I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1127 The Weird Lord of Sacrifice! Blood Coffin Reminder! Suspected existence of the seventh

Think here.

Wang Mang, who was following behind the two, couldn't help muttering happily:

"Finally, I didn't let this seat wait in vain. After I know that the Lord of Sacrifice has completed the transaction."

"See how this seat will deal with you!"

Speaking of which.

Wang Mang's eyes also became a little colder.

After all, these two dog things have such great wealth.

But the two still chose to go to the Lord of Sacrifice for a deal without hesitation.

From here, it can be seen that the Lord of Sacrifice is not an ordinary character.

I'm afraid the level of wealth is terrifying!


Wang Mang has always been patient.

Waiting for the two to trade.

By the time.

He can trade naturally.


Once the transaction is over.

Wang Mang would look for opportunities to attack the two of them.

It's not that Wang Mang looked down on the two of them.

Now his background and strength are completely enough to crush these two guys.

No matter how much these two guys trade, it is impossible to obtain sixth-level top-grade supernatural powers and magical weapons, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

After all, there are sixth-level top-grade divine weapons and supernatural powers.

Even a master who dominates the peak is only two different things.

Even a master who dominates the pinnacle can't gather the background!

Not to mention an ordinary guy?

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Mang is full of confidence!

But just as Wang Mang was on his way.

Then the sound of the system sounds:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the task of killing the mid-term powerhouse! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 20 million law points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained master level treasure chest X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the dominant level blind box X1! 】


After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang, who was on his way, was suddenly speechless.

The delay of this system is too slow!

As early as two months ago, he had killed the dominant mid-term powerhouse.

Moreover, in the past two months.

He also killed another strong man who ruled the four heavens.

As a result, the system is only now prompted to complete the task.

However, after listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was even happier!

Because, he himself has enough resources to evolve.

Now that he has completed another task, he has gained even more cultivation background!

After completing the transaction, he can complete the task again and get another wave of resources.

In the end, if these two guys are killed again, another wave of rich resources can be obtained.

Maybe he just got together the resources for two consecutive evolutions?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang continued to follow behind the two with his hands behind his back in a happy mood.

This journey took half a month.

Under the leadership of the two.

Wang Mang left the three-ring universe.

Came to the six-ring universe.

All right!

The six rings were made up by Wang Mang.

The main reason is that the world and creatures here are too weak.

How weak is it?

Weak enough to barely reach the level of immortals!

Even Changsheng Jiushi couldn't do it!

to be honest.

Wang Mang really didn't know what the Lord of Sacrifice, the heavens hiding on such a fringe, wanted to do.

Could it be that there is an enemy, so this guy has to hide in the edge of the heavens?

After Wang Mang made random guesses, he still felt that it was really possible.

Otherwise, what is this guy hiding?

However, Wang Mang didn't think deeply.

Because the opponent has such a great ability, it is so difficult to kill in the eyes of the system.

You can imagine how awesome it is!

After all, if you kill this guy, you can get eight free evolution opportunities!

What a concept!

This is equivalent to him as long as he has a template and a bloodline.

He will be able to soar into the sky, and even step into the seventh step.

Therefore, Wang Mang actually had some guesses in his mind.

Just then.

Wang Mang saw it.

The Lord of Fire God and the Lord of Ice God suddenly flew into a world.

Seeing this, Wang Mang naturally followed and entered this world.

not only.

Wang Mang had already restrained his breath.

Because, these tiny worlds are too weak.

A strong man like Wang Mang.

The feeling of coming to this world.

It's like being an adult sitting in a baby's cradle.

If you don't pay attention, it's easy to destroy this world.

After entering this world.

Fire God and Ice God dominate.

Came directly to a dense mountain range.

Then, it quickly stopped in front of a cave.

Moreover, because of this journey, Wang Mang and others are very low-key.

So, they didn't attract, anyone's attention at all.

At this time, Wang Mang also stopped.

Then, he looked at the two and couldn't help asking:

"right here?"

It was said that the Lord of Fire God and the Lord of Ice God ignored Wang Mang.

On the contrary, both of them bowed their hands respectfully, bent down and said:

"Junior Fire God, Ice God, I have met senior."

After a long time.

Wang Mang then heard a hoarse voice:

"You two come in first!"

Then, the two walked in.

As for Wang Mang, he also wanted to go in.

However, Wang Mang finally refused.

Because, he couldn't sense anything in the cave at all.

There is only one possibility for this situation!

The opponent is already so strong that he is not at the same level as him.

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally did not dare to act rashly.

In case you offend the Lord of Sacrifice.

Isn't he cool?

After all, what is the strength of this guy.

Wang Mang really didn't know.

At this time, the sound transmission of the blood coffin sounded in his mind:

"Be careful, this guy's breath makes Lord Coffin feel very uncomfortable."

"The coffin master guesses that his real body is at least at the seventh-order biological level!"

"As for why he is hiding on the edge of the universe, Lord Coffin doesn't know."

"Okay, Master Coffin will stop talking."

After finishing speaking, the blood coffin quietly turned into blood light and escaped into Wang Mang's head.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was shocked.

Because, this is the first time this guy is hiding!

In the past, the blood coffin would never hide.

Most of the time, it is suspended above his head.

But this time, the dead coffin actually knew to hide!

When Wang Mang was stunned and shocked.

Time also passed very quickly.

In the blink of an eye, three days later.

this day.

Wang Mang finally saw it.

Fire God and Ice God dominate.

They all came out of the cave.

The faces of the two were full of joy.

A look of spring breeze.

Just when Wang Mang was about to ask.

In the cave, a slightly hoarse voice sounded again:

"Little guy, do you also want to trade with me? Come in!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was shocked all over, he bent down and cupped his hands and said:

"The junior also traded with the senior."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang walked into the cave expectantly.

But when he walked into the cave, Wang Mang saw the incomparably dark depths.

A pair of blood-red eyes, especially strange in the darkness, were staring at him.

Under the watchful eyes of this pair of red bewitching eyes.

Wang Mang felt an indescribable sense of fear.

The next moment, Wang Mang heard it, and the other party's hoarse voice came again:

"Mysterious little guy, what do you want? You can mention anything you want."

"Of course, the premise is that you have to own what you traded with me!"

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