I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1035 Perfect and flawless? Wang Mang was excited! The three apprentices who have the qualifi

After hearing the words of the two elders.

Wang Mang couldn't help laughing out of breath.

Especially seeing this guy, unscrupulous and arrogant.

If possible, Wang Mang could not even kill him on the spot.

The reason why this guy has no fear, Wang Mang has already guessed most of it.

To be able to become the second elder, needless to say, there must be the support of the corpse demon ancestor behind him.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's face turned cold, and he controlled his aura of law.

Afterwards, Wang Mang swept his lawful breath towards the opponent.


Accompanied by Wang Mang's terrifying aura of the Three Heavens of the Realm King, it swept out.

The second elder was instantly sent flying, and landed on the main hall fiercely.

Seeing this scene, the other three elders present were stunned.

Obviously, they didn't expect that Wang Mang would actually make a direct move.

Although Wang Mang didn't make a move, he attacked with breath pressure.

This is actually a form of attack.

It's just that he didn't fight the second elder directly.

At this time, he got up from the ground in embarrassment.

The second elder looked at Wang Mang with a ferocious face, and roared angrily:

"How dare you attack me!"

While speaking, his eyes were full of resentment.

Obviously, he did not expect Wang Mang to be so powerful.

What shocked him even more was that Wang Mang had actually reached the third level of the Realm King.

This also made him panic a little.

His strength is absolutely outstanding among the kings of the world.

But it's just the king of the realm!

But Wang Mang's combat power has reached the third heaven of the king of the realm.

This is something he never thought of!

It was not agreed at the beginning.

Wang Mang's realm combat power.

Is it only the king of the realm?

Could it be that this is in the two years.

Wang Mang gained so much in the magic world?

Thinking of this, not only the Second Elder was full of shock and panic.

The other three elders were also stunned.

Obviously, Wang Mang's strength is simply beyond their imagination.

Previously, Wang Mang did not take the initiative to reveal his aura.

They didn't know Wang Mang's strength at all.

Similarly, they did not expect that Wang Mang's strength would reach such a level.

For a while, the three elders were silent.

At this time, facing the angry questioning of the second elder, Wang Mang couldn't help but sneer and said:

"Second Elder, don't talk nonsense, you can't even stand upright, how can you blame me?"

Speaking of this, Wang Mang immediately looked at the other elders, and said indifferently with his hands behind his back: "Is what I said right?"

Hearing this, three of the elders looked at each other, nodded and agreed:

"That's right! Second Elder, it's true that you didn't stand firm, no wonder First Elder!"

"That's right! You really can't blame the First Elder, Second Elder, you are too careless."

"That's right, the First Elder didn't attack you! The Second Elder can't wrong the First Elder like this!"

After hearing the words of these three elders, the second elder was even more ashamed and angry, and stared at the three elders fiercely.

Obviously, he didn't expect that he had been courting the three of them.

As a result, as soon as Wang Mang appeared, the three of them immediately drew a clear line with him.

In fact, the three elders didn't want to either!

However, there are people behind Wang Mang and the second elder.

But the problem is, obviously Wang Mang is stronger!

Not to mention his own strength, there are two ancestors in black and white to back him up.

Therefore, they naturally had to draw a line with the second elder.

At least they couldn't offend Wang Mang for the sake of the Second Elder.

Therefore, facing the angry eyes of the second elder, the three turned a blind eye.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered suddenly, and then said indifferently:

"This seat announces that Haimei Shi, Tao De is quick, and Ao Shitian are not guilty."

"How do you rate your proposal?"

After speaking, Wang Mang looked at the other three elders.

But before the three elders could speak, the second elder roared angrily:

"Wang Mang! Don't think that I don't know what you think, you are trying to blatantly favor your apprentice."

"Your disciples have made countless enemies to the Holy Land. It is an extrajudicial favor for me to punish them for mining."

Having said that, the Second Elder can be said to be confident.

Because, he said yes to the fact.

Wang Mang's three apprentices, in the Illusory Yuntian Realm, have killed countless outer disciples from various forces.

This simply provoked a lot of enemies for the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

It can be said that if it wasn't for the fact that the three of them were Wang Mang's apprentices.

He had already killed these three guys.

Therefore, even if Wang Mang troubled him, he still did it.

But in his opinion, Wang Mang's behavior completely disregarded the interests of the Holy Land.

It can even be said that Wang Mang's approach is simply selfish to the extreme!

Hearing this, Wang Mang ignored this guy at all, but looked at the other three elders unkindly.

Under the coercion of Wang Mang's eyes, the three elders laughed wryly, then nodded in agreement:

"We agree with the proposal of the Great Elder."

"Yes! I am waiting for the decision of the Great Elder!"

Seeing that the three elders nodded in agreement, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

Because, the Great Elder naturally has the privileges of the Great Elder.

Perhaps, in many matters, it is impossible to make decisions alone.

But as long as one of the four elders agrees with his proposal, it can be passed.

Because there are five elders in the outer sect, except for the first elder, one vote is equal to two votes, and the other four elders have only one vote.

At this moment, Wang Mang immediately nodded in satisfaction and said, "Which elder is willing to make a trip and bring back my three incompetent apprentices?"

At this time, a thin fifth elder of the first heaven of the king of the realm slowly said, "I'll go!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded with a smile and said, "It's hard work for Fifth Elder."

Hearing this, the Fifth Elder nodded with a smile, then turned and left.

after an hour.

Wang Mang waited until the Fifth Elder, and brought his three incompetent apprentices to the Elder's Hall.

After seeing the three apprentices, Wang Mang, who had his hands behind his back, finally showed a smile on his face.

Because, he could feel that the current state of the three apprentices had reached the point of perfection.

They have even solved the problem of bloodlines, and they are very close to breaking through to the world lord.

This also made Wang Mang very satisfied. It seems that his three apprentices are also very good, and it has only been a few years.

They have all obtained the conditions to become world lords, and they are worthy of being the little supreme of the fifth rank.

"Disciple Tao De is quick. I have met the master,"

"Disciple Haimei Shi, I have met Master."

"The disciple is proud of the world, and has met the master."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was instantly elated.

After looking at the three apprentices a few times.

Wang Mang nodded with a smile on his face and said:

"Very good! Very good! You all go with Teacher Wei!"

Obviously, the three apprentices are now qualified to challenge the king of the world.

Of course he wants these three guys to become the king of the realm as soon as possible.

After hitting the king of the world, he will be able to successfully complete the task.

Once he completes the mission, he can get three free evolutions!

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