I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1126 Surprised! Great harvest again! Going to find the Lord of Sacrifice?

Because, in this storage ring.

The law spar alone has reached 100 million.

Yes! A full 100 million law crystals!

In addition, there is a sixth-grade top-grade bad luck talisman paper!

I don't know if this guy is unlucky!

If you don't have a chance to use it, you will die!

Isn't this bad luck?


However, there is also a set of sixth-tier middle-grade top-level magic weapons and magic armor.

Wang Mang also understood this very well.

The other party is also the master of the world at any rate.

It's very normal to have such a worth.

As for why, these guys have so few law spars.

Wang Mang can also understand, after all, they also have to practice!

No fool would store a bunch of law spars!

After all, once there are cultivation resources, they will be used to cultivate and transform into strength.

Only a fool would save the spar of the law of storage, and then be killed by someone to contribute to others.

They would hoard cultivation resources only when the other party needed a large amount of resources to attack the realm.

Therefore, in Wang Mang's view, it is already very good to have a spar of the law of billions.

Moreover, in this way, Wang Mang can completely evolve again!

Wang Mang himself has tens of millions of law points!

In addition, he had harvested 60 million law crystals not long ago.

Now I have harvested another 100 million rule spar!

This is so proper that it can break through the realm again!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang became even happier.

He discovered that if he wanted to improve his strength quickly, he still had to put his mind on beings of the same level!

What world lord!

What realm king?

Everything is fart in front of the ruler.

They are rich, can they be richer than the ruler?

This is obviously impossible!

The fastest way to get rich is to grab the strong of the same level of strength!

This is the real key to getting rich!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help looking at the Vulcan Lord.

Needless to say, this guy must have a lot of resources.

If there is a chance to kill these two guys.

He will definitely get a lot of resources again!

It's almost a no-brainer.

A strong man who dominates, especially a strong man who dominates the four heavens.

Having hundreds of millions of law crystals is simply normal, right?

It's even normal for someone who is a little rich to own hundreds of millions of law crystals.

This is also Wang Mang's absolute affirmation that robbing his comrades is the fastest way to get rich.

Sure enough, the ancients sincerely do not deceive me!

Killing and arson gold belt!

A man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang has already made a decision.

In the future, Duoduo will put the dominance on these powerhouses of the same level.

After all, to lie to those Realm Lords, the Realm King loses all his money.

Not only is it a waste of time, but it's also very embarrassing.

He, Wang Mang, disdained to do such a thing of defrauding ants of resources.

Wang Mang, who was in a happy mood, immediately put away the storage ring.

if you can.

Of course Wang Mang wanted to find a place to break through.

But the problem is, it's not realistic at all!

Once he leaves the breakthrough realm now.

These two guys definitely dumped him.

This is beyond doubt.

The relationship between these two guys and him.

Although it has not reached the point of immortality.

But it is also the point where fire and water are incompatible!

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally couldn't retreat and break through.

Fortunately, Wang Mang was not made to wait too long, and the master of the ice god returned successfully.

Moreover, I don't know what this guy did.

With the emergence of the Ice God Master.

Wang Mang discovered that the strong power of law in this world began to disappear quickly.

In the end, the power of law in this world was immediately reduced to that of the three-ring universe.

At the same time, this world seemed to have lost its vitality and became extremely fragile.

Wang Mang even suspected that even a monk at the level of a god emperor could break through the space barrier here.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was also stunned.

Is this what it looks like after losing the seed and source of the world?

This is no different from a fifth-order top world!

All right! The area should be much larger than the fifth-order top world.

But that's all!

Even the cultivation environment has become so bad.

How can such a world keep people?

As soon as Wang Mang thought of this, he found many monks.

Started to fly out of the world.

Because, as the world loses its color, after losing its origin.

Even the world has become so fragile, they naturally don't want to leave.

As for the weak ants and creatures, they are destined to be in the same boat with this world.

Maybe one day with good luck, there will be a master who will build a brand new sixth-level low-rank world here.

It is also possible that in the near future, this world will completely disappear in the universe of the three-ringed heavens.

Of course, these are not things that Wang Mang and the others need to care about.

After all, once they left, who cares about the flood!

At this time, the Lord of Fire and the Lord of Ice looked at each other, and then flew towards the distance.

The two safely ignored Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang didn't care, and slowly followed.

Just like that, Wang Mang followed for a month.

He witnessed these two guys with his own eyes, accumulatively ransacking five sixth-tier low-rank worlds.

Similarly, Wang Mang succeeded in another sneak attack on the way.

As a result, he got another 80 million law crystals.

And a set of Tier 6 mid-tier top-level magic weapons, plus a teleportation talisman.

This also made the two of them itch, but there was nothing they could do.

Fortunately, after Wang Mang made another shot, he didn't make any progress.

Otherwise, the two will definitely fight Wang Mang desperately!

Because, strictly speaking.

The good things Wang Mang got were similar to them.

In total, they successfully invaded and attacked six sixth-tier low-rank worlds.

As a result, most of the benefits of two of them were cut off by Wang Mang.

Of course, the last world seed and origin are in their hands.

Therefore, they actually have more good things and resources than them.

This also made Wang Mang jealous.

If it hadn't been for the Lord of Sacrifice yet.

I'm afraid he wants to attack these two people!

The truth is that these two guys have too many good things!

If not, he still doesn't know the whereabouts of the Lord of Sacrifice.

Wang Mang would definitely take the risk and attack the two of them.

Because, the good things on the two of them, as well as the cultivation resources, are worth his hands!

Fortunately, Wang Mang's patience finally got a response.

On this day, Wang Mang discovered that these two guys did not continue to search for the sixth-order low-grade world.

On the contrary, the two of them flew very purposefully towards the edge of the universe of the three-ringed heavens, and made a long journey.

As for Wang Mang, he also followed behind the two of them.

Because, what he expected was good.

These two guys must be going to find the Lord of Sacrifice.

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