Wan Kun rushed out of that house, only to see that he was tied with explosives, and he roared out in anger and rushed towards Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen!

In an instant, whether it was Ye Fei or Mu Zizhen, they all felt extremely dangerous.

Wan Kun knew that he had planted this time, so he rushed towards Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen with the heart of death!

Wan Kun had previously wrapped explosives around him as a final threat.

Unexpectedly, things really came to this point, he was forced to detonate the explosives, so as to pull Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei on the back!

Wan Kun rushed towards Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei, and he jerked the explosives, and at this moment he was about ten meters away from Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen in a straight line.

Ye Fei had long been alert, he raised his hand for a shot, only to hear a gunshot, Wan Kun was hit by Ye Fei’s shot, his body fell, softly fell to the ground, and the momentum of rushing over suddenly stopped.

But Wan Kun had already pulled the explosives, and saw that the lead of the explosives was about to burn out.

The explosives on Wan Kun’s body are that kind of homemade explosives, and the power is also quite terrifying, once it explodes, the consequences are unimaginable!

Although Ye Fei’s shot caused fatal injuries to Wan Kun, it could not stop the explosives from exploding!

Under such circumstances, Ye Fei only saw a graceful figure flying over.

It’s Mu Zi Zhen!

At this moment, Mu Zizhen actually pounced on Ye Fei, and her movements were very fast and extremely resolute.

Mu Zizhen used all her strength, and she violently pushed Ye Fei away!

Ye Fei noticed the expression of Mu Zizhen’s delicate face, and he could even clearly see the determination and gentleness in Mu Zizhen’s eyes.

At the moment of life and death, Mu Zizhen actually made such a choice.

Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei were both very close to the distance between the explosives, that is, a range of about ten meters, and the explosives explosion would definitely affect the two people.

At this time, Ye Fei chose to shoot Wan Kun to stop him from rushing up.

If this gap is used, Mu Zizhen can completely retreat to a safe distance by himself, avoiding the scope of the explosives this time.

But Mu Zizhen did not do this.

Because Mu Zizhen saw that Ye Fei was still standing where he was.

She didn’t even have time to think, and almost instinctively pushed Ye Fei away!

In that instant, the two looked at each other.

Mu Zizhen touched Ye Fei’s deep and clear gaze, and she realized that she didn’t know when there was more than one shadow in her world. I don’t know when Ye Fei appeared in her life and became a very important part.

Between life and death, although it was only for a moment, Mu Zizhen’s mind had many thoughts, some of which she had thought about, some of which she had never thought of.

Although there were many thoughts in her mind, she had only one thing to do.

That is, pushing Ye Fei away with all his strength.

Ye Fei also noticed Mu Zizhen’s clear eyes like streams, he was pushed away by Mu Zizhen, and Mu Zizhen’s graceful body was even more in front of Ye Fei’s body.

Next second.

Explosives explode.


Only a deafening explosion was heard, and Wan Kun, who was at the center of the explosion in an instant, was completely cold, and at the same time, the shock wave of the explosion of the explosives was even more struck, and the shock wave of the explosion hit Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen’s bodies.

In this instant, Ye Fei appeared to be deaf for a short time.

Immediately afterward, Ye Fei’s eyes went black and he was directly unconscious.

Even if Ye Fei was no matter how powerful, after all, he was a flesh and blood body, and the shock wave of the explosive explosion was black for a while, and he lost consciousness.


I don’t know how long it took.

When Ye Fei woke up, he found himself in a warm embrace.

Ye Fei opened his eyes violently and found himself lying in the hospital.

All around is a white, snow-white ceiling, futon and walls all around.

The air is filled with the smell of disinfectant water.

Ye Fei frowned subconsciously, he moved his body a little, and immediately felt several sharp pains coming from his body, but fortunately it was not a big problem.

Thinking about that last scene is an extremely dangerous moment.

Ye Fei turned his body and looked left and right, and then he saw Wen Xiaoting, who had a look of surprise.

Wen Xiaoting looked at Ye Fei, at this moment Wen Xiaoting’s expression had completely recovered, she looked like she was no longer in serious trouble, Wen Xiaoting looked at Ye Fei with a concerned expression: “Ye Fei, you are awake!” ”

When Ye Fei saw Wen Xiaoting, he frowned subconsciously, and the explosion of the explosives always echoed in his mind, and the scene where Mu Zizhen pushed him away.

Ye Fei asked, “How long have I been unconscious?” ”

“It’s not long, it’s less than four hours.” Wen Xiaoting said busily.

Ye Fei nodded, and then immediately asked, “How is Zi Zhen, what about her?” ”

Ye Fei was very concerned about Mu Zizhen’s situation.

The moment when Mu Zizhen finally pushed him away just now, Ye Fei’s heart also sank, and he was now eager to know what happened to Mu Zizhen.

At the critical moment of life and death, Mu Zizhen actually pushed him away, which was enough to show how important Ye Fei was in Mu Zizhen’s heart at this moment.

Mu Zizhen did not express her thoughts easily, but her approach explained everything.

If there is a woman who is desperate for you, what feelings does she have for you?

The answer is self-evident.

Mu Zizhen’s approach is no different from confessing his heart.

It can even be said that Mu Zizhen’s approach is far more touching and pitiful than the confession of ordinary girls.

At this moment, Ye Fei’s feelings for Mu Zizhen were also completely different, and he wanted to see this woman now!

Mentioning Mu Zizhen, Wen Xiaoting’s eyes were also full of warmth, and she whispered: “Zigen, her injury is more serious than yours, but fortunately there is no major problem, you all wear body armor, but the doctor said that Zizhen broke one of her ribs… She’s still in a coma…”

Hearing Wen Xiaoting say this, Ye Fei first frowned, then stretched, slightly relieved.

Ye Fei stood up and said, “Which ward is she in?” I went to see her. ”

“You’re going to see Zi Gang?” I’ll help you go…” Wen Xiaoting said hurriedly.

Wen Xiaoting was ready to help Ye Fei, but Ye Fei waved his hand, indicating that he did not need Wen Xiaoting’s support. Ye Fei was not in serious trouble, he had just fainted, and his body was not too serious except for the fall.

Under the leadership of Wen Xiaoting, Ye Fei went to Mu Zizhen’s hospital room.


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