I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1133 Successful counter-kill! The blood coffin killed the Ice God Master first? Successfully

After hearing the movement behind him.

Wang Mang suddenly looked shocked and angry.

At the same time, Wang Mang looked as if he wanted to withdraw and retreat.

But with Wang Mang fighting against the master of Vulcan who is fighting for mana, how can he let Wang Mang go?

With a ferocious smile on his face, he unleashed all the power of the law, and swept towards Wang Mang through the palm of his hand.

Once Wang Mang dared to withdraw his strength, he would definitely be seriously injured!

He will even be attacked by his law of fire!

The next moment, Wang Mang suddenly shouted in a panic-stricken look: "You despicable villain!"

While speaking, Wang Mang was also fully running the law of devouring to sweep out.

At the same time, the master of ice god was overjoyed when he saw this.

Afterwards, he was already close to Wang Mang, and slapped Wang Mang's head with all his strength.

He wanted to blow Wang Mang's head off with one palm!

In this way, Wang Mang will surely die!

But the next moment.

The sudden change!

I saw the back of Wang Mang's head.

A dazzling red light lit up.

Then, a blood coffin swept towards him in an instant.

This also made the Ice God dominate, secretly thought something bad in his heart, and subconsciously withdrew and retreated wildly.

At the same time, keep your hands in front of you.

The next moment, the blood coffin instantly turned into a huge coffin and crashed on him.

This also made the master of the ice god unable to hold back his mouth to vomit blood, and flew out backwards.

But the next moment, what made the Ice God Master even more furious.

The blood coffin swept over again.

Don't give him the speed of reaction at all.


The blood coffin that hit again.

This immediately made the Ice God dominate, and couldn't help but let out a painful scream.

Then, his body flew upside down and hit the barrier.

Just these two impacts knocked him into chaos.

Not only that, but the blood coffin swept towards him again!

A posture of swearing not to give up until he is killed!

The Vulcan Lord was stunned at this scene.


A coffin!

Pressing his brother to fight?

Could it be that I am dazzled?

All of a sudden, the master of Vulcan doubted life.

But when he was distracted.

He felt a black light burst towards him.

It turned out that it was Wang Mang who injected the law of devouring into his eyes, turning them into black light and bombarding his eyes.

Turned pale with shock, Lord Vulcan's eyes were blazing, and he was about to resist.

The next moment, there was a pop!

Two rays of devouring law light.

Instantly blasted into his eyes.


The next moment, the Lord of Vulcan couldn't help screaming.

At the same time, he subconsciously tried his best to use the power of law, pouring his palms into Wang Mang.


Accompanied by a law collision sound.

The two were completely separated.

But the Lord of Vulcan, whose eyes were bleeding profusely, remained vigilant.

Although his eyes were blind, it was nothing to him at all.

If it weren't for Wang Mang's devouring law, which penetrated into his eyes, he would be back to normal in an instant.

Now under the destruction of the Law of Devouring, his eyes are bleeding profusely, and he looks like he is blind, but in fact he is not at all.

After all, since it is invisible to the naked eye, it is useless to dominate the strong.

The strong don't rely on the naked eye at all, but completely rely on the soul, and they can perceive the world.

But the next moment, before he could get angry, he saw Wang Mang coming again with a halberd in his hand.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Vulcan suddenly lost his temper.

I had no choice but to choose to fight with Wang Mang.

But he really can't fight Wang Mang alone.

It can be said that he was completely suppressed and beaten by Wang Mang.

After all, back then he was able to suppress Wang Mang mainly because of two against one!

But now, his brother Ice God Juggernaut is completely restrained by that coffin.

Not only that, but Wang Mang even chased and killed him with a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon.

This also led to him completely falling into a disadvantage in the battle with Wang Mang.

However, he still did not choose to fight Wang Mang head-on.

Now, he can only drag Wang Mang.

I hope his good brother Ice God will rule,

Which coffin can be suppressed to help him.

If Wang Mang knew what this guy was thinking.

I'm afraid he really can't help laughing out loud.

After all, the blood coffin is also a seventh-rank magic soldier!

How could it be easily suppressed?

To be honest, even Wang Mang couldn't figure out the strength of the blood coffin.

This guy seems to only need to absorb and eat more powerful people.

Its strength seems to gradually become stronger.

It can always keep up with Wang Mang's footsteps!

Therefore, Wang Mang was not sure about this guy.

However, it is probably impossible for an Ice God Lord to get rid of the blood coffin.

Therefore, Wang Mang is not worried at all, the blood coffin will be taken care of by this guy.

It would be great if the Ice God Lord could not be overthrown under the fierce blow of the blood coffin.

What makes Wang Mang helpless is that in the next battle, although he has the upper hand.

However, he still couldn't solve this Vulcan Lord, this dog is too hard to kill!

To be honest, with the same strength as the former Wan Huang Juggernaut, I'm afraid they can't beat this guy.

This is Wang Mang's eloquence, but in fact it is.

This guy is so difficult that even Wang Mang can't kill him with a magic weapon.

But the former ruler of Wanhuang was killed by him with magic weapons, and he still crossed a small realm.

But what Wang Mang didn't know was that the ruler of Vulcan at this moment was suffering in his heart!

He has been chased and beaten by Wang Mang, and he dare not confront Wang Mang head-on.

After fighting for so long, don't mention how aggrieved I feel.

He even wanted to make peace, but thought it was impossible!

After all, the two sides have already torn skins!

Just then.

A shrill scream sounded!

After hearing this scream.

Lord Vulcan's expression changed drastically.

The next moment, he saw the Ice God Juggernaut struggling painfully on top of the barrier.

At the same time, the blood mist released from the blood coffin was all over his body, continuously sucking his blood.

After the blood mist submerged the Ice God Juggernaut, the screams completely disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the Vulcan Lord's catalog was about to burst, and he said sadly: "Ice God!"

At this moment, the ruler of Vulcan couldn't help but burst into tears.

The brother who had been with him day and night for so long died in front of his eyes like this.

This also made Vulcan dominate, and at this moment, his heart was completely ashamed.

At the same time, Wang Mang seized the opportunity of this guy's distraction in an instant!

I saw that Wang Mang was holding a big halberd, roaring out, and went to kill the Vulcan master.

Moreover, in just an instant, Wang Mang has already bullied him.

The halberd in his hand slashed fiercely at the Lord of Vulcan.

The god of fire who came back to his senses dominates.

See the euphorbia close at hand.

He didn't hide, and slowly closed his eyes.

Because, he didn't even have a chance to blew himself up.

The next moment, there was a pop!

The head of Vulcan Lord was chopped off by Wang Mang on the spot.

At this point, the Lord of Vulcan fell on the spot!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The next moment, the blood coffin rushed up instantly, releasing blood mist to envelop his body.

After a few sticks of incense.

The Lord of Vulcan was absorbed by the blood coffin.

Afterwards, the two storage rings flew in front of Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang took the storage ring with a smile all over his face.

The next moment, Wang Mang wanted to check these two storage rings.

At this moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 20 million law points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained master level treasure chest X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the dominant level blind box X1! 】

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