I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1129 Is there any enmity between the Lord of Sacrifice and the Lord of Gods and Demons? Let

After hearing this voice.

Wang Mang clearly felt it.

The blood coffin in his head trembled a few times, and then he said angrily:

"Boy Wang Mang, if you dare to trade with Grandpa."

"Grandpa, my mother just exploded in your head!"

"Let your primordial spirit be destroyed, everyone don't think about it!"

After hearing the sound transmission of the blood coffin's dismay, Wang Mang's forehead was dripping with sweat.

He had no choice but to comfort him via sound transmission:

"Don't worry! I, Wang Mang, am not the kind of villain who abandons his partners."

"Are you still worried about my character?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the blood coffin was slightly relieved.

But after hearing Wang Mang's character.

The blood coffin just wanted to hehe in disdain.

During the time with Wang Mang.

He had seen Wang Mang's behavior before.

What a bad character!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a complete villain.

Because, Wang Mang can always do something, don't do things like Bilian!

The demeanor of a strong man who dominates a strong man has never been the slightest.

A mercenary, despicable and insidious villain.

This is Blood Coffin's evaluation of Wang Mang!

Therefore, in the face of Wang Mang's sound transmission, the blood coffin directly said in a ruthless voice:

"You better not do that, boy!"

"If you dare to betray Master Coffin, everyone will die together!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was speechless immediately.

Well, he admits he does have some ideas.

Especially when it was learned that this guy was actually worth a sixth-order high-grade top-level supernatural power.

What Wang Mang had to admit was that he was really moved and wanted to trade this guy.

However, this is just a momentary thought.

Thinking that there are still many things that I don’t understand in the future.

Needing to consult the blood coffin, Wang Mang gave up this idea.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang shook his head helplessly and said: "Senior, this blood coffin is a kindness to me, and this junior must not do it. This kind of villain who gave up it for profit."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Blood Coffin felt much better.

Even though I know, this guy is just talking nicely.

But it proved that Wang Mang would not betray him easily.

Or when life is not threatened.

Hearing this, the Lord of Sacrifice chuckled in surprise and said:

"This seat will never buy and sell by force when doing transactions."

"It's just to tell you how to trade."

"Besides, there are other ways of trading!"

"You can also complete the task given to you by this seat."

"This seat will sell you the low price you want."

After hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but flatter him and said:

"Senior, this junior likes this supreme domain and the body of training soldiers."

"Can the price be cheaper? The juniors are really poor!"

Speaking of this, Wang Mang suddenly looked downcast.

Of course, Wang Mang is completely pretending.

It's not that Wang Mang doesn't want to cry poor.

The problem is, he really can't afford so many things!

If he really wants to trade normally, he will be emptied of all his wealth!

Therefore, if he could cry poorly, Wang Mang would not mind giving it a try.

Hearing this, the Lord of Sacrifice chuckled suddenly:

"Just take out what you can trade."

"Take them all out!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang had no choice but to take out two pieces of sixth-tier high-grade armor and a series of talisman papers.

He only kept one of the sixth-grade top-grade bad luck talisman and the sixth-grade high-grade teleportation talisman.

Therefore, Wang Mang didn't take out many things, only two or three pieces of sixth-grade high-grade talisman papers, and two pieces of sixth-grade high-grade divine armor.

After seeing these items, the Lord of Sacrifice pondered for a while:

"You just gave me 1 billion sixth-order top-grade law crystals."

"This seat allows you to choose one of the sixth-order top-grade top-level supernatural powers!"

After hearing this, Wang Mang burst into tears and said:

"Senior, this is already all the belongings of this junior!"

After hearing this, the Lord of Sacrifice said slowly:

"Since it's your first transaction with me, I won't embarrass you."

"This seat gives you the supernatural power of training soldiers."

"In addition, what I want to remind you is."

"You have to make a great oath, and this supernatural power will never be spread."

"Even if one day, this supernatural power will have no effect on you!"

After hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then he cupped his hands in joy and said:

"Thank you senior!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang saw it.

The two sixth-rank high-grade divine weapons and a few pieces of talisman papers in front of him all disappeared.

Then, a jade slip flew into Wang Mang's eyes.

Wang Mang immediately swore an oath of the Great Dao.

Afterwards, Wang Mang accepted the jade slip with great excitement.

Whether it is the realm of supreme or the body of training soldiers.

Wang Mang actually wanted both of these supernatural powers.

If you really want to let him make a choice.

It is indeed very difficult for Wang Mang to make a choice!

Because, don't look at the supreme domain, once you learn it, you can see it immediately!

But the body of training soldiers can train his physical body to the sixth-order high-grade level!

This is the basic condition that must be met to break through the seventh step in the future!

At that time, he will even save the cultivation resources to improve his physical body!

Even, the same two or six high-grade magic weapons can be omitted!

At that time, once he has finished training.

Physically resist the sixth-rank top-grade divine weapon!

Just ask if you hang up?

It just exploded!

Therefore, after putting away the body of training soldiers.

Only then did Wang Mang respectfully cup his hands with joy and said:

"Senior, since the transaction is over, which junior will resign?"

Hearing this, the hoarse voice of the Lord of Sacrifice came out:

"Go! Whenever you want to trade, just come to me again."

"Of course, I still have a task here. If you can complete this seat, I can pass on this Supreme Realm to you! Are you interested in hearing it?"

After hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help asking:

"Senior, what kind of mission is it?"

Hearing this, the hoarse voice of the Lord of Sacrifice sounded again:

"The task is very simple! You help me pick off the head of the Lord of Gods and Demons, even if he was not killed by you."

"This seat can also give you this supernatural power."

After hearing this, Wang Mang was instantly stunned!

Fuck! Could it be that the Lord of Sacrifice has enmity with the Lord of Gods and Demons?

Who is the Lord of Gods and Demons?

The sixth-order invincible Supreme Proved the Dao!

Moreover, he is still the Invincible Supreme on the Supreme List!

Although it's not in full shape right now.

But he is still the invincible supreme on the previous supreme list!

Once people can fully unite.

Among the seventh ranks are all vertically and horizontally invincible existences!

Moreover, people still have kindness to Wang Mang, okay?

The relationship between the two is very good, right?

In the end, the Lord of Sacrifice!

To let him and the lord of gods and demons live forever!

The Lord of Sacrifice thinks highly of him too!

Don't say Wang Mang is unwilling.

Even if he really wanted to, he wouldn't dare!

The ghost knows what cards they have!

When he was out of trouble back then, several talisman papers were given to him!

Can such an existence really be easily killed by him?

This is obviously impossible!

Therefore, Wang Mang repeatedly shook his head and said bitterly:

"Senior, aren't you trying to trick this junior?"

"How dare this junior provoke him! He used to be the sixth-level invincible supreme!"

"Moreover, he is still the Invincible Supreme on the Supreme List! He even broke through to the existence of the seventh level."

"The younger generation dares to find him bad luck, isn't he seeking his own death?"

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