I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1017 High-spirited! Completely crushing Yuhuatian! Wang Mang's threats and persecution!

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

Yuhuatian's face was very ugly.

Because, he didn't expect that when he improved his combat power, he would be so stretched!

His power-enhancing supernatural powers are somewhat similar to Wang Mang's, and can be increased up to nine times.

But he never expected that it only doubled his combat power!

This is simply an unprecedented situation!

In the past, he used this supernatural power to increase combat power.

Most of them are three to five times the increase in combat power.

It is really rare to be able to double the combat power.

Because, this supernatural power that increases combat power has very obvious sequelae.

His supernatural sequelae are even greater than Wang Mang's supernatural sequelae.

If it is said that Wang Mang needs to be weak for a month to perform this kind of supernatural power.

Then once he used this supernatural power, he would be weak for two or three months.

Therefore, most of the time, he would not use this supernatural power lightly, unless it was absolutely necessary.

But after using it this time, he actually doubled his combat power, which really made him a little bit broken.

"Damn! These lingering bad luck must have affected me!"

Soon, not only Wang Mang discovered the problem.

Similarly, Yuhuatian has also found the root of the problem!

Since these bad luck days.

He was always restless.

Is today the day of my own death?

Thinking of this, Yuhuatian's face was very ugly.

For a moment, facing Wang Mang's ridicule, he was also speechless.

Because he knew that it was impossible to defeat Wang Mang by doubling his combat power.

Seeing the ugly and silent Yuhuatian, Wang Mang immediately grinned.

The next moment, Wang Mang put on hundreds of battle armor and held the God Devouring Halberd, and headed towards Yuhuatian to kill.

Obviously, Yuhuatian has only doubled his combat power, and Wang Mang is worthy of him at all!

Seeing Wang Mang killing him, Yu Huatian also had a long sword in his hand, and he was wearing a sixth-grade low-grade god armor, so he went forward bravely.

No way, he can't escape, can he?

If he escapes, he still has a chance.

But the problem is that he can escape, but Tang Bohu can't!

The relationship between the two can be said to be whether brothers are better than brothers.

Because, the two have known each other since the last Battle of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds.

Along the way, they have experienced too much.

There are countless setbacks and difficulties encountered, but they have never given up or given up.

Therefore, if he was asked to give up Tang Bohu now, he would naturally be unable to do so.

at the same time.

At this moment, Wang Mang had already swept the halberd in his hand.

Seeing this, Yu Huatian didn't dare to think too much, and held the long sword in front of him.


Accompanied by a sound of weapon collision!

Under the brief confrontation.

Yuhuatian was immediately shaken by Wang Mang's tyrannical devouring law, and retreated several meters before stabilizing his figure in the air.

Similarly, Wang Mang was also shocked back several meters, and then killed him with a halberd.

All of a sudden, the two had exchanged hundreds of moves!

After Wang Mang gradually adapted, he began to gain the upper hand.

This represented the gap between the opponent and Wang Mang.

Obviously, under the blessing of twice the combat power.

Yuhuatian was still no match for Wang Mang.

This also made Wang Mang unable to bear the high spirits.

Even Wang Mang was in no hurry to fight this guy.

This guy can't beat him at all.

Wait until the combat power boosting time has passed.

Wang Mang is even more confident that he can easily suppress him!

Because, combat power blessing is not so easy to use.

The sequelae are inevitable, under the condition of double combat power.

The other party can't beat him, let alone in the state of emptiness?

In a weak state, his combat strength is less than half of his peak.

At that time, whether Yuhuatian will be killed or slaughtered, or is it up to him?

Just then.

A weak sigh came from the cave:

"Hua Tian, ​​don't worry about me, you can go!"

After hearing Tang Bohu's voice.

Wang Mang was suddenly surprised.

Never thought that the relationship between Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian would be so good.

If Wang Mang was Yu Huatian, it would be good if he didn't attack Tang Bohu.

As for sharing weal and woe with the allies who joined forces, this is even more impossible.

Therefore, although Wang Mang admired the relationship between the two, he still would not let them go.

After all, brothers are going to die together!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang chuckled suddenly and said:

"Why bother?"

"The two of you are doomed today."

"How about this! If you two take the initiative to hand over the law spar to me, how about I let you go?"

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

Yuhuatian was stunned for a moment.

But Wang Mang could tell from his eyes that he was a little moved.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately promised:

"Two, in your current state, can you really escape?"

"If this seat insists on chasing and killing you, you will definitely be doomed."

"As long as you hand over the law spar, I will naturally have no reason to continue chasing you."

Having said that, Wang Mang paused, then continued:

"Moreover, compared to the capriciousness of the two, this seat is more concerned about credibility than the two!"

"If we agreed to join forces, we will join hands. If the two fellow daoists hadn't torn up the alliance, how could we have come to this point?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Yu Huatian was also speechless.

In fact, he himself didn't want to attack Wang Mang.

However, Tang Bohu insisted on doing something, so he naturally couldn't refuse.

But the result was that he and Tang Bohu failed to take down Wang Mang.

On the contrary, the two have come to such a point.

After a moment of silence, Yuhuatian joined forces and nodded uglyly:

"Okay! I hope Fellow Daoist will keep his promise."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was instantly elated.

Afterwards, Wang Mang immediately pledged:

"Don't worry, you two, do you think everyone is as dishonest as you?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Yu Huatian nodded slightly, turned around helplessly and flew into the cave.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was even more in a good mood, and waited quietly.

Wang Mang believes that as long as the two of them are not stupid, they will obediently hand over the law spar mine.

When the time comes, will he have the final say on whether to kill or let go?

With this in mind, Wang Mang stood proudly and waited quietly.

Not long after, Wang Mang saw Yuhuatian and Tang Bohu flying out of the cave.

Although Tang Bohu's state looked like, he didn't look extremely weak.

But from his slightly pale face, it can be seen that he is not feeling well and is in poor condition.

At this time, Tang Bohu looked at Wang Mang. With a pale face, he said:

"There is nothing to say about winners and losers."

"It's okay to give you all the law spar mines, but you must take out the silver needles in my body."

"And made an oath to let us go before the end of the magical heaven, and never kill us again."

After hearing this, Wang Mang refused without hesitation: "This is impossible!"

"First of all, I can't pull out the silver needles in your body, you need to excrete them yourself."

"After I was recruited, it took a long time to expel the silver needle from the body."

"So. You asked me to help you pull out the silver needle, and I can't do anything about it."

"As for making an oath, it is even more impossible, because the reputation of the two of you is too bad."

Speaking of this, Wang Mang was suddenly indifferent, and threatened with great force:

"Now you have only one choice, and that is to hand over the law spar."

"Either it is to fight to the death with this seat, and then this seat will take it personally."

"Also, I forgot to tell you that this seat also has magical powers to improve combat power."

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