I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1018 Sort out and take stock of the harvest! Systematic rounding! Wang Mang who wants to cry

After hearing Wang Mang's threat.

The two of them suddenly looked extremely ugly.

But in fact it is true.

They are in very bad shape right now.

Even, there is not much qualification to negotiate with Wang Mang at all.

Because, after Yuhuatian completed the supernatural powers to increase his combat power.

They had already lost their final trump card against Wang Mang.

Now they don't even have the qualifications to compete with Wang Mang!

Now Tang Bohu is weak and seriously injured!

a day later.

Yuhuatian will also fall into a weak state!

Don't mention how bad things are for the two of them now.

Therefore, after facing Wang Mang's naked threats.

The two fell into silence.

After a long time.

Tang Bohu said slowly:

"Okay! You just have to let Immortal Yuhuatian go first."

"After he leaves for a while, I will naturally give you the law spar."

Hearing this, Wang Mang frowned and said, "Just hand over the law spar to me."

"To be honest, the probability of Yuhuatian escaping from this seat is very high."

"After handing over the law crystal stone mine, the two of you can leave."

After listening to Wang Mang's words, Tang Bohu, who was silent for a long time, threw a storage ring in his hand to Wang Mang.

As soon as Wang Mang took the storage ring, his spiritual sense penetrated into it, and he found that there was indeed a law spar inside.

But the number of law spar mines is about the same as what Wang Mang obtained.

In other words, there is still only one third here.

There is still a third in the hands of the two.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was immediately displeased and said:

"I want you to hand over all the law crystals!"

"Don't challenge your patience to continue this seat!"

While speaking, the halberd in Wang Mang's hand began to dance, and his eyes were extremely cold.

Suddenly, Yuhuatian threw a storage ring at Wang Mang.

Wang Mang immediately took the storage ring and checked it.

It is indeed the remaining one-third of the law spar ore.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang immediately nodded in satisfaction and said:

"Very good! You can go!"

Hearing this, Yu Huatian and Tang Bohu looked at Wang Mang vigilantly, and then they started to retreat.

But the next moment, Wang Mang held a big halberd in his hand, jumped up and killed the two of them.

Obviously, Wang Mang never thought of letting the two go.

But to Wang Mang's surprise, the two seemed to have expected it.

They directly cast the Escape Talisman, and disappeared before Wang Mang's eyes in the blink of an eye.

This also made Wang Mang suddenly lose his mind!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was stunned for a while, and then his face was full of helplessness.

In fact, he also guessed that the reason why these two guys gave him the law spar.

In fact, I was afraid that he would stalk them and continue chasing and killing them endlessly.

Therefore, he chose to hand over the law spar.

If so.

Even if they escaped.

Wang Mang also had no motivation to chase after him.

In fact it is true.

Facing the two who escaped again.

Wang Mang didn't want to continue chasing and killing him.

Although, Wang Mang has always been cutting grass and roots.

But now the two have escaped again.

But to Wang Mang, the two of them were no longer to be feared.

Because, once Wang Mang digested these law spars.

Wang Mang's strength will definitely reach a terrifying level.

Even, it is possible to reach the point of attacking the king of the world.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang completely gave up the idea of ​​chasing the two of them.

Now he just needs to find a place to digest the harvest of entering the magical heaven.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang moved towards the mountains.

Two hours later.

Wang Mang found a hidden cave in a mountain range.

The next moment, Wang Mang arranged the barrier and plunged into the cave.

After entering the cave.

Only then did Wang Mang sit beside him in a happy mood.

Afterwards, Wang Mang began to clean the storage ring.

Because Wang Mang has too many storage rings in his hand.

Wang Mang harvested a lot of storage rings from the disciples who killed the Heaven Shaking Holy Land earlier.

Therefore, after opening one by one, Wang Mang began to count the invitations.

But what made Wang Mang's heart ecstatic.

These disciples at the World Master level have really good family backgrounds.

He has harvested a lot now, 20 low-grade sixth-tier divine weapons.

In addition, there are about 100 million law crystals!

Other than that, there are some low-grade talisman papers of the sixth rank.

For Wang Mang, these things are not very useful.

After counting these things, Wang Mang was even more in a good mood, and then he said silently in his heart:

"System! Open your personal information!"

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Wang Mang: The strongest of the heavens (the battle power of the king of the world).

Species: Five Elements Python (limit 950 meters).

Bloodline: World Lord Nine Stars (Octopolar Demon Python).

Realm: World Lord Seventh Heaven (Unrivaled Tianjiao).

Body: 910 meters long, 40 meters wide, and 2.3 billion tons in weight.

Supernatural powers: five elements divine body (six strokes), devouring three decisions (six strokes), heavenly selection decision (six strokes).

Space: 1 bottle of Wangqing Water, God Prisoner Cage (six lowers), locked world cage (sixth middle), sixth-order middle-grade good luck card X1, king-level treasure box X1, king-level blind box X1.

Equipment: God Refining Gourd (six strokes), God Devouring Halberd (top six strokes), Boundary Breaking Crossbow (six strokes), Hundred Battle God Armor (top six strokes), Devouring Demon Armor (six strokes), talent value 19050/20000 ( Legendary Tianjiao), 130 million sixth-level low-level law spars, 480 million sixth-level low-level law spar mines (unusable without refining), sixth-level low-level magical weapons X20.

Law value: 550,000/1.5 million.


After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang was instantly elated.

His harvest is even richer than he imagined!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling happy.

Afterwards, Wang Chun couldn't help asking: "System! How can I refine this sixth-level low-grade law spar mine?"

Obviously, Wang Mang didn't want to refine it himself, it would take too much time.

These things are not so easy to clean up. The sixth-order low-grade law crystals are inlaid with ordinary stones.

At the beginning, it took more than half a month for Wang Mang and the three just to disassemble.

If Wang Mang was allowed to clean up the law crystals one by one, who knows how long it would take!

At this time, the system voice sounded:

【Ding! It is detected that the host has 480 million law spar mines! Do you independently extract the sixth-order low-grade law spar? 】

【Ding! Warm reminder, the cost after refining is 10% of the total refined ore as the cost! 】

【Ding! Warm reminder, it takes about several years for the host to refine itself, and it is recommended that the host use the system to refine itself! 】

After hearing this.

Wang Mang's heart was bleeding.

Good guy!

Your system will help me refine it.

You're going to charge me 10%!

It's too dark, isn't it?

Although Wang Mang was very dissatisfied.

However, it is impossible for Wang Mang to spend several years slowly decomposing the sixth-order low-grade law spar by himself.

Therefore, in the end Wang Mang was very helpless and said: "System! Refining!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! It is detected that the host has 480 million sixth-order low-grade law spar mines, and refining is starting! 】

【Ding! Successfully extracted 480 million sixth-order low-grade law crystals! 】

【Ding! Successfully deducted 50 million sixth-level low-grade crystals! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 430 million sixth-level low-grade law crystals, please pay attention to check! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

The corners of Wang Mang's mouth were twitching.

This rounds the way.

It's too fucking ruthless!

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