I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1146 Old guy! Let me teach you how to fight against strength!

For a while, it was difficult for both of them to accept the reality.

Even, so shocked that he ignored it, Wang Mang was still setting up the enchantment.

Because they simply can't imagine what kind of resources they need.

Only then can people be in the realm of dominating the strong, in just a dozen days.

Breakthrough again!

In this case there are only two possibilities.

Unless Wang Mang got a big chance.

In other words, Wang Mang got a large amount of training resources!

But even so, it doesn't make sense!

If Wang Mang really got some amazing resources.

Why didn't you just break through and trouble them again?

Although they were puzzled, the two quickly came back to their senses.

But it doesn't matter whether it is the ruler of the earth god or the ruler of the earth demon.

The faces of both of them were not very good-looking, and they stared at Wang Mang with gloomy eyes.

Especially when they saw Wang Mang, they even set up an enchantment in front of them.

Where did they not know how much Wang Mang wanted to kill them?

Moreover, Wang Mang's strength is indeed enough to pose a threat to them.

In particular, Wang Mang's strength has reached the level of dominating the seventh heaven.

In addition, Wang Mang still possesses the existence of the sixth-rank top-grade divine weapon, which is also a huge challenge for them.

They did join forces in the past to kill and dominate the seventh heavenly powerhouse, but the other party has no magical powers or magical weapons.

It belongs to the one who has just broken through to dominate the seventh heaven and has not existed for a long time.

If it was a strong master who ruled the seventh heaven with a complete foundation, they would certainly not be able to kill him.

There is even the possibility of being killed by the opponent!

The problem is, both of them know.

Wang Mang definitely doesn't have any sixth-order high-grade supernatural powers.

It's nothing more than a sixth-rank top-grade divine weapon.

This is indeed a great threat to them.

But it is not invincible.

That's why they didn't organize Wang Mang to set up a barrier.

Because Wang Mang had such a strong killing intent towards them.

This also means that they cannot continue to let Wang Mang grow up.

It's already causing them a lot of headaches.

They really couldn't imagine what would happen if Wang Mang was allowed to continue.

Because, Wang Mang knew that they had a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon in their hands!

If they were Wang Mang, I'm afraid they wouldn't easily let go of such a good target, right?

So, Wang Mang wanted to kill them, why didn't they?

They also want to kill Wang Mang, so as to avoid future troubles.

Therefore, after Wang Mang arranged the enchantment, the two looked even colder, and they all sneered and said:

"Do you think that if you improve your strength and reach the level of domination of the seventh heaven, you will be able to suppress and kill our two brothers?"

"Things who are overestimated, really think that they can kill us if they break through? We haven't even killed the ruler of the seventh heaven before!"

After hearing what the two said, Wang Mang suddenly smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes, yes, the strength of the two seniors is extraordinary."

"Your junior is an ass in front of these two old men, so please invite these two old men to kill me!"

While speaking, Wang Mang even took out the dark halberd. At the same time, he said via voice transmission:

"Blood coffin, it's okay to hold one for me later, right?"

Soon, the blood coffin swears in response:

"Don't worry! With Grandpa Coffin here, it's too easy to drag a statue that rules the sixth heaven."

"Don't talk about dominating the sixth heaven, even if it is dominating the seventh heaven."

"My coffin master can suppress him with just raising his hand!"

After hearing coffin master Niu Bi coaxing words.

Wang Mang suddenly felt better.

If so.

Wang Mang faced even less pressure.

A master who is weaker than him.

Even if the opponent has magical weapons, Wang Mang is confident that he can easily suppress it!

at the same time.

While Wang Mang was full of confidence.

God, earth, god and demon are the two masters, and Wang Mang's face can be said to be livid with anger.

At the same time, their eyes on Xian Wang Mang became even colder.

Obviously, the expansion of Wang Mang's strength itself made them extremely angry.

As a result, this little bastard's temper and rampant tone swelled as fast as his strength!

But just as the two of them took out the divine weapons one after another in a rage, something happened that made them even more angry.

I saw that Wang Mang was pointing at them with a long halberd in his hand, and sneered and mocked at them very wildly:

"Come on! Two old things, speed up and die!"

The ruler of the earth demon, who was furious, rushed towards Wang Mang with a ferocious face:

"You bastard, you're too much of a bully!"

While speaking, the ruler of the earth demon raised his hand, and blasted out several giant palms of laws.

Similarly, the master of the earth god also had a murderous look on his face, and he came up with a spear in his hand!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang immediately sneered, remaining calm as usual.

After the two rushed up, before Wang Mang could make a move, the blood coffin flew out from above his head.

At the same time, he immediately flew towards the ruler of the earth demon.

Seeing this scene, the ruler of the earth demon turned pale with shock.

Facing the blood coffin that was sweeping towards him, he was so frightened that he hurriedly retreated.

So far, the battlefield has been completely divided.

This, on the contrary, puts God of Earth in a dilemma.

After all, he really has no confidence in dealing with Wang Mang alone!

It can be seen that his brother was being chased and beaten by a blood coffin, and he was also a little at a loss.

He could feel that this blood coffin was very tyrannical and had a strong sense of threat to them.

This also means that it is impossible for his brother to help him despite solving the battle!

Thinking of this, the ruler of the earth god held the spear in his hand, but hesitated a little.

Even at this moment, Wang Mang looked at him playfully, but he was still very cautious.

Afterwards, seeing that Wang Mang hadn't made a move, he raised his hand and slapped several giant palms of law.

In this regard, Wang Mang naturally avoided it easily.

At the same time, seeing the other party's timid look, Wang Mang couldn't help but sneered and mocked:

"Are you exporting by mouth? Old stuff?"

"Didn't everyone be so bullish just now?"

"Why are you afraid of death now?"

But what made Wang Mang speechless was that despite his ridicule, this old guy was still as stable as an old dog.

Not only did he not approach him, but he also stared at him vigilantly all the time, as if he was facing an enemy.

This also made Wang Mang completely lose his confidence.

The next moment, Wang Mang roared out with a halberd in his hand, and mocked at the same time:

"Old man, I will tell you how to fight when your strength overwhelms your opponent!"

While speaking, Wang Mang's whole body was enveloped by the law of devouring, and the law of devouring condensed between his palms.

Then, one after another terrifying law giant palms were photographed.

Moreover, Wang Mang didn't hold back at all, and he used all his strength when he made a move.

After the terrifying giant palm of law struck, Detu God hurriedly dodged.

At the same time, he kept waving the long spear in his hand, and with the help of the magic weapon, he scattered the attacking giant palms.

But what made the Earth God Juggernaut collapse incomparably.

Wang Mang doesn't talk about martial arts at all!

Directly fired the whole picture, and a large number of giant palms of the Devouring Law swept over the sky and covered the earth.

Moreover, Wang Mang continued to slap the giant palm of the law, trying to blast him to death on the spot!

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