I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1108: Wang Mang is Confused! The majestic ruler will one day want to drill into a dog's

Hearing this, the Master of Wanhuang suddenly laughed lightly and said:

"Fellow Daoist, you don't need to be too polite. When the time comes to explore the cemetery, I hope you and I will support each other."

After hearing this, Wang Mang was even more elated.

It seems that he really guessed right!

This is very likely to be an opportunity!

If the strength of the ruler of Wanhuang reaches the middle stage of domination, Wang Mang will be a little bit more afraid.

But the strength of the opponent is nothing more than dominating the third heaven.

This simply cannot satisfy the conditions that make Wang Mang fearful and awe-inspiring.

Even if this guy has evil intentions, Wang Mang doesn't need to be afraid at all!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately smiled and complimented: "You are too polite, fellow daoist."

"It is a great honor for me to be willing to explore the cemetery of the peak ruler and strong man together."

Hearing this, the Emperor Wanhuang smiled heartily and said:

"You and I, there is no need to be courteous."

"Let's go! Let's go now!"

After finishing speaking, the Lord of Myriad Emperors flew towards the depths of the sky.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang hurriedly followed, feeling extremely surprised at the same time.

It seems that the so-called cemetery of the dominant peak powerhouse should not be in the Nine Great Worlds.

After thinking about it, Wang Mang was relieved.

If it is really in the Nine Great Worlds.

I guess it's nothing to do with them.

Therefore, after leaving the Nine Great Worlds.

Wang Mang caught up with Master Wan Huang, and at the same time couldn't help but ask, "Fellow Daoist, is it very far away?"

Hearing this, the Emperor Wan Huang nodded with a smile and said: "It is indeed a little far away, it is not in the universe of the three-ringed heavens."

After hearing this, Wang Mang was very surprised, but he continued to follow behind him without asking any further questions.

At the same time, a World Teleportation Stone quietly appeared in his hand, which was the Yunding Great World Teleportation Stone.

Although, he has generally believed that this is very likely to be a chance.

However, one should be cautious, Wang Mang is always vigilant.

It is worth mentioning that.

This flight is on its way.

That is a full month.

The two came from the three-ring universe.

He flew into the universe of the Five Rings.

Afterwards, the two came to a great world.

This Great Thousand World is very weak, how weak is it?

In this world, the strongest exists.

There is only one Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouse.

That is, a quasi-holy existence.

Therefore, when Wang Mang and Wan Huang Zhuang appeared.

The whole world began to tremble violently.

It seemed like it was about to collapse at any moment.

If it weren't for Wang Mang and Wan Huang to rule.

They immediately suppressed and restrained their aura of strength.

I am afraid that this world has collapsed.

Because this world is really too weak.

Even, you don't need to use your hands, as long as the two of you don't suppress your breath.

The origin of this world, as well as the way of heaven, will completely disintegrate and collapse.

After entering this Ang world, Wang Mang couldn't help but asked in confusion and astonishment:

"Fellow Daoist, are you sure which one dominates the tomb of the strong man, is it really here?"

"Why don't I feel the slightest breath of sixth-order existence."

Hearing this, Master Wan Huang said with certainty: "Come with me, this old guy belongs to the existence that specializes in the law of sealing."

"It's normal for fellow daoists not to feel the breath. If I hadn't discovered it by accident, I wouldn't have been able to find his cemetery."

After hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly, but still felt a little weird.

In such a hidden place, this guy can explore the cemetery by himself, right?

There is absolutely no need for the Lord of the Ten Thousand Emperors, let's find someone to go with us to explore the cemetery!

After all, one more person equals one more benefit.

How many of the dominating powerhouses are fools, how could it be so easy to share the benefits with others?

Therefore, Wang Mang, who still believed in this guy, became vigilant again.

There are only two possibilities in this case!

Or, there may be unknown dangers in this cemetery.

Or, the Wanhuang Ruler has evil intentions.

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally became vigilant in his heart.

At this time, a white-haired old man flew over from the distant sky.

The white-haired old man was wearing a white robe.

After seeing Wang Mang and the two, his face turned pale immediately, and he cupped his hands tremblingly and said:

"See...meet the two seniors."

Because he couldn't feel the terrifying aura of the two of them at all.

However, he is the spokesperson of the origin of the world of heaven!

Even the laws of heaven that bless him with the power of the world are trembling.

This proves that the two guys in front of them are very terrifying!

Because, the original fear of the world of Heaven and Dao also spread to him.

Therefore, in front of the two of them, it was not bad for him to be able to speak normally.

Hearing this, the Emperor Wanhuang immediately said indifferently: "Okay! You step back!"

"These days we are here, all of you can't leave this world."

"Otherwise, this seat can easily wipe out your world."

After hearing the words of Master Wanhuang, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly cupped his hands and said:

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will seal off the world and prevent a single mosquito from entering or exiting!"

After finishing speaking, the old man left immediately and began to arrange barriers outside the world.

Seeing this, Wang Mang suddenly chuckled, this ants are too humble.

This also reminded Wang Mang of his humble and cautious appearance in the past.

Seeing Wang Mang chuckle, Master Wan Huang also smiled and said:

"Fellow Daoist, it has worked. Why didn't we do it back then?"

"Let's go! Fellow Daoist! I still know the location of this cemetery."

After finishing speaking, the Lord of Myriad Emperors flew towards the earth below.

This vast world, although it is indeed vast and abundant, is vast and endless.

But for a strong man like Wang Mang, he can reach it in just an instant.

After a few breaths.

Wang Mang and others came to the foot of a towering mountain.

Afterwards, the two stopped one after another.

Then, Wang Mang heard that Lord Wanhuang pointed to a place the size of a dog hole in front of him, and said speechlessly:

"Fellow Daoist is here."

Looking at the place the size of a dog hole in front of him, Wang Mang was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Master Wanhuang.

The Emperor Wanhuang shrugged helplessly, and said, "This is the entrance to the cemetery, it cannot be opened."

"Otherwise, we can destroy this world with a single blow, and the cemetery will be completely exposed by then."

"Also, don't turn into something like an ant. Once the breath of the law is leaked, this place is also very easy to collapse."

Hearing this, Wang Mang had nothing to say, but he felt extremely awkward in his heart.

He majesticly dominates the strong, never thought that one day, he would go into a dog's hole!

This peak dominates the strong man.

It's too fucking stupid!

This feels completely insulting!

No wonder the existence of the cemetery has not been discovered so far!

After hesitating for a while, Wang Mang looked at the young man who ruled Wanhuang, and couldn't help but said, "Why don't fellow daoists drill first?"

Hearing this, the Wanhuang Juggernaut can see it, and said indifferently:

"Drill! Anyway, I have drilled once."

After finishing speaking, Master Wanhuang bent down and lay down on the ground, crawled into the dog hole with his buttocks pouted.

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