I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1021: Power Soars! The realm has reached the world lord Jiuchongtian! Two ways to engage in

Because, these two clan kings who took away Yuhuatian and Tang Bohu.

It's not an ordinary character, they play too many human men to death.

Moreover, each of them died a very miserable death.

It can even be said that if you can't survive, you can't seek death!

All of a sudden, the tentacle monsters couldn't help discussing:

"What do you think, how will Queen Bichi and Queen Wanyin treat them?"

"Do you still need to guess? Either you will be played to death, or you will be drained."

"Ah! The two queens would rather spoil them to death than be our Taoist companions."

"Hehe, you are worthy? Although these two human races have not reached the realm king, they have the combat power of the realm king."

"That's right, maybe these two queens just accept them as Taoist companions?"

"Impossible! The two of them are proud and arrogant, it is impossible to accept them as Taoist companions."

"Anyway, it's still a world king's battle strength. Even if you want to play, you probably have to play for some time!"

Obviously, they sighed and sympathized with Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian.

However, without exception, they did not think that the two of them could survive.

Because, in their view, even if the opponent survived, it would not be very good.

In the blink of an eye, another half a month passed.

At this moment, in a hidden mountain cave.

Wang Mang, who was in seclusion, slowly opened his eyes.

The moment Wang Mang opened it.

His eyes became sharper.

Similarly, his power of law has become even more terrifying.

I saw that the devouring law around him was as vast as the sea, dozens of times more terrifying than before.

Obviously, after Wang Mang's retreat, his strength has skyrocketed too much!

Compared with before, it is simply a world of difference, completely two existences.

"Is this the realm of the World Lord Nine Heavens?"

"At this moment, my strength and combat power have already reached the third heaven of realm kings!"

Wang Mang, who was muttering to himself, looked at himself happily, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He could feel that the power of the devouring law in his body was as vast as the sea, and it was endless.

At this moment, Wang Mang is confident that as long as he is not in the middle stage of the king of the world, he is basically unable to compete with him.

Moreover, as long as he casts the Heavenly Chosen Jue, he can even barely compete with the mid-term existence of the Realm King!

It can be said that Wang Mang at this moment.

His condition is not to mention much better.

There is even an illusion of near invincibility.

If he didn't know, his own strength would only be in the Third Heaven Realm King.

I'm afraid Wang Mang really can't help but drift away.

But with his strength, he just needs to keep a low profile, and he is basically invincible in the magic world.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt very happy.

It is worth mentioning that.

He evolved for the first time and spent 1.5 million law points!

His second evolution cost 3 million law points!

The two evolutions cost him a total of 3.5 million law points!

This also led to his original 6.2 million law value.

Now, after two consecutive evolutions, there are only 2.7 million rule points left.

As for breaking through the Realm King, Wang Mang doesn't know how much Law Points it will cost.

But what Wang Mang knew was that he couldn't break through the Realm King at all.

Because, right now, his bloodline breakthrough conditions have reached the extreme.

Unless, he can obtain a new and more powerful bloodline.

Otherwise, Wang Mang would not be able to break through the Realm King realm.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

"System! Open your personal information!"

He wants to see how much law value is needed to break through the realm now!

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Wang Mang: The strongest of the heavens (the battle power of the king of the world).

Species: Five Elements Python (limit 950 meters).

Bloodline: World Lord Nine Stars (Octopolar Demon Python).

Realm: World Lord Jiuchongtian (Unrivaled Tianjiao).

Body: 930 meters long, 40 meters wide, and 2.5 billion tons in weight.

Supernatural powers: five elements divine body (six strokes), devouring three decisions (six strokes), heavenly selection decision (six strokes).

Space: 1 bottle of Wangqing Water, God Prisoner Cage (Six Lowers), Locking Cage (Sixth Middle), Sixth-Rank Mid-Rank Good Luck Card X1, Sixth-Rank Mid-Rank Top Divine Weapon Fusion Card X1.

Equipment: God Refining Gourd (six strokes), God Devouring Halberd (top six strokes), Boundary Breaking Crossbow (six strokes), Hundred Battle God Armor (top six strokes), Devouring Demon Armor (six strokes), talent value 19050/20000 ( Legendary Tianjiao), the sixth-rank low-grade divine weapon X20.

Law value: 2.7 million/6 million.


After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang suddenly felt helpless.

Obviously, Wang Mang didn't expect it either.

His next evolution has almost doubled!

6 million law value, I don't know how many tasks to complete!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt a headache.

Of course, it is actually the way to obtain the law spar.

Wang Mang also thought of two ways.

The first way is to specialize in the sixth-order low-grade law crystal veins.

This Wang Mang also has a way.

That is Yunding Great World, those tyrannical forces must have mineral veins.

Otherwise, a power would not be able to sustain itself at all, after all, it would cost too much.

It's just that Wang Mang's level is obviously not enough, even in the Holy Land of Demon Refining, he has not come into contact with the mineral resources of the Holy Land of Demon Refining and so on.

Well, even if the Holy Land of Demon Alchemy had a vein of law spar, Wang Mang didn't dare to act rashly.

After all, the Holy Land of Demon Refining has master-level powerhouses.

If he dared to touch the mine veins of the Holy Land of Demon Refining, he would definitely be attacked and suppressed by the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

This thing is an indispensable resource for sixth-level monks.

This is like Wang Mang going to rob the purse of a power.

How could people let him go so easily?

Therefore, even if Wang Mang made up his mind on the law crystal veins, he would not attack the demon saint.

On the contrary, the target of Wang Mang's attack is instead a force that can be determined, or a force with such strength.

This method is actually feasible.

Of course, how to do it.

Wang Mang will not know until he goes out later.

Or inquire about it in the magic world.

News about the law spar veins.

After all, in the magic world, Wang Mang guessed that there should be no master-level powerhouse.

As for the second method.

This method was used by Wang Mang in Tianhuang Master Realm not long ago.

This risk factor is also very high, that is, go to the other sixth-order big worlds.

He continued to use the name of recruiting apprentices, then defrauded a large number of law spars, and then continued to donate money and run away.

This method really makes a lot of money, and it can be said that it has been tried and tested.

Basically, once this method is used, it is a sure thing.

Of course, this kind of thing can easily offend a sixth-order world to death.

However, Wang Mang, who has tried it once, also knows that it is really cool to do so.

This is definitely the fastest, easiest and easiest way to earn law spars.

If it is not easy to get cultivation resources in the later stage.

Wang Mang would do the same if he had the chance.

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