The galaxy in your eyes is the paradise I have seen.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, Mu Zizhen’s body trembled slightly, his pretty face turned red, he looked at Ye Fei with slight disgust, suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth, turned his head to look at the other side, and his eyes were smart and charming: “Oily mouth and slippery tongue~.” ”

Ye Fei didn’t think anything of it, knowing that he had successfully touched Mu Zizhen, he smiled and took Mu Zizhen’s hand.

After a moment, Mu Zizhen’s cheeks faded a little, and she quietly looked up to the left and right, in case Wei Dongqing and the others noticed the movements of the two.

Fortunately, at this moment, everyone else was busy setting up their own tents and preparing food, taking care of Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen without flaw.

Ye Fei was the first to set up a tent, for Ye Fei this matter is very simple, Ye Fei spent 100 million yuan to the system’s ‘wild survival proficiency’ skill point to the advanced, it was easy to handle this matter.

After setting up the tent, Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen were bored for a while, and the two sat on the edge of the tent.

“Are you sure you’re not hungry?” Ye Fei asked with a smile.

“I’m not hungry yet, what good food did you prepare?” Mu Zizhen tilted his head, blinked his eyes, and his voice was light.

Ye Fei took out several boxes of self-heating small hot pots like a trick, with a variety of rich materials, and the patterns on the self-heating hot pot were all kinds of food temptations, which made people eat fingers.

It’s early winter, what’s the best thing to eat?

Eat hot pot of course!

Ye Fei actually prepared a variety of self-heating small hot pots very intimately, which immediately made Mu Zizhen’s eyebrows bend and his smile was sweet.

Mu Zizhen lowered his eyebrows and smiled: “You are very well prepared, it just so happens that I especially want to eat hot pot when I get up this morning.” ”

Is this a spiritual rhinoceros?

Mu Zizhen didn’t know, just looked at Ye Fei’s side face, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

“I’m not hungry right now, you can eat if you’re hungry, I’ll eat later.” Mu Zizhen leaned against Ye Fei and whispered.

“I’m not hungry either, let’s eat together.” Ye Fei laughed.

Mu Zizhen nodded lightly and was about to speak, but he heard a series of voices coming from not far away.

Ye Fei also heard this voice, and when he listened carefully, his face was suddenly strange.

“Ah, the bow is general, the empty water is leisurely. Yin Xia is born far away, and the Yang scenery returns one by one. The cicada noise forest is more quiet, and the birdsong mountain is more quiet…”

This is…… Someone is reading poetry?

Ye Fei looked at the sound, and saw that Zhou Yu was holding a book, standing in an empty place reading poetry, the sound was very loud, and the movements were even more magnificent.

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at Zhou Yu and asked Mu Zizhen next to him, “What is he doing?” ”

Mu Zizhen also shook his head and whispered: “After seeing it, this Zhou Yu is like this… He likes poetry very much, and he prides himself on being a great talent and likes to show off his literary talents. ”


After half a day, this guy is actually a strange person.

Ye Fei glanced at Zhou Yu, and felt so bad about him, he felt that this person was too strange, frowning slightly, and Ye Fei didn’t bother to take care of Zhou Yu.

Anyway, as long as it doesn’t affect him and Mu Zizhen.

Wei Dongqing and the others also ignored Zhou Yu, probably taking Zhou Yu’s behavior for granted.

Zhou Yu faced this beautiful mountain scenery, it seemed that the poetry was flourishing, reading out all kinds of poems, shaking his head and shaking his head, leaving Ye Fei speechless.

This man is really cheeky.

Ye Fei didn’t bother to take care of Zhou Yu, he lay in the tent and admired the beautiful scenery of the mountains, while looking at Mu Zizhen next to him.

Mu Zizhen didn’t know where to take out a martial arts novel of “The Book of Dragon Slaying in the Heavens” and looked at it, but he looked at it with relish.

Mu Zizhen’s agile eyes focused on the pages of the book, turning a page from time to time.

The novel “The Story of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens” is a classic work of Mr. Jin Yong. In this time and space, although there are many classics of past lives that do not exist, there are still martial arts novels like “The Book of Dragon Slaying in the Heavens”.

“You actually like to read martial arts novels…” Ye Fei was a little surprised.

Mu Zizhen closed the page and said softly, “Yes, I like to read martial arts novels, and when I was a child, it was because I watched martial arts novels and TV movies that I liked martial arts.” ”

This “Dragon Slaying in the Heavens” has actually been seen many times by Mu Zizhen, but every time he watches it, he will have a new experience.

“I also like to watch “The Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens”, and I think the Sunflower Treasure Book plus the Black Jade Intermittent Cream will be a good combination…” Ye Fei casually said nonsense.

Mu Zizhen suddenly glanced at Ye Fei, she took a sip, and her face was slightly red.

Thanks to this guy who figured it out, Sunflower Treasure Book plus Black Jade Intermittent Cream…

Mu Zizhen said softly, “I have watched “The Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens” several times, and every time I watch it, I will have a different feeling, and this time it is also.” ”

“What do you feel?” Ye Fei asked.

Mu Zizhen blinked at the eyes of the Water Spirit Spirit and said, “The name of Zhang Sanfeng’s disciple in the Book of Dragon Slaying in the Heavens is very interesting. ”

Ye Fei said, “Zhang Sanfeng received a total of seven apprentices in the Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens, namely: the eldest Song Yuanqiao, the second Yu Lianzhou, the third Yu Daiyan, the fourth Zhang Songxi, the fifth Zhang Cuishan, the old sixth Yin Liting, and the old seventh Mosheng Valley. ”

Ye Fei is also a lover of martial arts novels and remembers this very clearly.

Mu Zizhen didn’t expect Ye Fei to be able to answer, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was even sweeter, “Yes, I just found out now that Zhang Sanfeng’s naming of his seven apprentices is very meaningful.” ”

“What do you say?”

Mu Zizhen said softly: “In “Leaning on the Sky to Slay the Dragon”, Zhang Sanfeng was told that he liked Guo Xiang, but in the end the two did not come together, Zhang Sanfeng named his seven apprentices, and the last word of his seven apprentices was bridge, boat, rock, stream, mountain, pavilion, and valley, all of which were the places where Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Xiang had experienced together. ”

“Well, you really mean it.” Ye Fei bowed his head slightly, and the name in “The Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens” is indeed of profound significance.

Only to see Mu Zizhen sigh lightly, resting his head on Ye Fei’s shoulder, and said softly: “Zhang Sanfeng’s scenery in this life has bridges, boats, rocks, streams, mountains, pavilions, and valleys, but there is no Guo Xiang to accompany him.” I don’t want bridges, boats, rocks, streams, mountains, pavilions, valleys, just you. ”

Mu Zizhen gently hugged Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was slightly embarrassed, only to feel the fragrance of the girl in his arms coming.

This passage is the most touching love words Ye Fei has ever heard this winter.

He was actually provoked by Mu Zizhen!


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