“Where are we going now?” Ye Fei asked with a smile.

Mu Zizhen tilted his head, blinked his eyes, and said, “Where else do you want to go?” ”

Mu Zizhen’s gesture was a little cute, Ye Fei took her small hand and smiled: “Unfortunately, your injury has not yet healed, otherwise you can go swimming, or soaking in the hot spring is also good, we can relax …”

Swimming, soaking in hot springs?

Mu Zizhen understood Ye Fei’s intentions, and this bad guy was eighty percent playing with some other idea.

The corners of Mu Zizhen’s mouth cocked slightly: “Don’t go with you.” ”

“Your injuries have not yet healed, or will I help you apply ice muscle jade bee water again?” I think the ice muscle jade bee water still has to be applied many times to see the effect…”

Ye Fei continued, the intention was very obvious.

Mu Zizhen’s face was slightly red, and a faint red halo appeared on his cheeks, as if he remembered the scene of the last time he was treated by Ye Fei.

Her cheeks were slightly red, her lips were plump, her eyes were like water, she glanced at Ye Fei slightly, and Mu Zizhen said: “Liar, the last time I checked the instructions for the use of ice muscle jade bee water, the new wound can be faded by applying for three to five days, and you also said that seven days…”

Mu Zizhen exposed someone’s face.

Ye Fei was stunned by this, and he couldn’t imagine that Mu Zizhen had actually deliberately checked the instructions for the use of Ice Muscle Jade Bee Water.

Thinking about Mu Zizhen looking at the ice muscle jade bee water instruction manual, Ye Fei suddenly felt a little cute.

Who would have thought that Mu Zizhen would actually look up the instructions on the Internet for this small matter…

Ye Fei was suddenly solemn, and then said solemnly: “Ice muscle jade bee water is something I have developed, is the instruction manual on the Internet more authoritative than my own words?” Besides, I’m also thinking about you, and although the scar on your back has disappeared, it still needs to be consolidated…”

Ye Fei was a serious piece of nonsense.

Mu Zizhen smiled and smiled, of course, she also knew that Ye Fei was talking nonsense.

Mu Zizhen smiled and said, “Anyway, I am not deceived.” ”

“Zizhen you have changed.” Ye Fei shook his head with a disappointed expression.

Mu Zizhen is not good at cheating.

Ye Fei sighed that the world was getting worse and the people’s hearts were not ancient, and even a righteous gentleman like him had some doubts.

The couple was laughing when Ye Fei suddenly heard someone calling to him.

It turned out to be Dr. Xie.

Dr. Xie hurriedly ran out, he looked at Ye Fei and said, “Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye!” ”

“Dr. Xie.” Ye Fei stopped talking and laughing with Mu Zizhen and turned to look at Dr. Xie.

Dr. Xie rubbed his hands and said, “Mr. Ye, I don’t know when you will be free, can you show me the Suzaku Fire Needle and let me open my eyes.” ”

Dr. Xie looked at Ye Fei with some excitement, a look of anticipation.

As a famous doctor in Yandu, he himself was also eager for medical skills, especially Ye Fei’s long-lost acupuncture method Suzaku Fire Needle, which made him want to see the truth.

Seeing that Dr. Xie was in such a posture, Mu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he knew better how superb Ye Fei’s medical skill was.

Ye Fei glanced at Mu Zizhen, and Gu said softly, “If you don’t find a place to demonstrate the Suzaku Fire Needle for Dr. Xie, I also want to see it.” ”

Dr. Xie suddenly looked at Mu Zizhen with a grateful face.

Since seeing the Suzaku Fire Needle today, Dr. Xie’s heart is already scratching his heart, if he can’t see this Suzaku Fire Needle with his own eyes today, Dr. Xie is afraid that he won’t be able to sleep at night.

“Okay, then let’s find a quiet place.”

“Why don’t you go to my medical center, it’s nearby.” Dr. Xie proposed.

Although Dr. Xie is the vice president of Yandu Famous Hospital, he also has his own medical center, which is not far from the Wei family’s residence, and it is also for the convenience of consulting the Wei family.


The three of them went to Dr. Xie’s medical hall and then sat down in Dr. Xie’s office.

Dr. Xie couldn’t wait to ask Ye Fei to demonstrate the Suzaku Fire Needle.

Ye Fei took out a silver needle to disinfect when even the demonstration was up.

The acupuncture method and principle of the Suzaku Fire Needle are very complicated, and pay attention to the Qi Imperial Needle, at least it must be an internal martial artist to use this Suzaku Fire Needle, so Ye Fei is not afraid of Dr. Xie stealing the teacher.

Every time Ye Fei’s Suzaku Fire Needle is pierced into the acupuncture point, there will be a burning sensation that stimulates the acupuncture point.

Ye Fei took Dr. Xie as the experimental subject and inserted needles in several of his acupuncture points, which surprised Dr. Xie and opened his eyes.

After Dr. Xie was administered, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “Mr. Ye, your achievements in this acupuncture technique are the most powerful people I have ever seen since Dr. Wu Shen. ”

Dr. Xie had also seen Dr. Wu Shen use the art of acupuncture, and to put it bluntly, Ye Fei’s current level of acupuncture was not even inferior to that of Dr. Wu Shen in Dr. Xie’s opinion!

It’s just acupuncture, of course.

TCM is all-encompassing, and acupuncture is just one of them.

Receiving Dr. Xie’s evaluation, Ye Fei smiled slightly, his current medical skill level was not as good as Wu Shen Doctor, but he did not let it go.

As for Chen Luo, Chen Luo’s medical skills were already completely crushed by Ye Fei.

After Ye Fei demonstrated the Suzaku Fire Needle, he quickly got up to say goodbye, and Dr. Xie personally sent Ye Fei out the door.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen left the medical center, and Mu Zizhen said softly, “You saved Old Master Wei, the Wei family’s attitude towards you has completely changed, and although Chen Luo has the connections of Wu Shen Doctor, it is difficult to cause you trouble.” ”

“Well, yes.” Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

This time the Wei family was a big gain, and the Wei family’s attitude towards him surprised Ye Fei a little.

With this human affection owed by the Wei family, even if Wu Shen was personally present, the Wei family would not be embarrassed by Ye Fei.

After all, both sides are favors, and the Wei family will not help each other at most.

Ye Fei didn’t want the Wei family’s attitude to tilt toward him, he only needed the Wei family not to help each other, it was enough to deal with Chen Luo.

“But Chen Luo still has the Lei family and the Zheng family and other families to rely on.” Mu Zizhen said again.

Yan Du’s family situation, Mu Zizhen knew better than Ye Fei.

The Zheng family is another top giant who owed Wu Shen Doctor’s affection at the beginning, and it can be said that the Zheng family is the most high-profile of all the top giants in Yandu at present.

As for the Lei family, it goes without saying.

“Well, but even if Chen Luo has the help of the Lei family and the Zheng family now, I am not afraid.” The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked.

Ye Fei knew the situation of the original book, and he also knew another big secret!

With this secret, Ye Fei was not afraid of Chen Luo defecting to the Zheng family, and he was not afraid of the Lei family and other families helping Chen Luo!

This time Chen Luo is dead!

Mu Zizhen blinked his agile eyes and said softly, “Do you want me to help?” I don’t want to watch people bully my boyfriend. ”


Ask for everything~~~_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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