I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 913 : Pike's action! 【Subscription】

Watching the backs of his subordinates leave.

Tangulas's face was quite solemn, no one could tell what he was just thinking, and the powerful monsters behind him did not dare to breathe.

"Hopefully it works. 35

Tangulas whispered to himself, "The Gorefiends need fresh blood too much, this race is too old, it is about to become old and rotten, if there is no fresh blood to replenish, the Gorefiends want to continue to be strong, It's already very difficult..."Seven-two-three"

Tangulas is a demon clan full of a sense of crisis. He has always been worried about the situation among the blood demon clan. Since he became the king of the demon clan and controlled the right to speak of the blood demon clan, he began to speak out for the blood demon clan. The Demon Race seeks benefits, trying every means to make the Blood Demon Race stronger and become a powerful Saint Race.

However, this road is full of difficulties. Even though Tangkulas has worked hard, he still has not achieved much, which makes him quite depressed.

Just when Tangulas was upset.

In a hidden ravine outside Baisheng City, in a huge cave, the first large group of Gorefiend monsters are gathering here, headed by a tall and burly Gorefiend powerhouse.

This blood demon powerhouse.

It was the eighth-rank monster Pike dispatched by Tangulas.

"Lord Pike, the situation has now been investigated clearly, the Demon Rhinoceros' Baisheng City has now been occupied by humans, and even the city lord of the seventh-rank realm guarded by the Demon Rhinoceros in Baisheng Town has been beheaded! 39

A body that seemed to be hidden in the void, a rather ethereal figure, appeared in front of Pike, lowered his head and reported to him respectfully, "The more than 1 million warriors of the Demon Rhinoceros are all killed by humans. Destroyed!""


As soon as these words came out, the Gorefiend monsters in the cave erupted with exclamations, and each and everyone had an unbelievable look on their faces, and even screamed in surprise.

"How is this possible? Yum City was actually wiped out by humans?! What the hell is going on here?"

"How can humans do such a thing? Where do they have such power?! 99

"Don't the demons have a truce with the humans now? Why do humans still attack the demons? Are they trying to tear up the truce? 35

"These lowly human beings dare to sneak attack on our Demon Race, it's really abominable, we must teach them a painful lesson and let them realize the consequences of doing so!

Listening to the noisy voice of his subordinates, the eighth-rank monster Pike, his face was quite ugly at this time, and the situation reported by his subordinates made him quite shocked and inconceivable. There was something strange in Yusheng City, it seemed to be different from usual, he suddenly became alert in his heart, and immediately put away his spiritual sense...

After that, Pike immediately sent people out to check the situation, trying to find out what happened to Yum City, but he never imagined that the situation under his investigation would be so amazing!

The city of war of the Demon Rhinoceros, Baisheng City, was occupied by humans!

This incident shocked Parker quite a bit.

He couldn't believe that human beings dared to do such a thing, and he couldn't imagine how human beings did such a thing. When did human beings become so awesome?

They were able to take down this city without a sound, which is a bit unimaginable at 1.2, so that he, who was a rank eight monster, was quite shocked in his heart.

"What's going on in the specific situation? Why was Yusheng City occupied by humans? What the hell is this situation? How did the Demon Rhinoceros suffer this big loss?"

Pike's heart was filled with all kinds of doubts. He really couldn't understand why Yusheng City was occupied by humans like this, and he couldn't understand why the Demon Rhinoceros didn't send more powerful people to take Yusheng City. Take it back.

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