I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1132 Wang Mang started to have a headache! The old and cunning masters of the ice god and th

When I saw the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon in Wang Mang's book, the dark halberd.

Regardless of whether it was the Lord of Fire God or the Lord of Ice God, their faces were full of disbelief.


This guy actually has a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon?

Could it be that this guy is trading the sixth-rank top-grade magic weapon?

But they know that the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon is not cheap for the Lord of Sacrifice.

If you want to get a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon from the Lord of Sacrifice, you need to pay something, and the value must be higher than the value of the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon!

On the contrary, the price of supernatural powers is cheaper.

Although they don't know why, they are too lazy to think about it.

But now I see that Wang Mang still has a sixth-rank high-grade magic weapon in his hands.

The two of them could be said to have become jealous.

They have also obtained the sixth-rank top-grade divine weapon.

Moreover, he obtained three pieces of sixth-rank high-grade divine weapons.

It can be said that luck is added to the body, just like the darling of heaven.

Because of this, they used three sixth-tier high-grade divine weapons, plus some law crystals, world seeds and origins, etc.

In the end, he successfully obtained a sixth-order top-grade supernatural power!

But now that Wang Mang has obtained the sixth-rank high-grade magic weapon, although the two of them are a little confused, there is more greed in their eyes.

"Boy! I didn't expect you to trade a sixth-level high-grade divine weapon."

"It just so happens that the two of us don't even have any weapons in our hands. After we kill you."

"The two of us, brothers, can be counted as soldiers at our fingertips!"

Both of them sneered at Wang Mang and said.

Hearing this, Wang Mang smiled disdainfully: "It's up to you?"

"When I take out the halberd, you are all destined to die!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the master of ice god suddenly laughed angrily:

"Crazy boy! We want to see how capable you are!"

While speaking, the Ice God Juggernaut burst into flames.

He raised his hands to condense lawful ice crystals, sweeping towards Wang Mang overwhelmingly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered, and slammed out his giant palm with the same technique.

bang bang bang!

Accompanied by a loud bang.

Wang Mang condensed the black giant palm of the law of devouring.

They collide with the ice crystals.

There was a loud noise!

The terrifying laws of air waves rippled.

Afterwards, the Vulcan master was also not to be outdone, and made a formula with both hands, and the fire dragon swept out.


See this situation.

The halberd in Wang Mang's hand was injected with the power of law, and he slashed out a halberd aura out of thin air.

The halberd energy pierced through the engulfing fire dragon in an instant.

At the same time, Wang Mang even bullied himself with a big halberd.

Wang Mang is going to kill one of them first!

But what makes Wang Mang helpless is.

The two immediately pulled back and retreated wildly.

Don't give him a chance to bully him.

Apparently, the other party also knew that he possessed a sixth-tier high-grade divine weapon.

If it is a close combat, it will be thankless at all!

Therefore, whether it is the ruler of the fire god or the ruler of the ice god, the two have a very tacit understanding.

One after another adopted the method of fighting, flanking Wang Mang back and forth.

Once Wang Mang is separated for a while, he is in danger of falling.

The experience of the two working together is too rich!

It doesn't matter who Wang Mang deals with first.

The other will take the opportunity to launch a fatal attack on Wang Mang!

This also made the three of them fight fiercely for an hour.

It's a pity that the two sides have been fighting for so long and are still evenly matched.

This also made Wang Mang a little annoyed:

"You two, don't you just hide and hide?"

"If you have the ability to fight with me, face to face!"

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

The Lord of Vulcan suddenly smiled and said:

"Didn't I learn this from you? You have a weapon in your hand, and we are no match for you!"

The master of the ice god also echoed with a sneer:

"That's right, don't use weapons if you have the ability, we naturally don't mind fighting with your body!"

"Do you think we are fools? If we let you get close, what advantage do we have?"

After hearing the two people sneer proudly.

Wang Mang was speechless for a moment!

Fuck! What these two dogs said makes sense!

For a moment, Wang Mang was so angry that he jumped up and down, wishing he could chop off these two dogs.

However, these two people are really old, treacherous and cunning, they don't fight him head-on at all, they always use pincers to fight.

In desperation, Wang Mang had no choice but to send a voice transmission: "Blood coffin, remember to help me later."

"Kill these two guys, the corpses of these two guys are still yours."

The next moment, the voice of the blood coffin sounded: "Don't worry! You promise them to fight them without weapons."

"After you fight them in close quarters, Lord Coffin will find an opportunity to seize the opportunity and try to sneak attack one of them into a serious injury!"

After hearing the sound of the blood coffin, Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Wang Mang said with a look of anger on his face: "Okay! I don't need magic weapons anymore."

"Even if I don't use divine weapons, I can still suppress you!"

While speaking, Wang Mang put away his magic weapon and rushed towards the Lord of Vulcan immediately.

Seeing this scene, Vulcan master sneered: "I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

While speaking, he directly greeted her!

Seeing Wang Mang condensing the power of law in his palm, he patted towards him.

He also showed no sign of weakness, condensed the Law of Fire in his palm, and slammed it on.

The next moment, the two palmed each other in terror and collided with each other.

All of a sudden, the terrifying power of law swept across.

The two still couldn't tell the difference.

Both sides are condensing the power of law.

Trying to force the opponent back completely.

This is the collision of the most primitive power of law!

But what Wang Mang didn't expect was that this guy was really powerful.

Obviously his devouring law is better than the opponent's fire law.

But he still couldn't suppress the opponent, and the strength of the power of the law also couldn't suppress the opponent.

Therefore, don't mention how surprised Wang Mang was!

The next moment, Wang Mang slapped the Lord of Vulcan with the other palm.

Similarly, the Lord of Vulcan gave a sneer, and the other hand also condensed the law of fire to face Wang Mang.

boom! boom! boom!

A terrifying power of law erupted with the sound of a sonic boom, and the remaining power swept around and rippled.

The palms of the two overlap each other!

The Vulcan ruler is covered in flames!

Wang Mang was surrounded by the Law of Lust Devouring.

For a while, no one suppressed the other.

"Little bastard, your strength is not bad."

"There are only a handful of people who can fight at the same level as the old man."

At this time, the master of Vulcan mocked with a sneer on his face.

Because, he wanted to create opportunities for the master of ice god to attack and kill him!

Hearing this, Wang Mang snorted coldly, his face was not very good-looking.

After all, the power of the law has never been able to completely suppress the opponent.

This made Wang Mang the arrogance of the world, not to mention how upset he was!

at the same time.

The master of the ice god behind Wang Mang also seized the opportunity.

Especially seeing that Wang Mang and Vulcan dominate the power of fighting against the law.

This is simply creating an opportunity for him to strike!

You know, in the case of fighting against the power of the law.

Once one side suddenly withdraws its strength, it will be defeated.

Even, the power of the law of the opponent will take the opportunity to invade the whole body.

Slightly serious injury, serious may even be life-threatening!

It can be said that this is simply a golden opportunity!

Because of this, the master of the ice god couldn't help but grinned grimly.

The next moment, his body moved and swept towards Wang Mang:

"Boy, tomorrow today is your death day!"

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