I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1078 Wang Mang cursed angrily: I just like the way you want to kill me, but you can't k

to be honest.

Wang Mang did not dare to imagine.

Just twelve sixth-tier top-level worlds, possessed by strong masters.

The total number may exceed 360 statues.

This is not counting the masters of the other sixth-order worlds!

Therefore, Wang Mang guessed that if all the numbers were really to be added up.

In this grand event of the three rings, I am afraid that more than 500 rulers will gather, and the number is easy.

After all, there are as many as twelve of the sixth-order top worlds.

So what about the sixth-order top-grade world?

What about the sixth-order middle-grade world?

What about the sixth-order inferior world?

There must be a lot of them!

Think here.

Wang Mang immediately hated Cao Mengde so much.

If it weren't for this dog chasing and killing him.

He can take advantage of this spare time.

In the rest of the sixth-order world, he was deceived by unscrupulous rumors.

Moreover, during this gap period.

Once there is a sixth-tier low-rank world master who participates in the three-ring event.

He can literally do whatever he wants.

After the dominant master came back, he would have already fled with the benefits.

After taking a deep breath.

Wang Mang still left the Zhuzhu Inn.

Dominate the inn.

As the name suggests.

It is the place where the rulers stay.

There are more than a dozen strong masters living in this inn.

It's a pity that the grand meeting didn't start yet, so they naturally gathered here.

In addition, the rest of the masters are all gathered in the various inns of the Arctic God City.

Although the master of refining demons ordered Wang Mang not to walk around at will.

But it's impossible for Wang Mang not to walk around at will!

After all, he still has to look for a master who is a master.

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally had to leave the Juggernaut Inn.

However, Wang Mang was not worried.

Because, as long as he doesn't leave the Arctic God City, he doesn't have to worry about Cao Mengde attacking him.

The rules of the Arctic God City are the same as the rules of Yunding City, and it is not allowed to do anything in the city.

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally wandered around the Arctic God City without any scruples in his heart.

Of course, Wang Mang is also extremely low-key.

Because there are too many masters gathered here.

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally didn't want to offend anyone.

What made Wang Mang speechless was.

He's only been out for a while.

He met Cao Mengde head-on on the streets of the Arctic God City.

not only.

Beside Cao Mengde, there is also a master who has a terrifying aura.

This is a sixtieth old man with white hair.

And, the two seem to have a very good relationship.

After seeing Wang Mang.

Cao Mengde was stunned for a moment, and smiled coldly at Wang Mang and said:

"Boy, do you think you can escape from the palm of this seat?"

"Even if there is a master beside you now, it will not save your life."

After hearing this guy's threats.

Wang Mang's heart sank immediately.

Of course.

The threat to Cao Mengde.

He actually didn't pay attention to it at all.

If he wanted to run, he could draw six-color teleportation stones at any time and return to Yunding World.

At that time, this guy may have to run for more than ten days before he can rush back to Genting World.

However, Wang Mang didn't want to do this.

Because, he really didn't want to go back to Genting World.

He also wants to get law crystals and cultivation resources in the heavens and worlds!

Therefore, Wang Mang didn't have so much time to spend with him.

He didn't plan to go back at all this time.

Now, he just wants to pay homage to the master who dominates and dominates!

Therefore, in the face of Cao Mengde's threats and provocations.

Wang Mang turned a blind eye and passed by instead.

Seeing Wang Mang, an ant, ignored him.

Cao Mengde was even more furious, his face was gloomy, and the murderous intent in his eyes was particularly strong:

"Ant, you remember this seat, you will never escape from the palm of this seat."

After finishing speaking, Cao Mengde ignored Wang Mang.

Because, in the Arctic God City, he naturally had to follow the rules.

Otherwise, this is hitting the face of the Lord of the Great Arctic World.

After hearing the other party's provocation, Wang Mang couldn't help but cursed:

"What are you, threatening me, you have the ability to kill me!"

"Aren't you so awesome? Why is grandpa still alive? I'm going to fuck you."

Originally, Wang Mang hated this guy extremely in his heart.

Now this guy can't kill him, and why is he threatening and provoking him.

Naturally, Wang Mang couldn't take it anymore.

After hearing Wang Mangpo yelling.

Cao Mengde, who had a gloomy face, suddenly became stiff.

He turned around abruptly, staring at Wang Mang intently, his eyes were extremely cold.

If people could kill people here, Cao Mengde wished he could kill Wang Mang with his eyes.

Especially seeing that Wang Mang is confident.

With an arrogant and disdainful look on his face.

Cao Mengde was trembling with anger.

"Ant, is this your respect for the ruler?"

At this time, beside Cao Mengde, the gray-haired old man said in a cold tone.

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately sneered and scolded:

"I respect you, uncle! I want to kill Lao Tzu, but let Lao Tzu respect you?"

"Are you a pig's brain? Why are you so awesome? You eat too much shit, right?"

After hearing Wang Mang's swearing.

On the streets of the Arctic God City, all the monks were dumbfounded.

There is no other reason.

A late-stage monk of the Realm King.

He yelled at the two rulers.

This kind of thing is simply unheard of and unseen.

Although, now is a special period, and there are many strong masters.

But there is absolutely no king of the world who would foolishly provoke the master, right?

Unless the two sides have their own hatred!

After thinking of this, many onlookers suddenly realized and watched the excitement.

Similarly, the white-haired sixtieth old man, who was yelled at by Wang Mang in front of all the monks, was also trembling with anger.

At this moment, the old man couldn't wait even more, and immediately rushed up and strangled Wang Mang to death.

How dare a world king ants talk to him like this?

This is simply a naked provocation to him who dominates the mid-term powerhouse!

In desperation, the old man pointed at Wang Mang, gritted his teeth and said:

"You damned ant, if you dare to leave the city, I will make your life worse than death!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately sneered and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a fool."

"I won't go out of the city, if you have the ability, you can kill me here!"

"Look, I pointed my nose and scolded you, what can you do to me?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang patted himself on the face very arrogantly in front of the two of them, sneered and mocked:

"Are you trying to kill me? I just like the way you want to kill me, but you can't kill me."

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