Mu Zizhen’s ward, like Ye Fei’s ward, was a separate ward, and the medical conditions were very good.

When Ye Fei walked to the ward, he saw Mu Zizhen lying quietly on the hospital bed, she was in a coma and had not yet awakened.

Ye Fei saw Mu Zizhen lying on the bed, at this time she closed her eyes, her breathing was smooth and natural, and she looked extremely quiet and elegant.

The long eyelashes are dark and thick, and the smooth forehead and cheeks are like snow jade, but they are slightly pale because of the injury.

She was like an indisputable water lily, lying quietly on a hospital bed.

Ye Fei saw her steady breathing, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Mu Zizhen’s injury was not too serious in this situation.

After all, Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei also made a lot of protective measures before entering the scene, wearing bulletproof vests, wearing some protective gear and so on.

Therefore, Mu Zizhen’s injury was not serious, and Ye Fei was relieved.

Ye Fei walked to Mu Zizhen’s bedside, he sat on the side, looked at Mu Zizhen’s slightly pale face, and asked Wen Xiaoting, “Has anyone been here in the middle?” ”

“Well, several of Zi Yuan’s elders have come, and Elder Mu has no mobility and has not come…” Wen Xiaoting said simply.

Ye Fei nodded.

Mu Zizhen is a pearl in the palm of the Mu family, not only looks beautiful, but also is deeply loved by the elders. Knowing that Mu Zizhen had an accident, this time the Mu family must be angry.

Although the culprit Wan Kun is dead, this incident is not small if Wan Kun can break into Yandu.

This time Wan Kun’s matter involved many people, and it is estimated that Yan Du will have to make a fuss for a while. Ye Fei looked at his mobile phone, and there were several calls from his father and mother in his mobile phone.

Ye Fei took the time to return the cheap parents’ information, and then looked at Mu Zizhen, who was still in a coma, and whispered to Wen Xiaoting: “You are also tired, you go to rest first, here I am guarding.” ”

“Okay.” Wen Xiaoting did not refuse, her spirit has actually been in a tense state, and even for a while it was on the verge of collapse.

If it weren’t for Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen saving her, she would have been really fierce this time, and it would have been too dangerous.

Wen Xiaoting’s eyes flashed with a strong color of gratitude, and she turned to Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, thank you really this time…”

This is a saving grace.

Wen Xiaoting said to Ye Fei with great gratitude.

Ye Fei smiled, “It’s not my credit alone, in fact, it’s mainly Zi Zhen who went to save you.” Don’t talk about that, go and rest. ”

“Okay, then I’ll go.” Wen Xiaoting whispered, and then she left the ward.

Only Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen were left in the ward.

Ye Fei waited for Mu Zizhen to wake up, although Mu Zizhen’s injury was not serious, but she was still lying on the bed at the moment, and there was no sign of waking up.

About ten minutes passed.

Ye Fei sensed Mu Zizhen’s slight movements.

Only to see Mu Zizhen’s slight movements, she opened those eyes slightly, and in those clear eyes like streams, Ye Fei’s shadow was reflected.

The first thing Mu Zizhen saw was Ye Fei, she noticed the man’s concerned eyes, that clear and handsome face came into view, facing Ye Fei’s eyes, Mu Zizhen’s face glowed a slight pink.

“You’re awake.” Ye Fei held Mu Zizhen.

Mu Zizhen wanted to get up and talk to Ye Fei, but suddenly felt a pain in her waist and abdomen, and seemed to be tied with a bandage, which made Mu Zizhen’s eyebrows frown slightly, and her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and her expression was somewhat uncomfortable.

“The doctor said that you have broken ribs and injuries on your body, and you should not move now.” Ye Fei instructed Mu Zizhen.

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Mu Zizhen realized the injury on her body, her eyebrows gently stretched, and the focus of those bright eyes was fixed on Ye Fei’s face, and the voice was very gentle: “How are you?” Are there any injuries? ”

Ye Fei smiled and said, “I’m fine, only a little injury.” But you, you are directly in front of me…”

Recalling the previous scene, Ye Fei’s heart was even more full of strangeness.

He and Mu Zizhen were still a layer of window paper that had not been broken, and there was always a bit of friendship above the meaning of lovers.

However, after the incident of Wan Kun, the feelings and relationships between Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen finally gradually accumulated and underwent qualitative changes.

Especially at the most critical juncture, Mu Zizhen actually did not retreat on his own, but pushed Ye Fei away…

Ye Fei’s gaze as he looked at Mu Zizhen also became gentle.

The two looked at each other, Mu Zizhen slightly skimmed her head, she said softly: “My mind was also a blank at that time, and I subconsciously did this…”

Subconsciously, I did it…

Although this sentence seems ordinary and plain, it is not adulterated at all.

Mu Zizhen is such a character, what to say, never hidden. The moment she pushed Ye Fei away, it was a completely instinctive reaction, and it just showed that in her heart, Ye Fei did not know when to occupy a position.

Mu Zizhen has always been indifferent to anyone, and very few people can enter her heart.

But Ye Fei knew that Mu Zizhen’s attitude towards anyone was like this, but as long as it was the person Mu Zizhen approved, she would even be desperate.

For example, Wen Xiaoting is Mu Zizhen’s girlfriend, and Mu Zizhen can risk fighting with Wan Kun for her.

Similarly, at the critical moment of life and death, she also kept pushing Ye Fei away and letting herself bear danger.

This sentence made Ye Fei look even more gentle.

The hardest thing to do is to be blessed with beauty.

Mu Zizhen’s heart was already exposed, and Ye Fei had great pity for the woman in front of him.

Mu Zizhen sat up under the support of Ye Feituo, although there were many wounds on her body, Mu Zizhen’s physical fitness was excellent, plus she did not have a particularly serious injury because she had a bulletproof vest and protective gear.

Ye Fei supported Mu Zizhen and then took Mu Zizhen in his arms.

Ye Fei only felt that Mu Zizhen’s body in her arms was slightly stiff, and then a touching red halo rose on her face, although Mu Zizhen never wore makeup, Ye Fei saw that Mu Zizhen seemed to be coated with a light blush, and her cheeks were rendered by the red halo.

Xia Fei’s cheeks, eyes like water, indescribably bright and moving.

That exquisite and matchless side face, as bright as a peach and plum, Gu Pansheng posture.

Immediately afterward, a system prompt sounded in Ye Fei’s ear.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, experience points increased!”


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