I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1034 The new second elder of the outer sect, all disciples were fined to mine? Wang Mang was

Wang Mang was startled by the angry roar of the corpse demon patriarch.

He looked up at the ancestor of the corpse demon and looked at himself with a gloomy face.

Wang Mang couldn't help but his heart sank again.

This old guy is not happy with him anyway!

Lao Tzu is just talking!

Why didn't I have anything to say?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt even more furious.

This dog is not happy to see me anyway!

If there is a chance, this guy will probably find a way to kill him, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also decided in his heart that he must break through the Realm King as soon as possible.

In this way, his combat power can reach the middle stage of the king of the world.

At that time, he will naturally be valued by the ancestors of the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Even so, he couldn't compete against the ancestor of the corpse demon.

But this is better than being completely crushed now!

The gap between the two sides has also shortened!

At the same time, Wang Mang couldn't help thinking viciously to himself:

Why is the ancestor of the corpse demon so lucky?

Why didn't he die in the hands of the enemy's power king?

At this time, the leader of the Great Patriarch couldn't help but angrily scolded:

"Since you are a member of the Holy Land of Demon Refining, you are naturally qualified to speak."

After finishing speaking, the Great Patriarch couldn't help but glance sharply at the corpse demon patriarch.

At this time, the master of refining demons turned his eyes to Wang Mang, put his hands behind his back, and said slowly:

"It's the same as what I guessed."

"That's exactly what I want to say."

"From now on, you will personally investigate within the jurisdiction of the Holy Land of Demon Refining."

"As for the Holy Land of Demon Refining, I will take charge of it personally, and report it immediately if I find out about it!"

After finishing speaking, the Master of Demon Refining looked at the Great Patriarch and the others, and said indifferently, "Do you understand everything?"

"It's best to form a group of three, so as not to be singled out and be black-handed, you should be more careful yourself."

After listening to the words of the master of refining demons, all the ancestors present respectfully cupped their hands and said: "We, respect the decree of the ruler!"

Hearing this, the Master of Demon Refining waved his hands and said, "Okay! Let's go now!"

"In addition, everyone in the Holy Land of Demon Refining, except you, should not go out at will."

"Nowadays, the Holy Land of Demon Refining is troubled. Before the crisis is resolved, we must be more careful."

After finishing speaking, the master of refining demons disappeared in place, leaving only the ancestors present.

At this time, the Great Patriarch waved at Wang Mang and said, "Go down first!"

"During this period of time, don't leave the Holy Land of Demon Refining casually. The Holy Land of Demon Refining has not been peaceful recently."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately cupped his hands respectfully and said:

"Respect the decree of the great ancestors, all the ancestors, the younger generation is going down."

After speaking, Wang Mang left the back mountain.

Afterwards, Wang Mang flew towards the front mountain of the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Soon, Wang Mang arrived, near the peak of the outer disciple Dongfu.

But when Wang Mang arrived, his three disciples came to Dongfu, but they were all in vain.

This immediately made Wang Mang's heart sink. Could it be that something unexpected happened to his three apprentices?

However, Wang Mang quickly rejected this idea.

Because, the Illusory Cloud Realm is a trial below the World Lord.

His three apprentices all possess the strength of a world lord.

The possibility of falling in the cloud fantasy realm is very low.

At this time, not far away, a disciple came out of the cave and looked at Wang Mang suspiciously.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly said in a deep voice: "The great elder of the outer sect, Haimei Shi, Tao Dekuai, where are the three of them?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, this disciple suddenly realized, and then hurriedly said respectfully: "I have seen the Great Elder of the Outer Sect."

"Reporting to the Great Elder of the Outer Sect, Haimei Shi, Tao Dekuai, and Ao Shitian, the three were decided by the elders of the Outer Sect to be fined to mine."

"Because they were in the Illusory Cloud Realm, for the sake of profit, they killed countless disciples of other forces, and finally provoked public anger."

"After the elders of the outer sect who led the team came back, they were punished to go to the mine of the Holy Land of Demon Refining to mine."

After hearing this, Wang Mang was instantly furious, these elders from the outer sect were simply daring.

Knowing that the three of them are his apprentices, he still dares to punish his disciples for mining. This is simply not paying attention to him!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly became furious, and even flew towards the elder hall of the outer gate.

The Hall of Elders of the Outer Sect is located on the peak where the disciples of the Outer Sect are located.

After a few cups of tea.

Wang Mang successfully arrived at the Elder Hall of the Outer Gate.

Two disciples guarding the outer elders' hall.

After seeing Wang Mang, they immediately stepped aside wisely.

They didn't dare to stop them at all, let alone the angry Wang Mang.

The two disciples knew without guessing that if they dared to block the way, their fate would be miserable.

Therefore, Wang Mang successfully entered the elders' hall, but saw four elders from the outer sect sitting and drinking tea.

After seeing Wang Mang, several elders were surprised, but one of the elders' expression darkened.

This elder is none other than the Second Elder of the Outer Sect.

He was originally an honorary elder, and among the honorary elders, he was also an extremely powerful existence.

Later, after he heard that the great-great-grandson of the corpse demon patriarch died, the position of the second elder became vacant.

Later, he happened to meet again, Wang Mang, this guy went to participate in the magic world.

He volunteered, and with the support of the corpse demon ancestor, he became the new second elder of the outer sect.

But he these days.

Although he is the second elder of the outer sect.

But because Wang Mang is not in the Holy Land at all.

Therefore, among the elders of the outer sect, he basically has the final say.

Of course, after he became the ancestor of the corpse demon.

Naturally, he also had to obey the orders of the corpse demon patriarch.

Therefore, not long ago, he took good care of Wang Mang's three disciples.

Although, Wang Mang himself, he really can't provoke him, after all, Wang Mang is the Great Elder of the Outer Sect.

But he couldn't deal with Wang Mang, but wouldn't it be easy for the disciples who wanted to deal with Wang Mang?

Therefore, after the end of the Yunfantian Realm.

He has no shortage of excuses and opportunities.

He directly punished Wang Mang's three apprentices to mine.

The days of mining are definitely a very miserable thing.

Because mines are really hard to dig!

Wang Mang has a deep understanding of this point!

It is said to be mining, but in fact it is to suffer!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang had a gloomy expression on his face:

"You are very courageous, who gave you the courage."

"How dare you send all the disciples of this seat to mine?"

"Whose idea is this?"

After hearing Wang Mang's cold questioning voice.

The other three elders suddenly turned stiff and fell into silence.

In fact, they naturally knew that Haimei and Shi were Wang Mang's apprentices.

In the past, they naturally would not offend Wang Mang.

But in Wang Mang's complete absence.

The second elder with the backing of the ancestor of the corpse demon.

After making such a proposal, they dare not object!

Therefore, pretending to be dead is the best choice for Wang Mang Xingshi to question his guilt.

They also knew that if Wang Mang was not stupid, he would be able to tell who it was.

In fact it is.

Because, among the four elders, three of them chose to remain silent.

But the only remaining young elder looked at him arrogantly.

If Wang Mang didn't know who it was, he would be a fool.

At this time, the young elder also stood up.

He even sneered at Wang Mang unscrupulously:

"Zuzu, the Great Elder of the Outer Sect, you are so majestic!"

"This elder did it, what can you do to me?"

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