I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1125 World Seed and World Origin? Check out the harvest of storage rings!

Speaking of which, Vulcan dominates, it can be said that he is gnashing his teeth.

Because, he had never seen anyone more shameless and despicable than Wang Mang.

He dignifiedly dominates the strong, but has no bottom line at all, and has no dignity of the strong.

He can always do something that is completely incompatible with the status of a strong ruler!

Can you believe that a master who is a master would not dare to fight with fellow daoists of the same level?

Instead, vent your anger on innocent ants?

It can be said that Wang Mang is timid!

He felt it didn't fit.

Because, Wang Mang still dared to pull out his teeth, and dared to threaten them.

He even dared to intercept their trophies without hesitation.

Therefore, this alone does not mean that Wang Mang is as cowardly as a mouse!

If Wanneng is really as timid as a mouse to buy.

Wang Mang didn't even dare to attack them.

Therefore, he said that Wang Mang was the cheapest master he had ever seen.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Extremely greedy and mercenary.

Among the masters, which group of people is dominated by interests?

But people who have reached the point where Wang Mang is so insane.

It was the first time he met.

Moreover, Wang Mang's words were also very clear.

As long as they don't take Wang Mang to see the words of the Lord of Sacrifice.

This guy is like a dog, shaking them and won't let go.

After taking a deep breath, the Lord of Vulcan still felt aggrieved and said, "Okay! I will take you there."

"You can continue to follow us, but you must never snatch our spoils again."

After hearing this, Wang Mang smiled happily and said, "Don't worry, I have promised you."

"Besides, this seat has always kept its word and kept what it said!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the Lord of Fire God and the Lord of Ice God were very aggrieved and angry.

But they were helpless, because Wang Mang really kept his word.

After the rule spar was given, Huo Huo's world of ice and fire disappeared.

But Wang Mang is no longer in Huo Huo's world of ice and fire, but he has his eyes on them!

Now turn around and start rattling them!

Now the two of them can be said to be getting more and more angry, but there is nothing they can do.

To deal with Wang Mang, they can't use the previous method of dealing with dead wood.

After all, the Deadwood Lord can't run away, and the world is gone after running away.

But Wang Mang is different!

Nine out of ten this guy is a habitual offender.

No scruples at all, no weakness.

If you can't beat them, run away.

This is what makes them most helpless.

Fortunately, the two sides have finally adjusted their conflicts.

At this time, Wang Mang saw it, and the Lord of Fire God said to the Lord of Ice God:

"Brother, go and find the world seed and source of this deadwood world."

Hearing this, the Ice God Master nodded, turned around and soared into the sky.

But Wang Mang couldn't help but his heart moved, and then asked curiously:

"Fellow Daoist, what is this so-called seed and origin of the world?"

Hearing this, the Lord of Vulcan snorted coldly and ignored Wang Mang at all.

Obviously, he didn't want to talk to Wang Mang, and he felt sick when he saw Wang Mang.

At this time, it was the blood coffin that transmitted voice to Wang Mang:

"Little guy, if you don't understand something, you can ask Master Coffin!"

Apparently, he was in a good mood just after absorbing the blood coffin of a strong ruler.

The attitude towards Wang Mang is naturally much warmer.

It is clear at a glance that the blood coffin is also an extremely realistic guy!

When there are benefits.

It doesn't mind popularizing some knowledge with Wang Mang.

But if not good.

It's not bad if it doesn't hurt Wang Mang!

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then asked calmly through voice transmission:

"Why, you give me popular science!"

"Otherwise, if you snatched the corpse of a powerful ruler from me, I'm still a little unbalanced in my heart!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the blood coffin suddenly became contemptuous, but still said:

"Every sixth-level low-grade world will give birth to a world seed, which is the carrier of the will of the world."

"As for the origin of the world, it is the root of a sixth-order world. Once lost, it will be destroyed."

"Just like the two guys in front of me, they stripped the world seed and the world's origin, and this sixth-tier low-level world opportunity collapsed."

"Similarly, the strong in this world can only leave here in the end."

"Of course, the sixth-order positions on them can be taken away."

"Unless these two guys kill them all, they will also be absorbed by the origin of the world."

"In this way, with the world seed and the origin of the world, another world can be created."

"Also, if you have the source of the world and the seeds of the world, you can also sell it for a good price."

"Because, the source of the world and the seed of the world are themselves the representatives of the ultimate power of law!"

"They also have a name called an alternative sixth-order ultimate law spar!"

"Of course! This thing is worth more than the real sixth-order ultimate law spar!"

"Because, normally, a good world seed and the origin of the world are priced at 50 million top-grade law crystals!"

After listening to the words of the blood coffin, Wang Mang was stunned.

Good guy!

Doesn't that mean.

I indirectly lost 50 million high-grade law crystals?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt a little heartbroken.

If only he had known.

No matter what, he'll be asking for a piece of the action.

No matter what, let the other party take out 20 million yuan to appease him!

However, he thought that all the storage rings of the dead wood master had fallen into his hand.

Wang Mang felt a little more balanced in his heart.

It is impossible for a strong man who dominates the four heavens to be worth tens of millions.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't wait to test it out.

The storage ring of the dead wood master.

With this in mind, Wang Mang simply distanced himself, and took out the storage ring.

Seeing this scene, the Vulcan ruler not far away suddenly had red eyes.

After all, the Deadwood Lord was killed by the two brothers together!

As a result, he didn't get any benefit, and he could only get a world seed to protect his capital.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the Lord of Vulcan stared at Wang Mang with red eyes.

If it weren't for the fear that Wang Mang and others would continue to make trouble when they robbed their homes.

Or he pissed off Wang Mang and went directly to Huo Hai's Ice and Fire World.

He really has the urge to continue fighting with Wang Mang!

at the same time.

Wang Mang also noticed that the Vulcan master had red and jealous eyes.

Wang Mang didn't care about this, and immediately nodded to the other party with a smile.

Afterwards, Wang Mang began to stimulate the power of the law in a happy mood.

But when Wang Mang inspected the contents of the storage ring.

Wang Mang was completely stunned by the contents inside!

He was so happy and excited that he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

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