I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1030: Wang Mang's Counterattack! Beat it down? Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian killed Lu Shengu

"Lao Tzu! This son is simply not paying attention to you, the ancestors, and our Heaven Shaking Holy Land at all!"

Speaking of this, Tang Bohu immediately looked angry, but sneered in his heart.

Obviously, what he had prepared for a long time was to throw the pot away, otherwise he wouldn't have bribed the three surviving disciples.

After all, the two of them were persecuted so miserably by Wang Mang in the magical heavenly realm that they almost couldn't see the light of day.

Therefore, the two people's hatred for Wang Mang has reached an unbearable level.

If possible, the two would like to cut Wang Mang into pieces, skin and bones to eat meat.


they know.

They couldn't compete with Wang Mang at all.

Even, Wang Mang is likely to be left behind in the future.

Because, Wang Mang has already reached the battle strength of the third heaven of the king of the realm!

The distance from the real breakthrough king is close at hand!

Because of this, in order to better revenge Wang Mang.

They don't even mind causing a holy land battle between the two sides!

At this time, the ancestors of Yin and Yang had ugly expressions on their faces, and asked through gritted teeth:

"This beast, why is it so aimed at the people of our Holy Land?"

Hearing this, Tang Bohu burst into tears immediately and said: "You two patriarchs don't know anything."

"It's all because our disciples of Shaking Heaven Holy Land discovered a vein of sixth-order low-grade law spar."

"Later, Wang Mang also found out, so we decided to join hands with them to share the benefits."

"Who knows that this son is greedy, and in order to maximize his profits, he even attacked us from behind."

"The two of us were seriously injured and lost to the enemy and fled, but all the disciples in Shaking Heaven Holy Land were brutally killed."

"Later, after the two of us recovered from our wounds, we killed most of the disciples in the Holy Land of Demon Refining for revenge."

Speaking of this, Tang Bohu had a bitter expression on his face, as if he had tried his best.

After hearing this, Patriarch Yin Yang's face became even more difficult to look at. The two of them looked in the direction of Old Demon Black and White angrily, and said through gritted teeth:

"Old black and white ghost, look at the great elders of the outer sect of the Holy Land of Demon Refining, what a good job you have done!"

"For the sake of profit, all the disciples who have shaken me to the heaven and holy land are about to be killed!"

Hearing this, the black and white old demons didn't look too good-looking, but they heard it clearly.

Not only did the people in the Shaking Heaven Holy Land suffer heavy losses, but also their disciples in the Demon Refining Holy Land were killed and injured.

And, if things are really as they say.

Their Holy Land of Demon Refining is actually not much better than Shaking Heaven Holy Land.

Of course, they will not easily believe what these two guys say.

After all, things are true and false.

Wait for the people from the Holy Land of Demon Refining to come out.

Of course they will know.

Therefore, facing the accusations of the Yin and Yang old demons, the black and white old demons snorted coldly:

"Hmph! This is just one side of your story!"

After finishing speaking, the two ignored the furious Yin-Yang old devil.

Soon, people from many forces came back one after another.

Compared to the Holy Land of Demon Refining and the Holy Land of Shaking Heaven, it is naked.

There are quite a few disciples from the other forces, and they all seem to have gained a lot.

Under such a comparison.

Regardless of whether it is a yin and yang old devil.

Still black and white old devil.

Both sides looked very gloomy.

There is also quite a tense posture.

Finally, after the long wait of the black and white old devil.

At this time, the people from the Holy Land of Demon Refining finally appeared.

I saw, in the portal.

Wang Mang and five disciples from the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Two more honorary elders showed up one after another.

Seeing this scene, the black and white old devil whose face was originally very gloomy, softened a little.

Although there are only eight people in the Holy Land of Demon Refining, the situation is slightly better than that of the Holy Land of Shaking Heaven.

Moreover, when they felt the aura of Wang Mang's incomparably domineering Realm King Sanchongtian.

The faces of the black and white old devil became more cheerful.

