I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1130 Successfully obtained one, the sixth-level top-level supernatural power: the body of tr

"Besides, the senior doesn't know something, the Lord of Gods and Demons is kind to the junior!"

"Junior, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing that is inferior to pigs and dogs."

All right!

What Wang Mang said was indeed very beautiful.

But in fact.

It is true that he can't afford to offend the Lord of Gods and Demons.

It is an indisputable fact that people are kind to him.

In addition, the main thing is that the Lord of Sacrifice didn't give much, right?

If the Lord of Sacrifice gives much.

The system also gives more rewards!

Then Wang Mang really did it!

what? What hatred?

What brotherhood?

What kind of friendship?

It's just that the interests of betrayal are not enough!

If there are really enough interests and conditions.

Of course Wang Mang didn't mind reluctantly attacking the Lord of Gods and Demons!

The problem is that he doesn't have this condition!

He doesn't have this strength either!

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

The Lord of Sacrifice in the darkness took a deep look at Wang Mang.

He also felt the breath of the Lord of Gods and Demons from Wang Mang.

That's why Wang Mang was given this seemingly incomparably tempting task.

Unexpectedly, Wang Mang knew so much about the Lord of Gods and Demons.

Even, he can see it completely.

Wang Mang's fear of the Lord of Gods and Demons.

It's not so strong, but so strong to the extreme!

At this point, the hoarse voice of the Lord of Sacrifice sounded again:

"That being the case, then go down."

"If you have resources, you can trade with me next time."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately nodded respectfully, and then left the cave.

At the same time, Wang Mang was also guessing in his heart, did the Lord of Sacrifice have a big enmity with the Lord of Gods and Demons?

But that doesn't make sense either!

If the Lord of Sacrifice has a great enmity with the Lord of Gods and Demons.

Then, according to his current strength, he should personally kill the Lord of Gods and Demons!

After all, the blood coffin has already said, this guy is suspected to be a seventh-order existence!

Shouldn't even be able to handle the Lord of Gods and Demons?

For a while, Wang Mang was also a little confused.

This is the relationship between the Lord of Sacrifice and the Lord of Gods and Demons.

But after thinking for a while, Wang Mang was too lazy to think about it, and walked out of the cave.

Similarly, after walking out of the cave, the smile on Wang Mang's face could not be concealed at all.

After all, a sixth-order top-grade supernatural power!

Now, I finally have a magical power of my own!

Although, he also paid a big price.

All this is very worthwhile in Wang Mang's view!

After all, the value of the sixth-level top-level supernatural power is very high!

Although, this supernatural power can never be spread and traded.

But Wang Mang didn't plan to spread it outside!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but asked via voice transmission:

"Blood coffin, why do you think this guy sells the sixth-level upper-grade supernatural power so cheap?"

The next moment, the sound transmission of the blood coffin sounded:

"It's very likely that this guy is a supernatural power that has been selling more."

"After all, you only have the right to use it, and you can never spread it outside."

"Once you all die one day, he will naturally make a steady profit."

After hearing the explanation of the blood coffin, Wang Mang suddenly realized.

No wonder the Lord of Sacrifice is sold so cheaply.

This is indeed a steady profit without losing money!

It's like paying rent!

It is only for rent for your use!

You can only use it and not sublet it!

Once you move out, the landlord will make a steady profit!

After thinking about this, Wang Mang was also very helpless.

Sure enough, these strong men are not fools!

Never do business at a loss!

Moreover, accumulating less becomes more, it is definitely a steady profit!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt envious besides emotion.

However, Wang Mang didn't feel too bad!

After all, he didn't think he would perish!

But at this moment.

A systematic voice sounded in Wang Mang's mind:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the transaction! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 50 million law points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the dominant level blind box X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained master level treasure chest X1! 】


After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was immediately elated.

Cool! Very cool!

There are so many resources out there!

It's a step further away from evolving twice in a row!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's face was filled with joy.

For a moment, Wang Mang was in a great mood.

But when Wang Mang walked out of the cave.

Then he saw that Lord of Fire God and Lord of Ice God were staring at him with smiles on their faces.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang narrowed his eyes immediately, he didn't think these two guys were kindly waiting for him.

On the contrary, the hidden murderous intent in the eyes of the two of them was captured by Wang Mang even though it disappeared in a flash.

These two dogs actually want to kill me?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly sneered in his heart.

However, Wang Mang was still full of joy, without showing it at all.

Instead, he smiled and asked the two of them: "Two friends, are you planning to go back?"

Hearing this, the Lord of Fire God and Lord of Ice God all showed abnormal smiles and said:

"That's right! Isn't this waiting for you, Fellow Daoist?"

"That's right, I don't know what you got?"

After hearing the sound of two people probing and asking.

Where Wang Mang didn't know, the two of them obviously wanted to do something to him a long time ago.

Therefore, Wang Mang suddenly smiled at the two of them, but did not respond.

On the contrary, Wang Mang staggered the topic and said with a smile:

"Since the two fellow daoists are waiting for me, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang nodded towards the two of them, and soared into the sky as if nothing had happened.

at the same time.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Fire God and the Lord of Ice God exchanged glances and followed each other.

Seeing this, Wang Mang sneered even more in his heart.

Because, it's not just these two guys who want to do something to him.

He also wanted to attack these two guys!

at the same time.

Then the sound of the system sounds:

【Ding! Detect the current status of the host, and give the host the following task options! 】

[Mission 1: Facing the murderous Lord of Fire God and Lord of Ice God, choose to admit defeat and run away! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 10 million rule points! 】


[Mission 2: Facing the murderous Lord of Fire God and Lord of Ice God, choose to make peace, peace is the most important thing! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 20 million rule points! Realm King Blind Box X1! Realm king treasure chest X1! 】


[Mission 3: Facing the murderous Lord of Fire God and Lord of Ice God, choose to fight back, inherit the wealth of the other party and the top-level supernatural power of the sixth-level top-grade that you just obtained! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 20 million rule points! Dominant Blind Box X1! Master level treasure chest X1! 】


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