Hearing Mu Zizhen’s words, Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile and said, “That’s not necessary, I still have to ask you for help in dealing with the current Chen Luo, then wouldn’t it seem that your man is too incompetent.” ”

You man.

This title made Mu Zizhen’s cheeks blush slightly, and he felt a little strange in his heart.

In fact, before meeting Ye Fei, Mu Zizhen felt that this kind of title would be unacceptable to her, but at this time, it was a completely different feeling.

Mu Zizhen said, “Well, I’ll leave it alone.” ”

“Well, just watch me how I deal with Chen Luo.” Ye Fei laughed.

Mu Zizhen smiled sweetly and tapped the head of the mantis.

“It’s not early, let’s go back first.” Mu Zizhen said softly.

“Where to go?” Ye Fei asked.

“I’m home, where else do you want to go?” Mu Zizhen looked at Ye Fei with a slight disgust, a little feminine.

Ye Fei said solemnly, “Of course it’s going home, I’ll send you.” ”

Mu Zizhen had a smile in his eyes and said, “In a few days, Wei Dongqing said that he was going to climb the peak mountain, and it just so happened that I also wanted to see the sunrise.” ”

Mu Zizhen was overflowing with anticipation.

The autumn leaves and sunrise of Fengshan Mountain have always been the most famous scenery of Yandu.

At this time, it is the early winter, the maple leaves are definitely gone, and it is a taste to go to the peak mountain to see the sunrise.

Ye Fei smiled: “We can take the tent up the mountain a day in advance, and then stay up the mountain for a night, and the next day we can see the sunrise…”

Ye Fei put forward this idea, if he and Mu Zizhen lived on the mountain for a night, it would be very interesting.

“Well, it seems like a good idea.” Mu Zizhen agreed.

“That line, turn around and talk to Wei Dongqing.” Ye Fei made up his mind, Wei Dongqing was better not to go, he and Mu Zizhen just took the opportunity to climb the mountain and be alone, and the relationship between the two could definitely heat up.


Mu Zizhen readily agreed.

Sending Mu Zizhen home, Ye Fei communicated with Wei Dongqing’s WeChat for a while, but he did not expect that Wei Dongqing’s proposal to Ye Fei was also good, and the two sides agreed to go to Fengshan tomorrow.

Ye Fei immediately sent WeChat to Mu Zizhen, and Mu Zizhen gave Ye Fei a ‘Ben Fairy Take You Flying’ emoji in WeChat.

Mu Zizhen was looking forward to the trip to Fengshan, and after the two talked about the matters to be prepared for tomorrow, Mu Zizhen gave Ye Fei a remark.

Ye Fei also replied with a snort, but instead of going to sleep immediately, he made a phone call to Black Five.

“Young Master.”

“Well, Black Five, you help me do another thing, keep an eye on Chen Luo and Lei Haoran, I don’t need to know their information every moment, but I want to know their general movements, right?”

After Lei Yiming sent a message to Ye Fei, Ye Fei already knew Lei Yiyi’s idea of falling down Lei Haoran, and Ye Fei and Lei Yiming’s goal was the same, that is, to kill Lei Haoran

“Yes, young master, you can rest assured.” Black Five answered decisively.

Ye Fei explained a few more words before hanging up and sleeping peacefully.

There were black five staring at Chen Luo and Lei Yiming, and the two of them couldn’t set off the wind and waves.



Ye Fei asked the housekeeper Ji Yun’er to prepare a field tent and prepare some necessities for camping, and then he joined Mu Zizhen.

Ye Fei drove an off-road vehicle today and picked up Mu Zizhen to drive to Fengshan.

Wei Dongqing and several other friends also went to Fengshan to meet Ye Fei.

Ye Fei drove all the way up, along the rugged mountain road, to the main peak of Fengshan Mountain.

The main peak of Fengshan is open and has also developed into a tourist area, but Ye Fei deliberately avoided the tourist area and chose a secluded and quiet place to avoid being disturbed.

Soon, Ye Fei met with Wei Dongqing and the others.

Wei Dongqing also brought a girl, the appearance was about eight points, which was a good beauty, but it was still too far away compared to Mu Zizhen.

Ye Fei knew that this was Wei Dongqing’s girlfriend.

In the original book, it is also mentioned that Wei Dongqing once had a girlfriend when she was in school, and she has been getting along until now.

It can be seen that Wei Dongqing has a good relationship with his girlfriend.

In addition, Wei Dongqing also brought three friends, including a couple, and a separate male named Zhou Yu.

When he saw Zhou Yu, Mu Zizhen frowned slightly, but it was fleeting.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Fei asked with a smile.

“Nothing, it’s just that Zhou Yu is a little annoyed this time, he and I used to grow up in the same courtyard…” Mu Zizhen said.

“Grown up in the same yard, your suitor?” Ye Fei asked.

Mu Zizhen shook his head: “That’s not true, it’s that he is a more annoying person, you will know it after a while.” ”

Ye Fei was a little interested in hearing Mu Zizhen say this.

However, Ye Fei didn’t care about this Zhou Yu, he and Mu Zizhen and the others went to the top of the mountain, and everyone found an open area suitable for watching the sunrise, and then set up the tents, spaced a distance from each other, but not too far. This preserves the privacy of the space and takes care of each other.

After Ye Fei set up the tent, he smiled at Mu Zizhen and said, “The place where we slept this night has been settled, you are not hungry, I bring this food and water.” ”

Ye Fei pulled Mu Zizhen’s hand, and his fingers ticked Mu Zizhen’s palm, and Mu Zizhen only felt a pang of itching in his palm, and his cheeks were red.

Mu Zizhen’s face was slightly red, “I’m not hungry.” But I seem to have been fooled and want to sleep in a tent with you at night. ”

Thinking that he was going to sleep in the tent with Ye Fei this night, Mu Zizhen’s heart spread with shame, and he was a little inexplicably expectant.

Ye Fei blinked at Mu Zizhen and said, “Yeah, you can’t escape.” ”

Mu Zizhen’s face was even more red.

Seeing Ye Fei’s gaze and gaze frozen on her body, Mu Zizhen’s smile at the corner of her mouth was even higher, and she didn’t know what was going on, when the eyes of other men stayed on her, her heart never wavered. But as Ye Fei was, when he looked at her with such a bright and ambiguous gaze, it made Mu Zizhen feel ashamed.

Mu Zizhen smiled, his eyes were like stars, and in front of his beloved, he was even more breathtakingly beautiful.

Ye Fei noticed that her delicate earlobes were red and lustrous, and the skin of her face was like snow, especially the pair of starry eyes, which were bright and agile, which was intoxicating.

Ye Fei took Mu Zizhen’s hand and smiled, “Zi Yuan, when I saw you, I suddenly thought of a sentence I wanted to give to you.” ”

“What words?” Mu Zizhen’s eyes floated with shame and joy, and his clear eyes looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s magnetic voice came into Mu Zizhen’s ear, only to hear him: “The galaxy in your eyes is a paradise that I have never seen before.” ”

Mu Zizhen’s body trembled slightly, as if touched by these words.


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