After such a comparison, their practice in the Holy Land of Demon Refining is simply much better than that in the Holy Land of Shaking Heaven!

Especially when Wang Mang's strength skyrocketed again, after Wang Mang became stronger and became the ancestor.

Their black and white old devils are among the ancestors, so they have a greater right to speak!

at the same time.

Wang Mang, who had just stepped out of the portal, also sensed something was wrong.

After scanning around, he found many ancestors of the realm kings, and they all looked at them playfully.

Similarly, Wang Mang also saw the two ancestors of Shaking Heaven Holy Land, and looked at him with ferocious and angry faces.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly felt bad.

He subconsciously looked at Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian.

After seeing Tang Bohu's inadvertent sneer.

Wang Mang immediately had a guess in his mind, all of this is probably caused by this guy!

as expected!

The next moment, the two patriarchs of Shaking Heaven Holy Land roared at him with ferocious expressions:

"Little bastard, you are guilty! How dare you kill so many disciples in my Shaking Heaven Holy Land."

Having said that, the Yin-Yang patriarch of the Shaking Heaven Holy Land has locked onto Wang Mang with his aura.

Similarly, even if Wang Mangdang had a strong sense of crisis, it enveloped his whole body in an instant.

Fortunately, at this time, Wang Mang saw it, and the black and white old devil was staring at the Yin-Yang old devil.

This made Wang Mang secretly heave a sigh of relief.

At this time, the other disciples of the Realm Lord who escaped by chance looked at Wang Mang coldly.

Then, without waiting for Wang Mang to speak, the five disciples immediately said:

"I have seen the Dark Patriarch, the Bright Patriarch, and the disciples have something to report!"

"Report to Patriarch, Wang Mang, as the great disciple of the outer sect, colluded with Tang Bohu Yuhuatian."

"In order to monopolize the low-grade crystal veins of the sixth-order law, they let each other hunt and kill the disciples of their own Holy Land."

"Our disciples in the Demon Refining Holy Land, except us, were all killed by Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian from Shaking Heaven Holy Land."

"Similarly, Wang Mang, the Great Elder of the Outer Sect, also killed most of the disciples of the Shaking Heaven Holy Land."

"The three of them are so cruel that it is outrageous. They don't care about their colleagues and enemies for the sake of profit!"

"My ancestors, please punish Elder Wang Mang severely, and uphold justice for our dead disciples!"

After listening to the words of these five disciples, the black and white old devils were taken aback.

Similarly, the Yin-Yang Patriarch who shook the Heaven Holy Land was also stunned.

Obviously, they didn't expect it to be like this.

Moreover, they didn't think the five disciples were speaking for Wang Mang.

They could tell that the five disciples who were also members of the Holy Land of Demon Refining also hated Wang Mang very much.

Then this proves that these five disciples probably did not lie, but Tang Bohu had a problem.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Yin-Yang's expression became even more uncertain, but he still looked at Wang Mang with cold eyes.

At this time, Wang Mang suddenly looked helpless:

"My ancestors, although this junior doesn't know what excuse Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian made up, this junior has a clear conscience!"

"It was Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian who proposed to share the benefits, and they were the ones who proposed to kill each other's disciples."

"Later, the two of them even thought that they were sure of the younger generation. After obtaining the crystal veins of the sixth-order low-grade law, they even killed the younger generation."

"If it wasn't for the fact that the younger generation has so many tricks, I'm afraid they would have died in their hands!"

Having said that, Wang Mang looked helpless.

Then he glanced at the queen who shook the Heavenly Holy Land.

Wang Mang's eyes lit up even more, and he said quickly:

"Not only that, but Senior Brother Shen Guang, who shook the Heavenly Holy Land, seems to have been killed by the two of them together!"

"If you don't believe me, the ancestors can ask these five disciples from the Holy Land of Demon Refining who exposed the younger generation."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the old demon Yin and Yang were shocked and said:

"You guys are really daring, dare to kill Lu Shenguang?"

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