I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1020 Sympathy from Tentacle Monsters? The two who had just escaped encountered a family of t

During Wang Mang's evolution.

What Wang Mang didn't know was.

Yu Huatian and Tang Bohu who escaped from his hands by chance.

But he was unlucky, and after using the Escape Talisman to escape, he escaped into the family of tentacle monsters.

The tentacle monster family is a very powerful race in the magical world.

Why do you say that?

Because, the tentacle monster family has a lot of world kings and powerhouses.

It can be said that in the entire magical world, the tentacle monster family is definitely a well-deserved big force.

Even if there are countless orc tribes on the grassland, none of the orc tribes can compete with the tentacle monsters.

A family of tentacle monsters.

As the name suggests.

They are a group of monsters with countless tentacles.

They have too many branches in the heavens and worlds.

The most powerful ones are the tentacle monsters in the magic world.

Because they are the only race that can survive in the sixth-order world.

The once magical heavenly realm was part of a sixth-order top-level world!

Therefore, it is conceivable how powerful the Magical Heaven Realm was in the past complete period.

Today, even the world of magic heaven is only a part of the sixth-order top world in the past.

They are still alive and well, and they are still not wiped out.

It is worth mentioning that.

Their race is very fond of accepting matriarchs of any race.

Of course, their favorite race is still the human race.

Because the human race is too powerful.

Regardless of whether it is a monster or a creature from the heavens and the world, it will eventually transform into a human form and walk through the heavens and the world.

This is because the body of the human race is the carrier of the most friendly and tolerant power.

Moreover, their ancestors of the tentacle monster family told them.

None of them know what the seventh-order world is like.

But their ancestors are sure that there must be races in the seventh-order world.

Therefore, from their ancestors to the present, they have always liked the human race the most.

Especially human women!

Of course, if you can have a human female, a Taoist companion of the same level.

This kind of thing, in their tentacle monster family, is an extremely glorious existence.

However, if it is a human race with low strength, it is no longer within their consideration.

After all, any world is dominated by the weak and the strong, and the weak human race is like a plaything to them.

Because, the weak human race can make as many as they want.

However, the appearance of Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian attracted the attention of the tentacle monsters.

At this moment, in a small town that looked like a paradise, countless ordinary people looked at Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian one after another.

Among them, those beautifully dressed and elegant women looked at them with bright eyes.

Because, although they are human on the outside, they are actually tentacle monsters.

It should be said that this is just a city of the tentacle monster family.

Naturally, the people here are also transformed by the tentacle monster family.

"Humans, such powerful humans, I like them."

"God, I seem to feel his hot chest, I want to make little tentacle monsters with him!"

In the next moment, Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian didn't have to think about it.

There are two king-level existences appearing in front of the two of them.

These two king-level existences are both young and beautiful women.

One looks charming and all living beings, and the other looks extremely pure.

"Two friends, meeting is fate, come to our town to rest!"

"That's right! Little brother, I think you're seriously injured! Why don't you heal your wounds in our town!"

If they hadn't heard the villagers' comments, maybe Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian would have thought about it.

But after thinking of their discussion before, the two of them can be said to be behind Falian.

"No! No! Thank you both for your kindness!"

Yu Huatian and Tang Bohu waved their hands repeatedly, their foreheads dripping with sweat.

Hearing this, the two beauties looked at each other and said delicately:

"Oh! Don't refuse, just rest here for a while."

After finishing speaking, the two of them didn't care about it, and dragged it directly to the town.

Seeing this scene, Tang Bohu suddenly became frightened, and couldn't help roaring: "What do you want to do?"

Similarly, Yu Huatian also became vigilant, if he didn't feel that these two beauties were not easy.

I'm afraid, they have already suppressed it, so how can they reason with them!

The next moment, before the two of them could resist, two more men who existed at the king level of the world flew out.

Suddenly, Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian were completely surrounded.

Moreover, they didn't even have a chance to escape.

Because, they no longer have the sixth-order middle-grade escape talisman.

This thing itself is extremely rare, and all the remaining sixth-order middle-grade escape talismans have been used up.

Therefore, they have no chance to escape.

At this time, two handsome young men said indifferently with their hands behind their backs:

"The two of you should stay here! Don't try to resist, here are all my tentacle monsters."

"If you are obedient, you still have a chance to survive. If you are stubborn, don't blame us for being cruel."

After hearing the threat from the two men, Yu Huatian and Tang Bohu all looked ugly.

But they didn't dare to resist at all.

Because these two youths are both realm kings and powerhouses.

Moreover, judging by the breath, he is a king of the world and the third heaven.

The other one may even have reached the middle stage of the king of the world!

After seeing Tang Bohu and the two give up resistance.

These two delicate beauties pulled them shyly and flew towards the town.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the tentacle tribe members had strange expressions.

Of course, the more tentacle monsters present all showed sympathy.

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