I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1147 The treacherous and cunning ruler of the earth god! Try to sneak attack and kill Wang M

"Shameless boy! How dare you do this?"

"Too much bullying! Too much bullying!"

All of a sudden, the ruler of the earth god roared furiously.

At the same time, he kept dodging the giant palm that hit him.

He couldn't dodge the giant palm, so he tried his best to scatter it with the magic weapon in his hand.

But if it's just a wave of giant palms, that's fine!

The problem is, the degree to which Wang Mang doesn't want it has simply broken his cognition.

The giant palm of the law that hit wave after wave.

It just made him collapse, and he was in a hurry to deal with it.

This also led to the extremely embarrassing situation of the ruler of the earth god.

He has no chance to fight back at all!

He didn't even have a chance to breathe!

This is one of the reasons why he was so angry.

Because, once it goes on like this.

Sooner or later he will miss!

After all, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

Everyone understands this truth!

But he doesn't want to do this either!

The question is what can he do?

This little beast is so insidious and shameless to the extreme!

Obviously, he intends to use this endless power of law to completely crush him!

Once he misses, he will be slightly injured, or seriously injured on the spot!

At this moment, standing proudly in the sky, Wang Mang, who is constantly gathering the giant palm of the law.

Hearing the old guy's furious curses, he couldn't help laughing:

"Have the old things learned now? This is crushing!"

"Okay! It's a pity that you have no chance to use it after learning it."

"Now, this seat has beaten you so much that you can't lift your head."

"Do you still want to have a future? It's basically impossible!"

Hearing Wang Mang's playful provocation, the master of the earth god held back his anger, but he couldn't resist at all.

Because, he has no chance to resist!

Wang Mang mocked him and never forgot to export to him!

Just at this moment, suddenly a shrill scream sounded!


Looking at it out of the corner of his eye, the ruler of the earth god collapsed immediately.

Because, he dodged Wang Mang's giant law palm, causing the earth demon to dominate, and was directly blasted by Wang Mang's law giant palm to vomit blood!

If it weren't for the sixth-grade top-grade armor on the earth demon master, I'm afraid he would be seriously injured by Wang Mang's palm on the spot!

Similarly, the earth demon ruler who had been hit by the blood coffin repeatedly and had no power to fight back.

At this moment, he couldn't help but collapsed.

He was already at a disadvantage!

As a result, I still got a slap now!

After all, he resisted everything!

However, facing the blood coffin that came flying again.

He didn't even have time to complain. With disheveled hair, he gritted his teeth and slammed out the giant palm of the law, and at the same time began to dodge.

Because, being hit by the blood coffin, although he was not seriously injured with the armor on his body, it was absolutely uncomfortable, and there must be minor injuries.

Once he was hit too many times, he would really be seriously injured.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Earth God couldn't help but gritted his teeth with guilt and said:

"Brother! Hold on! Wait until I kill this son! Come help you!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't dare to be distracted, and continued to resist and avoid Wang Mang's giant palm of law.

In fact, after saying these words, even he himself did not believe that he could really suppress and kill Wang Mang.

It's just self-deception.

Because the gap between Wang Mang and him is too obvious!

There is a small difference in realm, which cannot be made up at all.

Moreover, Wang Mang's difficulty was simply beyond his imagination.

When he teamed up with the master of the earth demon to suppress Wang Mang, he didn't realize that Wang Mang was so difficult to deal with.

But when facing it alone, he realized that he was too naive.

Even if he is the master old fritter with full combat experience, he can't suppress Wang Mang.

Even in the case of fighting at the same level, it is really hard to say which one is stronger and weaker.

But the old guy obviously didn't know.

Wang Mang didn't even use the sixth-order high-grade bad luck charm on these two guys.

Otherwise, these two guys probably died faster!

Moreover, Wang Mang has nothing else to do next.

He used tyrannical laws to crush the ruler of the earth god.

Moreover, the ruler of the earth god did not persist for too long.

Just two hours later.

The ruler of the earth god missed it.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

The master of the earth god was directly slapped away by Wang Mang's giant lawful palm.


The next moment, Wang Mang saw that the Lord of the Earth God flew upside down, spitting out blood.

Then, several laws of giant palms hit him again!

This also instantly made Master Detu couldn't help but scream in pain.


Then, the ruler of the earth god slammed down on the barrier, his hair disheveled, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

At the same time, his aura is also very weak, and his body is covered with wounds from the bombardment of the giant palm of the law!

This also caused his body to look like a crack, and the cracks and wounds were very obvious.

Even, the power of law is constantly leaking out from the body.

Obviously, the master of the earth god, who had been hit several times in a row, has been seriously injured!

This state cannot be faked.

Seeing this scene, the ruler of the earth demon who was spitting blood couldn't help but roared in grief and anger: "Brother!"

While roaring, he wanted to come up to help, but it turned out that he was too busy to take care of himself, and it was impossible.

Seeing this, Wang Mang's face was full of relief, and he no longer bombarded with the giant palm of the law.

Afterwards, Wang Mang held a halberd in his hand and flew towards the tottering Lord of the Earth God in the air.

Since this old man is no longer good!

Of course he was going to send him on his way!

But just as Wang Mang approached.

Sudden mutation!


I saw that the extremely weak Earth God Juggernaut suddenly had a hideous expression on his face.

At the same time, he instantly threw the spear in his hand towards Wang Mang!

Moreover, judging by the power of this spear, this guy obviously has planned for a long time!

In fact it is.

After the master of the earth god discovered that it was impossible to fight Wang Mang head-on.

He knew that he only had one chance.

Therefore, after he was seriously injured.

So he took advantage of Wang Mang's carelessness and paralysis.

He delivered the long-planned blow!

Similarly, he only has one chance to make a shot!

Because, once you lose the sixth-level top-grade divine weapon.

When he was deeply injured, he could only wait to die!

at the same time.

At this critical moment.

Wang Mang only felt his scalp go numb.

He subconsciously tilted his neck back and raised his hands at the same time.

Trying to use the halberd in his hand to block the incoming sixth-tier high-grade divine soldiers.

It's a pity that Wang Mang was still half a beat too late!


I saw that the extremely fierce spear pierced through Wang Mang's chest in an instant.


At this moment, Wang Mang couldn't help but scream in pain.

Moreover, this powerful power of the law of the earth.

It even drove him to be nailed to the barrier.

And Wang Mang's enchantment of law, which he had condensed for a long time, was almost pierced through!

But even though Wang Mang was so miserable, the master of the earth god was full of regret.

Because, the killing blow he had planned for a long time was indeed almost killing Wang Mang!

But after all, it was a little bit worse!

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