I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1145 Dominate the battle power of the seventh heaven! The high-spirited Wang Mang! The Earth

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Wang Mang: The strongest of the heavens (dominates combat power).

Template: God Demon Nine Changes Python (Dominates Five Stars).

Bloodline: dark bloodline (dominates six stars).

Realm: Dominate the triple (Unrivaled Talent).

Supernatural powers: Great Sealing Technique (not mastered), Supreme Domain (not mastered), Body of Soldiers (not mastered).

Space: Sixth-rank top-rank Teleportation Talisman X1, sixth-rank top-rank Bad Luck Talisman X2, seventh-rank low-rank divine weapon fragments 29/30, seventh-rank low-rank magic power 6/30.

Equipment: Dark Euphorbia (sixth), talent value 19050/20000 (Legendary Tianjiao), 310 million sixth-level top-grade law spar.

Law value: 50 million/500 million.

Garbage warehouse: 150 million (six sets of sixth-tier middle-grade top magic weapons have been put into storage).


But after reading the personal information.

Wang Mang couldn't help calling shit.

His resources are really just enough to break through the First Layer!

Barely an extra 10 million law points!

However, fortunately, it was enough to break through!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt happy.

The next moment, Wang Mang silently said without hesitation:

"System! Convert all the law crystals into law values!"

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully exchanged 310 million sixth-order top-grade rule spars! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 310 million rule points! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang silently said in his heart again:

"System, the law value that can be extracted from the garbage bin has been extracted!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully emptied the trash bin! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 150 million law points! 】

【Ding! Accumulation has met the evolution conditions, do you want to start evolution? 】

After listening to the sound of the system, Wang Mang was instantly elated.

Then, without hesitation, he silently said in his heart:

"System! Let's start evolving!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 500 million rule points! Starting to evolve...]

Afterwards, Wang Mang completely lost consciousness during the evolution.


When Wang Mang woke up again.

He found himself strong again.

Ten times stronger than before.

Whether it is the physical body or the primordial spirit.

Even the quality of the law is strong.

All are ten times stronger than before.

This powerful feeling also put Wang Mang in a good mood:

"Is this the battle power to dominate the seventh heaven?"

"Sure enough, he can easily crush the ruler of the sixth heaven!"

Just when Wang Mang was deeply moved.

Then the sound of the system sounds:

【Ding! Warm reminder to the host! After this evolution, before the seventh level, future evolutions will change! 】

【Ding! Warm reminder to the host! After this evolution, before the seventh level, the conditions for future evolution are met, and the host can complete the evolution on the spot! 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang couldn't help being taken aback again.

"System! You mean to say!"

"Before the seventh level, as long as I meet the evolution conditions, I can evolve on the spot?"

"You don't even need to retreat at all, is that what you mean?"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Yes! The host can understand that! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing immediately.

Because, evolving on the spot is of great benefit to him!

But Wang Mang still couldn't help asking in his heart:

"How about the evolution process? How long will it take?"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded again:

[Within 1~3 minutes! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was finally completely relieved.

Three minutes, this is too convenient!

It can be said that it is just a few words of effort.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly became a little annoyed.

If only the ability of the system had been released earlier.

He doesn't even have to shut down anymore.

Directly kill the two old dogs to the God of Earth to dominate.

However, it is not too late now.

Especially thinking about the fight in the future.

The scene of sudden surge in strength, and then crushing the opponent.

This picture, Wang Mang just thinks about it and feels very cool!

The next moment, Wang Mang meditated in a happy mood:

"System! Open your personal information!"

Then, personal information came to the fore again.

Wang Mang: The strongest of the heavens (dominates combat power).

Template: God Demon Nine Changes Python (Dominates Five Stars).

Bloodline: dark bloodline (dominates six stars).

Realm: Dominate the quadruple (Unrivaled Talent).

Supernatural powers: Great Sealing Technique (not mastered), Supreme Domain (not mastered), Body of Soldiers (not mastered).

Space: Sixth-rank top-rank Teleportation Talisman X1, sixth-rank top-rank Bad Luck Talisman X2, seventh-rank low-rank divine weapon fragments 29/30, seventh-rank low-rank magic power 6/30.

Equipment: Dark Euphorbia (sixth), talent value 19050/20000 (Legendary Tianjiao).

Law value: 10 million/700 million.

Trash Bin: 0.


After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang suddenly couldn't help but began to have a headache again.

This evolution once, the law value required for the next evolution, the increase is too exaggerated!

The last evolutionary evolution only needed 500 million, now it needs 700 million.

to be honest.

Wang Mang really couldn't imagine how huge resources would be needed to evolve to the later stage of dominance.

However, Wang Mang felt better after thinking about the ruler of the earth god and the ruler of the earth demon.

These two bastards are, after all, masters of the sixth heaven.

These two guys have 500 million law points on them, not too much, right?

Moreover, the magical weapons of these two guys are worth a fortune!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was full of fighting spirit, then got up and left the cave.

Afterwards, Wang Mang soared into the sky and left this sixth-order low-rank world directly.

As for why not search for it, this sixth-tier inferior world.

In Wang Mang's view, this is completely unnecessary.

A chance that even the master of one world didn't notice.

This situation is really very rare.

Basically a valuable sixth-order low-grade world.

It has long been dominated by the master of one side of the world, and it is almost over.

As for these reasons, Wang Mang himself understood, and the blood coffin also thought so.

After leaving this sixth-order low-grade world.

Wang Mang then flew towards the sixth-level middle-grade world where the ruler of the earth god was.

He also remembered the location, but it took half a day to hurry.

After half a day passed.

Wang Mang finally came again.

This sixth-order middle-grade world that made him escape in embarrassment in the past.

The next moment, Wang Mang flew towards the sixth-order middle-grade world without any hesitation.

Raising his hand, Wang Mang blasted open the barrier, and plunged into this sixth-order middle-grade world.

After entering the world.

Wang Mang didn't care about anything at all.

He immediately began to mobilize the power of the law and set up enchantments around the world.

But it wasn't long before Wang Mang started to set up the enchantment.

The ruler of the earth god and the ruler of the earth demon appeared again.

When the two saw Wang Mang, they were even more furious.

But when they felt Wang Mang's strength carefully.

The faces of the two who were originally furious turned into astonishment.

For a moment, the two of them widened their eyes even more.

They looked at Wang Mang with astonishment on their faces, and lost their voices:

"How is this possible! You little bastard, have you broken through the realm again?"

"Impossible! In just a few days, you have successfully broken through the realm?"

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