I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1085 Finally met a good acquaintance! Is there a place for apprenticeship? Take the severed

Speaking of which.

Wang Mang couldn't help but sighed.

In fact, he also did it temporarily.

After all, the Lord of Gods and Demons is no ordinary ruler.

He was a seventh-order powerhouse in the past!

more importantly.

The other party is still the Invincible Supreme, the Invincible Supreme on the list testified.

In Wang Mang's view, such an existence is in the seventh order.

Even if it grows to the peak of the seventh step, it is not an exaggeration.

If it weren't for the moment, the Lord of Gods and Demons would not have reached the late stage of dominance.

I'm afraid Wang Mang will choose to apprentice without hesitation.

However, the lord of gods and demons has reached the middle stage of dominance.

Naturally, Wang Mang also wanted to ask the Lord of Gods and Demons for help.

Because, in Wang Mang's eyes.

This is the lord of gods and demons.

It really can't be generalized with ordinary masters.

In addition, he was kind to the other party in the past.

Now that he is in danger, he certainly doesn't mind asking for help if he can ask Wang Mang for help.

After understanding what Wang Mang said.

The Lord of Gods and Demons was stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help but smile and asked:

"Will your life be in danger? Tell me about it."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was overjoyed immediately, and then quickly explained the matter.

After listening, the Lord of Gods and Demons pondered for a while, then looked up at Wang Mang, and said slowly:

"If you just solve the existence of these five masters in the mid-term, this seat can help you."

"However, after this time, I don't owe you the slightest favor!"

"So, you can think about it carefully."

"I said that I would help you once, so naturally I keep my word."

After hearing the words of the lord of gods and demons who seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Wang Mang was even more shocked.

Good guy!

He guessed right.

This master of gods and demons really cannot be viewed as an ordinary ruler.

Listen to how domineering these words are, they are full of confidence!

This also made Wang Mang into a tangle.

The other party even directly expressed their willingness to help.

Moreover, listen to the tone of the Lord of Gods and Demons.

Apparently always remembering the favor owed to him.

Also let him use this favor cautiously.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang hesitated for a while, then quickly said:

"Senior, why don't you help this junior find a master who can rule over late-stage powerhouses!"

"The stronger the strength, the better. In this way, the junior can sit back and relax for the time being."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the Lord of Gods and Demons couldn't help laughing:

"You are smart. Find a strong master who dominates the late stage, and it's just a matter of once and for all."

"However, this seat promises you this matter."

"Before the end of the three-ring event, I will personally find you a master!"

After speaking, the Lord of Gods and Demons smiled and nodded to Wang Mang.

Afterwards, he walked into the Juggernaut Inn with his hands behind his back.

Seeing this, Wang Mang was completely relieved.

Compared with the King of Dogs and King of Bears, it is unreliable.

The Lord of Gods and Demons is much more reliable.

At any rate, he was also a seventh-order existence.

Moreover, it is still the Invincible Supreme Proving the Dao.

All right!

have to say.

Wang Mang is also a bit bullying.

When dealing with the strong, what he always insisted on was that he would never offend him until he had enough benefits.

When dealing with the weak, what he has always followed is to strike hard and eradicate the weeds without leaving any future troubles.

At this moment, Wang Mang was still in a very good mood.

Afterwards, he returned to the Juggernaut Inn to wait for the news.

It is worth mentioning that.

While Wang Mang was waiting.

What the Bear King promised him did indeed happen.

Take him to meet a master who dominates the late stage.

However, even Wang Mang is very good at licking.

He still failed to get the favor of this mad blood bear clan, who dominates the late stage powerhouse.

Therefore, naturally there was no success in apprenticeship.

Later, the dog emperor also introduced him.

The master of the late-stage powerhouse of the Black Moon God Dog Clan.

The result is also similar.

The master of the late-stage powerhouse of the Black Moon God Dog Clan.

Also did not take a fancy to Wang Mang.

This also made Wang Mang very frustrated.

In the end, he had to wait in peace.

Moreover, Wang Mang is still very confident in the Lord of Gods and Demons.

While Wang Mang was waiting.

Wang Mang was not idle either.

When he learned that the auction was about to start, and then recruited treasures.

Wang Mang even directly took the broken arm of a seventh-order creature to the auction city.

But the result surprised Wang Mang even more.

The auction city included his severed arm.

It will also be included in the auction.

That is.

The severed arm he obtained will also appear in the auction city.

This also made Wang Mang happy for a long time.

At the same time, Wang Mang also wanted to know.

What price can this severed arm be sold for?

After all, no matter what, it is also the arm of a seventh-order powerhouse!

With such a mentality, Wang Mang also waited with peace of mind.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

this day.

The first ring in the three-ring event.

The auction has also officially started.

It is worth mentioning that.

Wang Mang found out that the number of strong masters was about the same as he had guessed.

Because, now in the entire Arctic God City, there are more than five hundred rulers.

It can be said that the entire Arctic God City is covered by the terrifying aura of dominance.

Especially with the auction going on.

Wang Mang followed the master of refining demons and went to the time of participation.

On the streets of the Arctic God City, you can see strong rulers everywhere.

When he came to the auction city, Wang Mang saw it even more.

A steady stream of masters are pouring into the auction city.

After entering the huge auction city.

There are bottom to high seats inside.

It's kind of like a movie theater on Earth.

But Wang Mang also found out.

Seats here are very particular.

The weaker the strength, the lower the seat is in the front.

The stronger the strength, the higher the seat is at the back.

As for Wang Mang, these existences who have not reached the realm of dominance.

All squatted under the auction stage, not even worthy to stand.

As the name suggests, don't block the vision of these masters.

Wang Mang didn't care about this at all.

Because, the rest of the world kings are also like this.

Even the Emperor Dog Bear and Emperor Dog were among them.

In addition, after a group of masters successfully took their seats.

On the auction stage, three old men and a beautiful woman also came up.

The aura of these three old men was extremely terrifying.

They just glanced at the auction.

At the auction, there are a group of strong and powerful masters.

They calmed down very face-saving.

At this time, the beautiful woman in the early stage of the ruler wearing a cheongsam said with a charming smile on the corner of her mouth:

"Dear senior fellow Taoists, this year's Three Rings Fair auction has officially begun."

"Now, the first item we auction is a special treasure."

"This is an arm of a strong seventh-order creature!"

"What the client needs is the law spar, and there is no reserve price."

"Senior fellow Taoists, you can start bidding!"

While speaking, this beauty dominates the strong.

She has already taken out the auction item.

In a piece of crystal clear ice law.

This arm was frozen and sealed inside.

And, this arm.

It is the auction item entrusted by Wang Mang!

So when you see the arm you commissioned for auction.

It was actually the first item to be auctioned at the auction.

For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't help being stunned.

The next moment, Wang Mang heard the sound transmission of the ancestor of Tianhuang, roaring angrily:

"Wang Mang! You must not fall into the hands of this ancestor, otherwise this ancestor will let you live or die!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang, who came back to his senses, did not pay attention to the extremely angry ancestor of Tianhuang.

On the contrary, he looked expectantly at the group of masters sitting on the seats around him.

After seeing many masters, there was an interested look in their eyes.

Wang Mang was overjoyed immediately, it seemed that this time he could make a fortune again!

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