I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 914 : Why can humans occupy Yum City? 【Subscription】

If the city of war of their Gorefiends is occupied by humans, the Gorefiends will definitely run wild, and it is estimated that they will be dispatched in full force to destroy the human race.

As soon as Pike said this, the Gorefiends in the cave were all quiet, and they all looked at the figure closely, and the scouts who seemed to be able to blend into the darkness, each with a face. They all showed a look of surprise.

Pike asked their hearts out.

They are also quite curious about this matter.

Why are humans able to occupy Yum City?

What do they rely on?

Why didn't the Demon Rhinos take it back after the city of war was occupied?

Listening to Pike's words, looking at his companion's eyes, the corner of the scout's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he felt quite speechless in his heart.

How long has it been since I've been out? It's already very difficult to get so much information, okay? Why do you all seem to want me to find out about Yum City's underwear?

Is this tnd possible?!

"Lord Parker, I didn't dare to get too close to Yum City, so I'm not very clear about the situation inside, so I can't answer your question now..."

The scout said to Pike helplessly, "If you want to know more about the situation, you can only send more strong people to check the situation..."

After listening to the scout's words, Pike's brows furrowed deeply, and he was a little unhappy, but he also understood that what the scout said was not wrong.

"First send someone to send back the information here, let the king and the others know what happened, and then send some people to continue to sneak into Yum City to investigate the situation."

Pike frowned and then stretched out, giving orders to his men.

After collecting useful information, the first thing Pike thought of was to immediately send someone to send back the information here, so that the powerhouses in Gorefiend City knew what happened and made preparations.

Then he planned to continue to investigate the situation and figure out what was going on in Yum City. Only after he figured it out could he be able to take the next step.

After Pike gave the order, there was a Gorefiend monster in the fifth-rank realm. With Pike's information, he left the cave and headed back toward the Gorefiend City at the fastest speed.

However, what this item didn't know was that the figure he left was caught in the eyes of a team of supernatural warrior reconnaissance teams hidden in the mountains in the distance.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

An ability warrior looked at the departing Gorefiend intelligence officer and said in a low voice with a solemn expression, "This guy is probably going back to send information, do we want to keep him? 99

"Definitely! If you follow him first, get away from him and then start, if you start here, you will alarm his companions." 723

After listening to the words of his team members, the captain of the reconnaissance team nodded and said solemnly, "Follow up now!

Whoosh whoosh-

There were 5 people in the reconnaissance team, and 5 people stood up one after another, and then quickly chased after the Gorefiend intelligence officer.

Pike didn't know that the intelligence officer he sent out to send information to the Gorefiend King City had just left the cave that he thought was extremely secret. In less than half an hour, he was immediately targeted.

At this time, he was giving orders to his subordinates.

"This time, you should try your best to sneak into the center of Yum City, and let me find out all the information in Yum City."

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