I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1079 Compared with Wang Mang's misery, the Dog Emperor and Bear Emperor who have reache

"Fuck! This fellow Taoist is really cruel, is it really okay to provoke the two masters like this?"

"Admiration, Niubi! This fellow Taoist is really a role model for my generation! Do you want to die?"

"Don't worry, I just dare to let go of my mouth. If he dares to go out of the city, I will kneel down for him on the spot."

"Nonsense, is he a fool? Going out of the city to die? As long as he is in the city, even the dominant and strong will not dare to do it."

A group of monks talked and laughed.

These people are also not ordinary people.

Dare to gain a foothold in the Arctic God City where the rulers gather today.

Either they are natives themselves, or they are brought by other masters to see the world.

Therefore, they are really not worried about being retaliated by these two masters.

Of course, they wouldn't just look for trouble and mock the two masters.

But it's okay to watch the excitement.

After hearing the discussion of a group of monks.

Cao Mengde and the white-haired old man looked ugly.

But they were helpless.

Especially when I saw Wang Mang's villainous look.

Unfortunately, no matter how angry they were, Wang Mang left arrogantly in front of them.

After leaving, Wang Mang continued to wander around the Arctic God City.

Similarly, after pointing at the two of them and yelling at them.

Wang Mang's mood also became much better.

After all, since this period of time.

He had indeed been suppressed for too long.

Now it's cool to vent.

As for not regretting later?

Wang Mang has no regrets at all!

Because the old man has such a good relationship with Cao Mengde.

Needless to say, he will definitely help Cao Mengde deal with him.

Since they are all enemies, why is Wang Mang being polite to him?

But at this time.

Suddenly Wang Mang was on the street ahead.

It seemed that he saw three familiar figures again.

Wait, it can't be said to be familiar.

It's just that there are two figures in front.

It made Wang Mang feel very familiar.

Not only is the face familiar, but the breath is also familiar!

"Could it be the dog king and the dog bear king?"

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help shouting subconsciously: "The dog king? The dog bear king?"

At the same time, the Dog Emperor and the Dog Bear Emperor were taken aback for a moment, and quickly turned their heads to look.

When they saw Wang Mang, the two of them were also stunned.


Isn't this Wang Mang?

Obviously, the two had recognized Wang Mang.

They were also very familiar with Wang Mang's aura.

It's just that there are too many powerful people in the Arctic God City.

Therefore, they did not discover Wang Mang immediately.

Moreover, they haven't seen Wang Mang for a long time.

It's not uncommon for Wang Mang not to be recognized instantly.

"Wang Mang?"

When the two spoke.

Wang Mang knew it.

These two people are really the dog king and the dog bear king.

What surprised Wang Mang was.

The two actually broke through the realm of the world master.

What surprised Wang Mang even more.

How did these two guys come to the Great Arctic World?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang walked up with a smile:

"How are you doing? Two brothers."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, they looked at Wang Mang's dog emperor and dog bear emperor, and they couldn't help but feel high-spirited.

There is no other reason. Compared with Wang Mang's recent situation, they are indeed proud of themselves!

Let's talk about the dog king first!

He has now become the young master of the Black Moon Dog God Clan.

What is the concept of young master?

Don't forget.

The former Black Moon Dog God Clan came from the seventh-order world!

Therefore, the Black Moon Dog God Clan is naturally extremely powerful.

Even, their Black Moon Dog God Clan is so powerful that it defies the sky.

In their clan, there are no fewer than ten rulers alone.

This is also a super power in the universe of the three rings, the heavens and the ten thousand worlds.

Moreover, they came from the same race, so they are very united!

Because of this, the gold content of his young master is not so high!

It can be seen from the fact that he was able to come here.

Because, this time they belong to the Black Moon Dog God Clan.

The strong ones who came to participate in this three-ring event.

Just respect the superpowers who dominate the late stage and lead the team.

As for why the dog king can become the young master?

And why can you get such treatment?

There is no other reason.

His hidden blood has reached the sixth-order peak level.

not only.

His aptitude has also reached the sixth-order peak level.

To put it bluntly is.

He is the dog emperor's destiny.

Before the seventh level, there are no restrictions on bloodlines and qualifications.

As long as he has enough resources, he will be able to cultivate nourishingly to the peak of dominance.

Even, if you are strong enough, you may not be able to reach the seventh level in the future.

This is why, he can become the young master of the Black Moon Dog God Clan.

Because his aptitude and bloodline are too high.

It can even be said to be a seventh-order seed.

So, Wang Mang asked him if he was doing well?

Does this really need to be said?


The same is true for the Emperor Dog Bear.

Even, the blood of the Bear Emperor is no worse than him.

Thought, the aptitude of the dog bear emperor has the seventh level.

Therefore, the Bear King has a higher status in the Crazy Blood Bear Clan.

Even the Crazy Blood Bear Clan, in order to protect him.

An extra arrangement was made for him, a strong master.

The two of them can be said to be proud of their spring breeze and high-spirited.

Therefore, even if Wang Mang's realm is much higher than theirs.

However, they still have no envy or jealousy at all.

Because, with the support of the race behind them, they will become strong sooner or later.

Moreover, they have broken through from the top-level god emperor to the current late stage of the world master.

They only took less than ten years!

Therefore, facing Wang Mang's inquiry, Gou Xiong Huang and Gou Huang looked at each other.

The two of them suddenly smiled, like a spring breeze, and said vigorously:

"I'm sure you've had a good life? Now I'm the young master of the Crazy Blood Bear Clan."

"The Emperor of Dogs, now he has also become the young master of the Black Moon God Dog Clan."

"In addition, the total number of rulers of our two races has reached as many as 25!"

Speaking of this, the dog emperor couldn't help but pouted, pretending to be melancholy and said:

"Hey, we have no motivation now."

"After all, the light is the racial force behind us."

"It is also a super overlord in the three-ring universe."

Hearing this, the Bear Emperor also said with a sad face:

"I'm even more aggrieved, fellow Daoist Wang Mang, you don't know!"

"Now as soon as I go out, there will be strong masters sent by the race to protect me."

"It made me really want to work hard on my own, but in the end, the one who stepped on the horse always just lay down and won."

"Even if anyone is upset, I don't need to take action. There will be a strong ruler in the clan to take action for me."

At this moment, the dog emperor also had his hands behind his back, with a happy expression on his face.

Afterwards, he looked at the Bear King again, and reminded with a smile:

"Old Xiong, don't tell Fellow Daoist Wang Mang these things."

"This kind of pain and trouble, he will never experience it."

Hearing this, Emperor Gou Xiong couldn't help being stunned.

When he saw Wang Mang with a stiff face.

Emperor Gou Xiong couldn't help raising his head slightly.

Afterwards, the bear emperor had a look of helplessness on his face:

"That's right, after all, Fellow Daoist Wang Mang, can't understand our troubles."

"To be honest, I came here this time just to relax."

"Facing mountains of cultivation resources every day, I feel like vomiting when I see them."

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