I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1033 The Four Seas Alliance has attacked the Demon Sage? The Holy Land repelled the Universa

This wait is three months.

Yes, the holy land of refining demons has been beaten for three full months.

Moreover, the situation is still unclear.

This also made Wang Mang guess.

This battle ultimately determines the direction of victory.

Should be a dominant powerhouse.

As long as the master of the holy land of refining demons is not defeated.

Then the ancestor realm kings in the Holy Land of Demon Refining will continue to fight against the invading forces.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang stopped paying attention to the direction of the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Because these guys can't decide the direction of victory in the battle.

In the final analysis, it is the dominant powerhouse overhead who decides to dominate the battlefield.

In the same way, the other two honorary elder realm king-level combat forces exist for this reason.

They also thought of it, so they are also meditating at the moment, just like the two ancestors of the black and white old devils.

Seeing this, Wang Mang couldn't leave the team, so he had to choose to meditate together and wait for the result with the guy.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

At this moment, the battle at the Holy Land of Demon Refining took a turn for the better.

A group of world kings and ancestors who invaded the forces.

They got the news one after another and began to retreat.

Afterwards, the invading force quickly receded like a tide.

Then, Wang Mang felt the aura of a master-level powerhouse appearing in the sacred place of refining demons.

Similarly, after feeling the aura of this powerful ruler, the black and white old devil immediately opened his eyes, and said with a smile on his face:

"It seems that Lord Master of Demon Refining should have defeated the master of the enemy forces."

"Let's go! Let's hurry back to the Holy Land of Demon Refining, so as not to cause misunderstanding."

After hearing the black and white old devil's words, Wang Mang, the other two honorary elders, and the remaining three disciples were all speechless.

However, they did not expose the two ancestors, the black and white old devils, who they could not afford to offend.

Moreover, the two ancestors did not go to the Holy Land of Demon Refining, and it was safer for them to choose to watch the fire from the other side.

After all, the most tragic battles are the ancestors of the kings of the world!

Even Wang Mang is not qualified to participate in the battle, let alone them?

At this time, under the leadership of the black and white old devil, Wang Mang and others spent two hours.

He successfully returned to the place where the Holy Land of Alchemy was located.

Just worth mentioning.

The Holy Land of Demon Refining, which was in dilapidated condition, has once again returned to its original state.

This is obviously the strong master of refining demons, who restored this place with supreme supernatural powers.

However, the fluctuations in the fighting rules in the air are still very strong and obvious.

This also proved that not long ago, the Holy Land of Demon Refining had indeed experienced an earth-shattering battle.

After entering the Holy Land of Demon Refining, the black and white old devil directly led his disciples to the back mountain of the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

The back mountain belongs to the ancestors of the kings of the world, where they rested and lived in seclusion.

As soon as he entered the back mountain, Wang Mang saw a group of ancestors gathered together.

Similarly, an old man in black robe with a terrifying aura was talking to a group of ancestors of the kings of the world.

At this time, the two patriarchs, the black and white old devils, hurriedly stepped forward respectfully and cupped their hands: "I have seen the master of refining demons."

Hearing this, Wang Mang and the others also hurriedly cupped their hands and said, "I have seen the master of refining demons, and I have seen all the ancestors."

At this time, a group of ancestors also looked at Wang Mang and others.

At this time, the corpse demon patriarch, who was at odds with Wang Mang, couldn't help but groan:

"This trip will last for two years and two months."

"How come there were more than 30 disciples when we went there, but there are only five inner disciples who came back?"

As soon as the ancestor of the corpse demon finished speaking, all the ancestors present looked sideways at Wang Mang and others.

Afterwards, Wang Mang discovered that all the ancestors of the kings of the world couldn't help frowning.

"What's going on? Black and white old devil?"

"That's right! When we went, there were more than 30 inner disciples, why did only five come back?"

"Could it be that the casualties in this trial of the Magical Heaven Realm have reached such a high level?"

If it was the past, they certainly wouldn't care so much.

The main reason is that this time is different, the loss of the Holy Land of Demon Refining is more severe!

under the attack of enemy forces.

The Holy Land of Demon Refining suffered heavy losses.

They naturally cared.

Hearing this, the black and white old devil looked at each other, then slowly said:

"The disciples of the Holy Land of Demon Refining were hunted and killed by the king of the Heaven-shaking Holy Land, Peerless Talent, in the magical heavenly realm."

"Later, after Wang Mang learned about this, he also took revenge on Shaking Heaven Holy Land, and killed only three of the disciples of Shaking Heaven Holy Land."

"That's roughly how things went."

After listening to the black and white old devil's words, the rest of the world king ancestors frowned, but didn't say anything.

After all, these disciples all fell in the magical heavenly realm, and it's hard for them to pursue anything.

Because basically all forces will not pursue disciples who have fallen in any secret realm.

This rule has been around for a long time!

But at this time, the ancestor of the corpse demon said in a strange way:

"Right now, our Holy Land of Demon Refining has just experienced a big battle, and we already suffered heavy losses."

"Now that you lead the team, almost all the inner disciples of the Holy Land have died."

"Return to us that the Holy Land of Demon Refining has provoked such a formidable enemy as the Holy Land of Shaking Heaven."

"You guys are really amazing!"

Hearing this, the black and white old devil suddenly became furious.

But they have nothing to say.

Because, this is too coincidental.

The Holy Land of Demon Refining encountered a formidable enemy.

This kind of thing is hard to come across in a million difficulties.

But this kind of thing happened to them.

"Okay! You all calm down."

At this time, the old master of refining demons spoke:

"This time the Universal Alliance invaded our holy land, there is absolutely an ulterior motive."

"Don't let me fight among you, you should work together to tide over the difficulties."

"The so-called monsters must be found in abnormal things, and they must be within the jurisdiction of our Holy Land."

"There should be something they are interested in, or they have some other purpose."

Speaking of this, the master of refining demons also frowned.

He also wanted to know the true intention of the Universal Alliance to attack the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

After all, the Universal Alliance dispatched a strong ruler this time, and he repelled it.

You must know that basically, there are very few unending civil wars that break out among the dominant powerhouses.

For a long time, even if the rulers fell, they would fall in the heavens and worlds.

Because, even if the rulers are in the Yunding Great World, the total number of them is less than thirty.

If the other party just wants to become a Holy Land, they can directly challenge him for the position of the top ten masters.

Now in Yunding Great World, each of the top ten masters is the founder of a holy place.

He is also one of them.

There are five holy places in Yunding Continent.

There are also five holy places in the top continent.

The top ten rulers.

Yunding Continent and Top Continent each took half of the numbers.

Of course, Yunding Continent is definitely not as good as Top Continent.

Because, the five top ten masters in the top continent.

Their rankings are generally higher than those of Yunding Continent.

As for why he guessed, the Universal Alliance definitely has ulterior motives?

Because, the Four Seas Alliance is actually the casual cultivator force of Genting World.

This casual cultivator force is basically useless.

If the Four Seas Alliance does not have enough interests.

Then, they can't entangle the strong to attack a holy place.

After hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help asking in a low voice:

"Sir, Master of Demon Refining, is there a treasure that they cannot refuse in our Holy Land of Demon Refining, or within the sphere of influence?"

"Or, they found similar large-scale sixth-order high-grade law crystal veins near our demon refining holy land forces?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the ancestor of the corpse demon suddenly shouted angrily: "Presumptuous! What are you, do you have a place to speak here?"

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