I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1029 Leaving the Magic Heaven Realm! Framed by Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian?

At this moment, on a mountain range.

A group of world kings and powerhouses gathered in groups.

The realm kings and powerhouses here are not the realm kings and powerhouses who participate in the magic world.

All of them, without exception, have reached the middle stage of the Realm King, otherwise they would not have become the leaders of all forces.

They have been here for two years.

As the world of magic heaven is approaching.

All the world kings and powerhouses also woke up from cross-legged meditation and opened their eyes.

Realm kings and powerhouses of many forces even chatted and farted, chatting with relish.

They are all human beings, even if they are kings and powerhouses like them, they will naturally talk and chat.

Moreover, all of you here are existences of the same level, and they are all existences in the middle stage of the king of the world, so naturally they have no airs.

At this moment, the topic that everyone is talking about is nothing else.

It is this time which side gains the most.

Everyone present here can be said to be very confident in their own forces.

For example, the black and white old devil in the holy land of refining demons, and the ancestor of yin and yang in the holy land of Shaking Heaven.

In Yunding Continent, there are as many as five holy places.

The most powerful holy place among them.

They are Demon Refining, Shaking Heaven, Xianyang, Shenyue, Baijia, and the five holy places.

These five holy places are the top forces in Yunding Continent.

In every holy place, there is one, and the ruler sits there.

Of course, this does not mean that there are only five masters in Yunding Continent.

In fact, in Yunding Continent, there are at least five masters who have no influence.

Similarly, in the top continents, there are more than a dozen strong masters.

More than 20 strong masters have created Yunding Big World, the sixth-level top world!

It is precisely because of the existence of these more than twenty rulers that the Yunding Great World will not fall down in the heavens and worlds.

At this time, the ancestors of Yin and Yang suddenly put their hands behind their backs and said confidently

"This time, if there are no accidents, we should be able to monopolize the leader of Shaking Heaven Holy Land!"

Hearing this, the ancestors of other forces were taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but sneered and refuted:

"You have two masters in Shaantian, right? So you can monopolize the leader?"

"Funny! Don't you think that you are the only ones who can shake the Heavenly Holy Land, and there are Acquired Peerless Talents?"

"That's right! Of all the forces here, who doesn't have an Acquired Peerless Talent?"

"I'm sorry! Our Xianyang Holy Land also has an acquired talent, and this time we also have two, namely Lu Han and Huang Bo."

"I said that the Holy Moon Holy Land is not the same. We also have one in the Holy Moon Holy Land. Why do you think that you are the only one in the Holy Moon?"

"In my opinion, if you shake the heaven and the holy land, maybe the worst disciples will all die? Haha!"

All of a sudden, a group of ancestors bit their lips and fought back, mocking each other.

At this moment, more than ten disciples suddenly flew out from the portal.

Only then did the noisy ancestors of the Holy Land calm down one after another.

At this time, one of the ancestors, with his hands behind his back, said triumphantly:

"It seems that the disciples of our Hundred Families Holy Land have reaped quite well, and even more than half of them have come out alive."

"I hope that all of you, your disciples, can survive more!"

Hearing this, many ancestors snorted coldly and looked at this proud ancestor coldly.

The ancestor of the Holy Land of Hundred Families also did not lead his disciples to leave.

He also wants to see the situation of the other forces!

Perhaps, his disciples may not have gained the most.

But the problem is, many of their disciples survived!

This has made him very satisfied.

Not long after.

Another ten or twenty disciples flew out of it.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor of Xianyang Holy Land also smiled and stepped forward, led his disciples to the side, and then began to ask about the situation.

Just like that, many disciples have appeared one after another.

The ancestors of all forces also became more cheerful.

Because, their loss is not big, more like the previous loss.

To them, it doesn't hurt at all.

Because, in the past, about half of the death rate involved in the magic world.

Therefore, as long as two-thirds of them survived, it would be considered normal.

Soon, another group of disciples came out.

It is worth mentioning that.

This group of disciples is a bit small.

No, it should not be described as a little less.

It should be said that there are only five people.

Two of them are Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian.

Because, when they were bombarded by the kings of the world.

So he seized the opportunity and escaped from the hands of the two queens of the tentacle monster family.

Therefore, the two of them were naturally lucky enough to save their lives.

As for the other three, they were the disciples who escaped from Wang Mang last time.

All of a sudden, the ancestors of all the forces present fell into a strange silence.

The ancestors of many forces couldn't help laughing gloatingly:

"Ahaha! Who said just now that the entire army of Shaking Heaven Holy Land was wiped out? Don't they still have five?"

"Don't say that, didn't you see that the face of the Yin-Yang old demon turned black?"

"Does the ancestor want to see his face? If you are not convinced, come up and try! I am afraid of him?"

"Keep a low profile. It's not easy for people to shake the heaven and the holy land. They have invested thirty or forty times to become the disciples of the realm master. As a result, only three disciples survived, including the honorary elders who have the combat power of the realm master."

"I sympathize with his mother! Last time, how many disciples of Shenyue Holy Land were killed or injured? These two bastards had the best laughs."

After being ridiculed by all the ancestors, the faces of the ancestors Yin and Yang became even more ugly.

Similarly, Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian, who had just stepped out of the magic world, suddenly felt bad.

Of course they also discovered that something was wrong on the field!

Fortunately, the two of them had already persuaded the remaining three disciples in advance.

At this time, the three disciples cooperated very well, and they burst into tears and said:

"I have met the ancestor Yin Yang, the ancestor wants to be the master for us!"

"Yes! Patriarch, we have suffered heavy casualties in Shaking Heaven Holy Land."

"If we hadn't possessed the Escape Talisman, I'm afraid the whole army would have been wiped out."

Hearing this, Patriarch Yin Yang's face was ugly, he looked at Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian, and said with a gloomy expression:

"What's going on? Don't tell me soon?"

Hearing this, Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian looked at each other, and then Tang Bohu burst into tears and said:

"Old Ancestor, Wang Mang, the Great Elder of the Outer Sect of the Holy Land of Demon Refining, will simply be lawless."

"Relying on his strength, his brutality and viciousness, he killed all the disciples in my Shocking Heaven Holy Land."

"Even, even the two of us, if we didn't escape quickly, I'm afraid we would have all died in his hands."

"This son even said that he is now close to becoming an ancestor."

"Even if he kills all the people in our Shaking Heaven Holy Land, you ancestors don't even dare to fart!"

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