I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1149 Massive and Rich Harvests! Wang Mang laughed from ear to ear!

Because, this earth god dominates the storage ring.

There are as many as 300 million sixth-order high-grade law spars alone.

In addition, there are three complete sixth-tier low-rank world seeds.

In addition, there are two teleportation charms!

There are also two sets of sixth-tier mid-tier top-level magic weapons!

It can be said.

Just the storage ring dominated by the earth god, the value of everything.

Definitely more than 500 million law crystals!

Especially the two sixth-tier high-grade teleportation symbols.

If he took it out and sold it, how could one be sold for 30 to 50 million?

After all, this thing is useful to dominate the strong!

Moreover, this is a good thing for escaping!

In addition, three complete world seeds of the sixth-level low-rank.

A seed probably costs between 40 million.

No matter how many three pieces are counted, there are at least hundreds of millions of law crystals!

Plus two sets of Tier 6 mid-grade top-level divine weapons.

According to the price of the last waste bin recovery in the system.

The last time he was given 3 sets of mid-tier top magic weapons.

The system gave him 80 million law crystals.

So why are there more than 50 million for the two sets?

The combined price of these alone exceeds 500 million!

In addition, this is not counting the storage ring of the earth demon ruler.

And, two extra sixth-tier high-grade divine weapons!

This adds up.


Really fucking rich!

It feels like a new year.

Thinking of this, the smile on Wang Mang's face became extremely bright.

Even the bloody hole in his chest was still extremely painful, but he couldn't help laughing.

Paralyzed, this wave of harvest is huge!

In a good mood, Wang Mang continued to check another storage ring.

That is, the storage ring dominated by the earth demon.

But when Wang Mang finished testing the ring dominated by the earth demon.

He couldn't help laughing again.

There are also many good things in it.

There are 200 million law crystals in the storage ring.

Although there are not as many as his elder brother, there are still many.


There are also three complete sixth-tier inferior world seeds.

And three sets of sixth-tier middle-grade top-level magic weapons!

Just the value of these things added up.

It is also close to 500 million.

It's just that this guy doesn't have any sixth-grade high-grade talisman paper.

Obviously, the two brothers did not prepare too many talisman papers.

If there is a real situation, two talisman papers are enough for them to escape together.

But in the end there was an accident, and everything was taken advantage of by Wang Mang.

So after finishing the two storage rings.

Wang Mang was in a great mood.

This time his harvest is as follows:

Five hundred million sixth-order high-grade law crystals!

Five sets of sixth-tier middle-grade top-level divine weapons.

Six complete sixth-tier inferior world seeds.

There is also a sixth-order middle-grade world seed waiting to be taken!

And two sixth-order high-grade teleportation symbols!

A set of sixth-tier high-grade water magic weapons!


It can be said.

Even if you exclude this set of sixth-tier high-grade divine weapons.

The value of these things obtained by Wang Mang.

It was completely enough to make Wang Mang take off!

It must be easy to break through another small realm.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt happy, and then blasted the barrier.

Afterwards, Wang Mang quickly found the seed of the origin of the world and the origin of the world.

This so-called origin of the world is actually the will of the world, born from the seeds of the world.

The world seed is used to contain, the carrier of the power of the original law of the world.

Moreover, the will of the world is actually very easy to grasp, although it has spiritual intelligence.

But after all, there is no way to escape from one world.

Therefore, Wang Mang soon found out that the source of the will of the world was finally sealed in the seeds of the world.

At this moment, looking at the world seed in the shape of a wooden ball the size of a fist in his hand, Wang Mang couldn't help swallowing.

Because, Wang Mang can clearly feel that there is a pure power of law in it, which makes people's heart skip a beat.

Even Wang Mang has no doubt that once he devours the world seed in front of him, his injury will heal instantly.

Because, this thing can be used as a sixth-order high-grade law spar.

His value can even be more expensive than the sixth-order ultimate law spar.

After all, just this wooden ball-shaped world seed the size of a fist is worth a lot.

Therefore, Wang Mang was reluctant to devour a sixth-order inferior world seed to heal and recover.

After all, a complete sixth-order inferior world seed is worth thirty to forty million law crystals.

Tier 6 mid-tier world seeds must be more valuable!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang put away the world seed.

Afterwards, Wang Mang soared into the sky and flew out of the world.

As for the sixth-order middle-grade world that is still collapsing and destroying, Wang Mang doesn't care at all.

Even if the world collapsed and many people would die, Wang Mang didn't care about it.

That world is destroyed and collapsed undead?

And it's not just dead people that crumble the world.

On the contrary, at least a large part of the whole world died.

Only fifth-order creatures and sixth-order creatures might survive.

As for creatures below the fifth level, it is basically impossible to escape the world and live in the universe of the three rings.

Therefore, the destruction of each world, the number of dead creatures cannot be counted at all, the number is too huge.

After leaving this world, Wang Mang continued on his way in the universe of the heavens.

At this time, Wang Mang couldn't help asking:

"Blood coffin, how many law spars are worth the sixth-level middle-grade complete world seed?"

Soon, the old-fashioned voice of the blood coffin came:

"In the past, the market price of the sixth-tier low-grade world seeds used to be 50 million."

"As for the middle-rank world seeds, the price is five times that of the sixth-rank low-rank world seeds."

"However, there are only about 100 million sixth-order top-grade law crystals now."

"Of course, a complete world seed of the sixth-level high-grade is worth money."

"Let's put it this way, the price of a sixth-tier top-tier world seed is five times that of a sixth-tier middle-tier world seed."

"A law spar that can reach about 500 million."

"Because of the gap between the sixth-order middle-grade and sixth-order top-grade."

"You know, it's like the gap between a realm king and a master!"

After hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly realized.

At the same time, his mood became better.

After all, he was of course happy to get a billion-law spar for nothing.

As for the price, it is always determined by the market, there is nothing to say about it.

Therefore, Wang Mang continued to bury his head on his way, and at the same time asked in his heart:

"System, are you recovering these sixth-tier medium seeds?"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Successfully detected the host's thoughts! 】

【Ding! Successfully put all the sixth-rank low-rank world seeds, sixth-rank middle-rank world seeds, and sixth-rank mid-rank top magic weapons into the garbage bin. 】

【Ding! Warm reminder to the host, the value can be checked by yourself! 】

【Ding! Warm reminder to the host! If you are not satisfied with the price, you can take it out and sell it yourself! 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then he said silently in his heart:

"System! Open your personal information!"

Because, he also wanted to see what price the system could give him after collecting so many good things from him.

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