I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1150 The sudden appearance of terror! Wang Mang fled frantically!

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Wang Mang: The strongest of the heavens (dominates combat power).

Template: God Demon Nine Changes Python (Dominates Five Stars).

Bloodline: dark bloodline (dominates six stars).

Realm: Dominate the quadruple (Unrivaled Talent).

Supernatural powers: Great Sealing Technique (not mastered), Supreme Domain (not mastered), Body of Soldiers (not mastered).

Space: Tier 6 top-rank Teleportation Talisman X3, Tier 6 top-rank Bad Luck Talisman X2, Tier 7 low-rank magic weapon fragment 29/30, Tier 7 low-rank supernatural power 6/30.

Equipment: Dark halberd (upper six), talent value 19050/20000 (Legendary Tianjiao), 500 million sixth-level top-grade law crystals, and a set of sixth-level top-level magic weapons of the law of water.

Law value: 10 million/700 million.

Garbage bin: 520 million law value (Note: 5 sets of sixth-tier mid-tier top magic weapons are worth 140 million, 8 sixth-tier low-tier world seeds are worth 280 million, and 1 sixth-tier mid-tier world seeds are worth 100 million.)

【Ding! Kind tips! The final item pricing power belongs to the system! 】


After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang was speechless immediately.

so many things.

The system only gives 500 million?

No matter how you put it, it's more than 500 million!

However, Wang Mang was helpless.

Especially the warm reminder at the end of the system.

This directly made Wang Mang speechless.

Because, the system has never bargained with him.

Likewise, the system is never a strong buy or sell.

According to Wang Mang's guess.

If he sells it himself.

It is estimated that it is really possible to sell about 600 million.

But this is obviously a very labor-intensive thing.

Unless it was a grand event with three rings, he would be able to sell it easily.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Wang Mang was relieved.

More than 500 million is not a lot.

The system wasn't too dark this time.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

"System! Extract the law value of the garbage bin!"

"In addition, exchange the law spar for law value!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 520 million rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully exchanged 500 million sixth-level top-grade law spars! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 500 million law points! 】

【Ding! Accumulation conditions have been met! Is it starting to evolve? 】


After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang immediately refused on the spot.

Although he can evolve on the spot.

But if he evolved on the spot.

How is this hunting the enemy?

What kind of enemy does he want to think that he will be defeated.

As a result, he suddenly increased his strength and directly crushed his opponent's sense of refreshment.

Thinking of the scene where the enemy was stunned on the spot, Wang Mang felt very sour.

Isn't this better than just pretending?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a wonderful mood.

It was a few days later.

Wang Mang was on his way to the eastern part of the Three Rings.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly discovered a sixth-order middle-grade world in the universe ahead.

After seeing this sixth-order middle-grade world.

Wang Mang couldn't help laughing.

Because, this fucking is another fortune!

Wang Mang has already learned how fat the sixth-level middle-grade world is.

Although it is impossible to be as fat as the two brothers of the Earth God Juggernaut, possessing a sixth-level top-grade divine weapon.

But the rest will definitely not be much different.

Because, the scale of this world is comparable to the size of the world where the Earth God rules the two brothers.

But at this moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Warn the host! There is a deadly danger coming, please leave the host as soon as possible, the three-ringed universe nearby! 】

【Ding! Warn the host! There is a deadly danger coming, the host please leave this three-ring universe as soon as possible! 】

【Ding! Warn the host...]

After hearing the strong warning sound of the system.

Wang Mang, who was smiling all over his face, froze for a moment.

Because, the system had never warned him so seriously and crazily.

But at this moment, in Wang Mang's mind, the panicked and anxious voice of the blood coffin also came:

"Boy! Run! Run in the opposite direction! Look, hurry up and run with the teleportation talisman!"

After hearing the prompt of the blood coffin, Wang Mang was stunned.

But the next moment, Wang Mang saw the universe of the heavens far ahead.

A terrifying aura formed a wave of power like a tsunami, sweeping towards it at a terrifying speed.

Even, Wang Mang saw that many sixth-level low-level middle-level worlds hidden in the universe were all turned into ashes.

It can be said that wherever this wave of power swept across, everything was wiped out!

This wave of terrifying power covered the sky and the sun, destroying everything in its path.

Even Wang Mang was so frightened that his scalp went numb, and he said in shock, "Damn!"

The next moment, he took out the sixth-order high-grade teleportation talisman without hesitation, and disappeared in place in an instant.

After half a day.

Wang Mang's figure appeared in the west of the three-ring universe.

At this moment, Wang Mang, who still had lingering fears, couldn't help asking:

"Blood coffin, what the hell is going on?"

"What is the situation with that force sweeping the world?"

"If I hadn't run so fast, I'd probably be fucking dead!"

Hearing this, the blood coffin couldn't help but be extremely scared and said:

"Anyway, you listen to me, it's right to choose to run."

"If we run slower, we're basically all dead!"

"Where is the power that belongs to the Tao, it should be done by the seventh-order powerhouse."

"But the question is, how did the seventh-level powerhouse get to the third ring?"

Speaking of this, Master Coffin was also full of question marks and puzzlement.

Because, the seventh-order powerhouse basically does not appear in the universe of the three-ringed heavens.

Moreover, if he and Wang Mang hadn't run fast before.

I'm afraid, he is finished too.

Even though he used to be a seventh-rank divine soldier.

But now it's only Tier 6.

It is impossible for a sixth-level magic weapon to resist a seventh-level powerhouse.

Therefore, if he is swept by the previous water channel power, he will die too!

This is also one of the reasons why he hastily urged Wang Mang to run away.

As for, Wang Mang lost a sixth-order middle-grade world in vain.

Why didn't he want to?

But life is the most important thing!

I didn't see it, even the sixth-tier middle-tier world, and the sixth-tier lower-tier world.

Basically completely unable to resist, was it destroyed by this water channel force?

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly realized, and at the same time couldn't help but wonder:

"But this is too exaggerated! How far has the opponent reached the seventh level?"

"Also, the other party is not targeting me, is it?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Lord Coffin said speechlessly:

"If it's really aimed at you and me, we won't be able to escape at all."

"So you don't have to think about it, it will definitely not be aimed at us."

"As for how strong it is, and I haven't seen anyone, I'm a little hard to judge, Master Coffin."

"However, it should be all right. Next time you encounter this situation, you can just run away."

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