I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1031 Yes! Ancestors, we have seen it with our own eyes! At that time Tang Bohu was fighting

It can be said that after hearing that Lu Shenguang also died.

Even the ancestors of Yin and Yang knew that things were in serious trouble!

Lu Shenguang is the second ancestor in Shaking Heaven Holy Land.

In Shaking Heaven Holy Land, there are nine ancestors, and they are also the second.

But their strength is only the sixth heaven of the king of the realm.

Similarly, the black and white old devil also exists at the sixth heavenly level of the king of the realm.

But Lu Shenguang's ancestor is amazing, the king of the world, Yachongtian.

The ancestors of the late-stage realm kings worthy of the name, their status in the Shaking Heaven Holy Land is naturally only under the great ancestors and masters.

Otherwise, Lu Shenguang would not be so arrogant.

Because, Lu Shenguang's ancestor is indeed powerful.

More importantly, Lu Shenguang's ancestor also liked Lu Shenguang very much.

Because, Lu Shenguang is very competitive, but he is superior in nature, but he is comparable to the superior in acquired world!

This also made Lu Shenguang the favorite of the second patriarch of the Heaven Shaking Holy Land.

After all, the ancestors of course liked the vigorous juniors in their own blood.

Therefore, if Lu Shenguang really died in the hands of Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian.

Well, these two guys are absolutely screwed.

The ancestor of Lu Shenguang will never let them go easily.

at the same time.

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

Lu Shenguang and Yu Huatian turned pale with shock.

They didn't expect Wang Mang to beat him up.

It can't be said that it's a backlash, it's just throwing dirty water.

They did attack Lu Shenguang, and they also thought about killing Lu Shenguang.

But they really didn't kill Lu Shenguang!

Back then, Lu Shenguang escaped!

This is simply, people sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky!

All of a sudden, Tang Bohu hurriedly explained angrily:

"Two patriarchs, don't listen to his words!"

"Where do we dare to kill Lu Shenguang!"

"He's just spitting blood!"

"We admit that we did cooperate with Wang Mang to kill each other's disciples."

"However, we definitely did not kill Lu Shenguang!"

Obviously, the two also knew that the problem was serious, so they simply admitted some things.

However, they would never admit to Lu Shenguang's death.

Because they didn't kill Lu Shenguang in the first place!

No wonder they always feel restless!

They have now finally found the source!

Lu Shenguang didn't come out of the magic heaven!

It's a pity that no matter how they explain it, they are completely indifferent.

Patriarch Yin Yang didn't listen to the two of them at all, especially after the two admitted that they hunted and killed each other's disciples in the Holy Land.

The two patriarchs were full of indifference towards Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian, even daring to deceive them, these two people were really daring.

At this time, the five disciples who had previously exposed and sued Wang Mang also nodded and said:

"The Great Elder of the Outer Sect did not lie about this matter."

"Before we escaped with the Escape Talisman, we saw Tang Bohu beating Lu Shenguang!"

"Moreover, they kept shouting to kill Lu Shenguang!"

"That's right! I saw it too. Before fleeing, Tang Bohu was indeed beating Lu Shenguang!"

"I can also testify that the Great Elder of the Outer Sect did not lie about this."

"That's the truth. The Great Elder of the Outer Sect, Wang Mang, really dared to act and did not lie."

After hearing the words of the inner sect disciples in the Holy Land of Demon Refining, the old demon Yin and Yang fell silent.

Obviously, they also tended to believe Wang Mang's words.

After all, in their view, Wang Mang is daring to act.

People who did this kind of thing are not afraid of shame, and they admit it generously.

But what about Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian?

Secretly fabricated stories to fool them.

In contrast.

The Yin-Yang old devil immediately hated Tang Bohu even more.

So hypocritical!

Dare to act or not to act!

People dare to admit what they have done!

But these two guys are so hypocritical!

For a while, after seeing the eyes of the Yin and Yang ancestors.

Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian were completely desperate, and their foreheads were dripping with sweat.

Tang Bohu said with an anxious expression on his face:

"Old Ancestor, we really didn't kill Lu Shenguang!"

"At that time he escaped, let alone join forces to deal with Lu Shenguang!"

But at this time, there were three inner disciples bought by Tang Bohu and the other two.

They also realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately panicked:

"Old Ancestor, this is indeed the case."

"When we were escaping, we did see Elder Tang Bohu, who was attacking Lu Shenguang!"

"Later, Lu Shenguang even promised to buy us off and let us pour dirty water on Wang Mang."

After hearing the words of the three inner sect disciples of Shaking Heaven Holy Land.

Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian were even more ashamed.

At this time, the ancestor Yin Yang couldn't help but questioned:

"Why did they attack Lu Shenguang? Is it because they monopolize the crystal veins of the sixth-order low-grade law?"

Hearing this, the three disciples from Shaking Heaven Holy Land and the five disciples from Demon Refining Holy Land all chattered one after another:

"It's like this, Lu Shenguang is very arrogant in his eyes, and even humiliated Tang Bohu and the two of them in every possible way."

"That's right. We were all there at the time. Lu Shenguang was aggressive and angered Lu Shenguang and Yu Huatian."

Hearing this, Patriarch Yin-Yang believed it seven or eight points, and couldn't help but asked again:

"Where's Wang Mang from the Holy Land of Demon Refining? Did he attack Lu Shenguang?"

Hearing this, the disciples on both sides did not dare to continue to hide, they shook their heads and said:

"No, the Great Elder of Wang Mang's Outer Sect didn't make a move the whole time."

"The disciple guessed that Elder Wang Mang at that time was probably afraid that the three of them from Shaking Heaven and Holy Land would join forces to attack him."

"That's right, Great Elder Wang Mang didn't make a move, not even when we were escaping."

"Yes, at that time Great Elder Wang Mang was killing the disciples of Shaking Heaven Holy Land."

"Yes, Yuhuatian is also killing the Holy Land of Demon Refining, and Lu Shenguang and Tang Bohu have a big fight."

After hearing these words, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing in his heart.

He didn't expect that he would be so successful if he casually seized the opportunity to frame him.

Now the inner disciples on both sides are talking about it.

Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian couldn't argue with each other.

Especially seeing the two people's hearts ashamed, their faces full of despair and numbness.

Wang Mang couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

Two dogs are also worthy of fighting him?

These two guys can't compete in strength!

He is not afraid of competing with intrigues and tricks!

It can be said.

Wang Mang knew it without guessing.

The end of the two is likely to be dead!

Just at this moment, an angry roar sounded:

"Why don't you believe us?"

"How good! I, Tang Bohu, am willing to prove it with my death today!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Bohu looked at Wang Mang with resentment on his face, and rushed towards Wang Mang.

But the next moment, Tang Bohu was restrained by the Yin-Yang Patriarch.

Afterwards, the ancestors of Yin and Yang said indifferently:

"Okay, right and wrong, the ancestors have their own decisions."

"Your explanation, go back and tell the ancestors of the Lu family!"

Obviously, they didn't give Tang Bohu a chance to blow himself up!

What are you kidding?

Tang Bohu is dead!

Are they going to bear the anger of the ancestors of the Lu family?

Therefore, they will not let Tang Bohu Yuhuatian die.

Otherwise, the ancestors of the Lu family would have no one to vent their anger on.

What about transferring hatred onto them?

After all, they are responsible for leading the team this time!

before departure.

The ancestors of the Lu family also showed kindness to them.

And let them take care of Lu Shenguang more.

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