rank 3 or above who want to enter the cellar world can only do it through Chen Qiu's space ability, so Chen Qiu ordered these people to come out immediately.

"These students actually have the realm of rank three or above?! No way, how old are these students, and they have already broken through the third rank martial artist?! This motherfucker is too scary!"

"These are the top geniuses of the Great Yan Dynasty, even the third-rank is not unimaginable!"

"How many rank 677 warriors do you think there are?! Even if I work hard for a lifetime, I will never be able to reach this level!""

After listening to Chen Qiu's words, many people's hearts were suddenly shocked, and their eyes were full of envy and looked towards those students.

In the Great Yan Dynasty, although the warriors are everywhere, the general warriors are the first-rank two-rank, and the warriors who can reach the third-rank and above are the strongest.

Those who can reach 4th grade and 5th grade or more are even one in a million!

He is definitely a big man in the Great Yan Dynasty martial artist army, and he is envied and admired by countless people!

Now these young students in front of them have reached the third-rank realm, which is undoubtedly the biggest shock to everyone!

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