The anger burning in Wan Kun’s heart was only a matter of a moment, he had actually damaged three of his subordinates, and these three of his subordinates were all loyal to him.

The moment Wan Kun saw the three of his men damaged, he was simply heartbroken to the point of bloodshed.

He couldn’t have imagined that Ye Fei, who looked as weak as a scholar, was actually the King of the Beasts, and even far more terrifying than Mu Zizhen!

In an instant, Ye Fei killed two people, and Mu Zizhen killed one!

Just now Xiong Zheng actually miscalculated the number of people, Wan Kun now has five subordinates, including Wan Kun himself a total of six people.

These six people are now more than half dead and wounded.

Wan Kun was furious, jumping like thunder, he roared out in anger, Wan Kun was holding an AK47 assault rifle, and he himself was holding the gun and firing fiercely.

Fire suppression!

The strong fire suppression allowed Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen to temporarily avoid its sharp edge.

Although the equipment of Wan Kun and these people is not very sophisticated, it is also possible, and this time Wan Kun spent a lot of money to get a batch of weapons and equipment, in order to take revenge on Mu Zizhen.

After Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen joined forces to kill the three people, Wan Kun gritted his teeth at Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen, eager to crush both of them into ten thousand pieces.

Especially Mu Zizhen’s man, although the man seemed to be weak, but the shot was so fierce, which left a deep impression on Wan Kun.

This man must die!

Damn guy, how dare he tease him!

Wan Kun had been vigilant against Ye Fei, knowing that Ye Fei’s skills might be a little stronger than he thought, but he had never imagined that Ye Fei could be so strong.

No wonder Mu Zizhen would look at this man.

Thinking of this, Wan Kun felt fierce in his heart.

What Wan Kun thought in his heart was that he must kill Ye Fei to vent his anger and let Ye Fei know that he was not so good at playing! At the same time, Wan Kun wanted to kill Ye Fei and let Mu Zizhen also taste the pain of losing his lover!

Wan Kun raised his gun, and he fired at Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen in the direction, and at the same time, the two subordinates around Wan Kun also fired fiercely at Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen at his behest.

The gunfire continued to be heard, and the danger was extreme.

Under such circumstances, even Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen felt a wave of pressure coming, these two people were facing such pressure, they could not retreat for a while and a half, although they saved Wen Xiaoting, they were still very dangerous.

The firepower was suppressed too fiercely.

Ye Fei looked at Wen Xiaoting, only to see that Wen Xiaoting at this time was in a state of ignorance, Wen Xiaoting’s eyes were red and covered with blood.

At the same time, her body trembled slightly, obviously traumatized by fear and psychological trauma.

Under such circumstances, Ye Fei slapped Wen Xiaoting’s hand violently and said, “Xiaoting, you are sober, now is not the time to be confused, in this way we will all be in danger!” ”

Wen Xiaoting’s current state is very unsatisfactory, and it will even become a burden for Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen.

Therefore, Ye Fei must make Wen Xiaoting wake up.

Wen Xiaoting’s eyes gradually returned to color, she had just been threatened by Wan Kun’s intimidation, under Wan Kun’s intimidation and even the use of punishment, Wen Xiaoting was facing great mental pressure, and her spirit was almost broken.

Fortunately, Wen Xiaoting was from the army, and Wen Xiaoting slightly recovered a little sanity and normality.

“Ye Fei… Thank you for saving me…” Wen Xiaoting looked at Ye Fei and finally squeezed a few words out of her lips.

Hearing this, Ye Feilian said, “If you don’t say thank you first, let’s deal with Wan Kun first!” You hide behind me, don’t be exposed. ”

Ye Fei didn’t expect Wen Xiaoting in such a state to still fight, as long as she could take care of herself.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, Wen Xiaoting nodded slowly.

“Okay.” Wen Xiaoting whispered, gradually regaining her composure.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen stood on either side respectively, and Ye Fei made a simple gesture to Mu Zizhen at the same time.

Mu Zizhen saw Ye Fei’s gesture clearly and knew that Ye Fei was signaling that he could be ready to attack at any time.

However, in such a firepower suppression situation, Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen could not attack easily, but Xiong Zheng’s side could cooperate with the attack.

Such a rare opportunity, as long as Xiong Zheng is not stupid, will definitely cooperate with the two to attack a wave.

Wan Kun attacked like crazy, and at this time Xiong Zheng also reacted quickly, and at his command, all of his men entered with full armament.

Xiong Zheng ordered his men to drop tear gas.

Under the action of tear gas, Wan Kun and his men also realized that the situation was wrong, and after Ye Fei saved Wen Xiaoting, the whole battle situation completely changed.

The current situation has become very unfavorable to Wan Kun.

Wan Kun had no hostages in his hands, and Xiong Zheng and the others had no scruples in their attacks!

Suddenly, Wan Kun fell into a siege.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and both Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen were slightly relieved.

Under the action of tear gas, another of Wan Kun’s men was killed.

At this time, Wan Kun already felt the end of the road.

And Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen also had the opportunity to stand together.

Now only the final blow to Wan Kun remained!

Wan Kun has no chips in his hands, the only thing to worry about is that Wan Kun still has explosives, and he may detonate explosives!

That’s the scariest place.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen were close together, Mu Zizhen could even feel the hot body temperature on Ye Fei’s body, which made Mu Zizhen’s heart beat faster, and Mu Zizhen couldn’t say what kind of feeling she really was, but she looked at Ye Fei, and her eyes were indescribably gentle.

In such a dangerous situation, Ye Fei did not hesitate to wade into danger, and was also by her side.

It’s just that the two are in such a crisis field, most of the time can only rely on gestures and rapid communication of language.

But under such circumstances, Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen still cooperated tacitly.

Soon, under the organized attack of Xiong Zheng and others, Wan Kun’s last subordinate was shot and killed. Up to now, all five of Wan Kun’s men had died, leaving only Wan Kun alone.

Wan Kun saw the tragic death of his last subordinate, and he also knew that this time it was completely planted, and it was definitely a situation of certain death.

What’s more, he was affected by the tear gas again, and the smoke of the tear gas in the room spread, so that Wan Kun finally couldn’t stand it. Wan Kun roared, he took the gun, he was strapped to a bundle of explosives, and rushed towards the outside of the house!

Wan Kun’s eyes were fierce, and his target was Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen!

Wan Kun was ready to fight to the death, pulling Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen to pad their backs!


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