I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1107: The Cunning and Incomparable Lord of All Emperors! See you eventually! Is it not a cri

Although always very tangled.

But Wang Mang hesitated for a long time.

He decided to wait and see if it was a chance.

Even if it wasn't a chance, the other party's ruler didn't want to kill him easily in the mid-term.

Unless it is the master who dominates the late stage and dispatches himself, otherwise.

Wang Mang has time to escape, don't forget.

He also has the Genting World teleportation stone!

At that time, you can easily escape.

This is also Wang Mang's final decision to verify whether it is an opportunity or a crisis.

With this in mind, Wang Mang sat cross-legged and waited quietly.

at the same time.

While Wang Mang was waiting for the time.

On the other side, the young master Jiuji had already dispatched a mid-term powerhouse to stop Wang Mang.

It's a pity that the young master Jiuji was helpless, judging from the information he received from the master master.

This guy Wang Mang is actually in the inn in the city, and he has no intention of leaving.

This also made Young Master Jiuji suddenly unable to bear the rage, but there was nothing he could do.

It is impossible for him to let the master dominate directly in Jiuji City.

Otherwise, his family's great ancestor would not spare him lightly.

Because, you can't fight in the top big world central city.

This is the consensus reached by all the heavens and universes of the Three Rings!

In desperation, he had no choice but to tell the ruler to stare at Wang Mang.

Whenever there is a chance, send Wang Mang's head to him.

It's a pity that although what he said was very beautiful, this mid-term master didn't take it seriously at all.

If it is the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds, he will naturally do his best to complete the order given.

However, although this guy is known as the young master of Jiuji, he is just a junior.

Moreover, they are only descendants of the bloodline, and they don't know how many generations have passed.

In the big world of the Arctic, you can be more arrogant.

But he is not yet qualified to command him to dominate the mid-term powerhouse.

Therefore, on the ninth day.

After Wang Mang arrived outside Jiuji City, everything went smoothly.

He looked around, but did not find the figure of Lord Wanhuang.

However, Wang Mang found several strong masters nearby.

Among them, there are even three masters in the middle stage!

These few rulers are also looking around.

After seeing Wang Mang again, the gazes of these masters all focused on Wang Mang.

at the same time.

Wang Mang also frowned.

If there are a few powerful mid-term masters here.

It's really not easy for him to make an appointment to meet this so-called ruler of all emperors.

It is even unknown whether the Lord of Ten Thousand Emperors will show his face.

But just when Wang Mang was distressed.

A voice transmission sounded suddenly:

"Senior, go back! After one month, just come outside the city gate again!"

After hearing this voice transmission.

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the crowd coming and going.

Afterwards, Wang Mang found it immediately, a young monk in the early stage of the king of the realm who had disappeared from sight.

Wang Mang can be sure that the person who transmitted the sound to him earlier should be this person.

However, Wang Mang also pretended to be indifferent and waited until after dark.

Wang Mangcai looked disappointed, frowned, and left with a gloomy face.

This also made the rest of the powerhouses who dominated the mid-stage frowned, and their faces were not very good-looking.

They originally thought that someone should come to meet Wang Mang. After all, Wang Mang was the only one who dominated the early stage outside the city gate.

But they all saw it, no one came to invite Wang Mang, or anyone who responded.

This also made the three of them look at each other, and couldn't help but whisper:

"You said, where did the ruler of the emperor go?"

"Could someone have been found?"

It was another strong ruler who shook his head, and couldn't help but said helplessly:

"Probably not, the three of us have been waiting here for several days."

The third ruler frowned and said, "It's also possible!"

"Let's take a look, time-space communication stone, pay attention to the message from the Lord of the Ten Thousand Emperors."

While the three were discussing.

After Wang Mang returned to the inn, he was also observing the time-space communication stone, chatting with the masters.

What made Wang Mang even more gratified was that Wang Mang immediately discovered that the Lord of Ten Thousand Emperors was really cunning.

[Wanhuangzhuzhu: Thank you fellow Taoists for your support, we have found allies, and we will start tomorrow. 】

[Kamikaze Ruler: I am also interested in a cemetery that dominates the peak, is there still a lack of Taoist friends? 】

[Master of Flame: This seat is also interested. If fellow daoists are short of allies, just give this seat an address. 】

[Ruler of the Five Elements: Where is the Taoist friend? I have waited for so long, is it just playing tricks on me? 】

[Yin-Yang Master: Yes, Fellow Daoist, is this completely playing with us? I'll keep it in mind! 】

[Gorefiend Master: Hehe, are you threatening others? If you have the ability, come to me, the ruler of the five elements, I have been unhappy with you for a long time! 】

[Master of the Five Elements: Blood Demon, don't be complacent, I will deal with you sooner or later, and come here if you are upset! I'm afraid you won't succeed? 】

Looking at the scenes of these masters chatting and tearing up.

Wang Mang was immediately speechless.

Needless to say.

This gorefiend master is probably also the master of the middle stage.

After all, from the speech point of view.

Wang Mang could guess that the rulers of the five elements and the rulers of yin and yang should be two of the three masters who ruled the mid-term powerhouse.

After putting away the teleportation stone, Wang Mang waited patiently, feeling pretty good.

There is no other reason, because Wang Mang felt that this should be the opportunity he was waiting for.

After waiting for a month, he will be able to meet this extremely cunning Lord of the Ten Thousand Emperors.

At that time, the two should be able to explore together.

This so-called peak dominates the cemetery of the strong.

With this in mind, Wang Mang sat cross-legged and slowly closed his eyes.

This is to close your eyes to rest your mind, and it takes a full month to close your eyes.

After the last day of the month.

Wang Mang slowly opened his eyes, then got up and left the inn.

After leaving the inn, Wang Mang came outside Jiuji City.

as expected.

After Wang Mang arrived outside Jiuji City.

Then he saw the young master monk who sent him a sound transmission a month ago.

I saw that this young master cultivator walked towards the outside of the city as if nothing had happened.

At the same time, Wang Mang also heard his voice transmission:

"Senior, please follow me!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately followed behind him calmly.

At the same time, Wang Mang also looked around and found that there was no strong man following him.

Only then did Wang Mang's tense spirit completely relax.

Afterwards, the green ox monk who was leading the way flew into the distance.

After flying for more than an hour.

Only then did Wang Mang come to a barren jungle.

Afterwards, Wang Mang just entered this barren jungle.

Then he saw a young man sitting cross-legged on the mountain top in the distance.

Similarly, Wang Mang was even more surprised to find that the aura of this young man was much more terrifying than his.

Judging from the breath, this guy has definitely reached the point of dominating the third heaven!

At this time, after feeling Wang Mang's aura, the Master of Wanhuang also slowly opened his eyes.

After seeing Wang Mang, he smiled and nodded at Wang Mang, "Dao is friendly."

Hearing this, Wang Mang cupped his hands very politely and said, "I have seen Fellow Daoist Wanhuang."

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