I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1161 The system is finally a human again! Collect templates and


After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang felt like something was being pulled out of his body.

Afterwards, the new template turned into a beam of blood and rushed into the body.

at the same time.

Wang Mang was elated.

good! very good!

This system is finally back to human.

It actually came from the dominator-level blind box.

Give him a template!

This is simply too rare!

In a good mood.

Wang Mang was not in a hurry to evolve.

Fortunately, now he has obtained the template.

Plus, he has one designated draw left.

If the blood can be dealt with, it will be very comfortable.

At that time, he can accumulate his background, and then wait for the battle. The sixth-level battle in the heavens and worlds has opened.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt happy, and then continued to meditate in his heart:

"System! Use the designated lottery chance!"

"The direction of the lottery! Dominator-level bloodlines!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully use the designated lucky draw chance! 】

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang had an extra zodiac grid, a lucky compass, in Wang Mang's mind.

But the above prizes made the smile on Wang Mang's face even bigger.

The twelve prizes are:

[Prize 1: Dominate the nine-star peak, the blood of the ancient battle king! 】


[Prize 2: Dominate the nine-star peak, the blood of the abyss dragon! 】

[Source: One of the bloodlines of the nine sons of the abyss! 】


[Prize 3: Dominate the eight-star peak, the abyss has no phase blood! 】

[Source: One of the bloodlines of the nine sons of the abyss! 】


[Prize 3: Dominate the nine-star peak, the blood of the nine-headed ancestors of the abyss! 】

[Source: One of the bloodlines of the nine sons of the abyss! 】


[Prize 4: Dominate the nine-star peak, the blood of the great evil god of the abyss! 】

[Source: One of the bloodlines of the nine sons of the abyss! 】


[Prize 5: Dominate the nine-star peak, the blood of the abyss universe! 】

[Source: One of the bloodlines of the nine sons of the abyss! 】


[Prize 6: Dominate the nine-star peak, the blood of the abyss ten thousand beards! 】

[Source: One of the bloodlines of the nine sons of the abyss! 】


[Prize 7: Dominate the nine-star peak, the blood of the abyss indestructible demon! 】

[Source: One of the bloodlines of the nine sons of the abyss! 】


[Prize 8: Dominate the nine-star peak, the blood of the abyss beast god! 】

[Source: One of the bloodlines of the nine sons of the abyss! 】


[Prize 9: Dominate the nine-star peak, the blood of the abyssal blood demon god! 】

[Source: One of the bloodlines of the nine sons of the abyss! 】


[Prize 10: One Juggernaut Pill! 】


[Prize 11: The sixth-rank top-grade top-level magic weapon, blood god armor! 】


[Prize 12: The sixth-level top-level supernatural power, gaze into the abyss! 】



Even if it's a random prize, it's a safe and secure profit!

What's more, to Wang Mang's surprise, all of them were of the blood of the abyss this time!

Moreover, it is still the blood of the Abyss Nine Sons!

All of them are the bloodlines of the Nine-Star Peak!

Even Wang Mang has to say, it's really awesome!

According to Wang Mang's guess, this abyss boss is on the same level as the main god.

After all, even the blood of the Abyss Nine Sons is at the peak of the sixth order.

Then the nine sons of the abyss, it should be no problem to reach the seventh level, right?

So the father of the nine sons of the abyss, there is nothing wrong with reaching the eighth level, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang nodded secretly, if possible.

This is also a big guy who can hug his thigh.

In the eighth-order world in the future, Wang Mang has only two goals for hugging his thighs.

One is the main god and the other is the abyss.

As for the rest of the eighth-rank bosses, Wang Mang didn't know them yet.

Well, I guess people have forgotten about my small role.

After all, there is a huge gap between him and the eighth level, even the seventh level is enough.

Just when Wang Mang was thinking wildly.

The lucky draw pointer of the lucky compass began to rotate rapidly.

in a minute.

Only then did the pointer of the lucky compass draw slow down.

Then, the system's voice sounds at any time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the blood of the abyss dragon! 】

【Ding! It is detected that the host has a new and stronger bloodline, do you want to replace it? 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was completely expected.

After all, the nine bloodlines are all masters of the nine-star peak.

No matter how he opened it, it was impossible to open other bloodlines!

As for the Juggernaut Pill, it is even more impossible!

Similarly, it is impossible for the sixth-order top-grade divine weapon!

After all, the sixth-tier top-tier divine weapon is worth more, right?

Therefore, according to the urine nature of the system, he must be given blood!

Therefore, Wang Mang, who was in a happy mood, silently said in his heart: "Replace!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang felt that the blood all over his body was drawn out.

Then, an even more weird and evil black blood instantly turned into a blood dragon and devoured his former blood.

Then, after winding around Wang Mang's body for a few laps, he suddenly plunged into his body.

at the same time.

Wang Mang instantly felt that all his blood shackles had disappeared.

at the same time.

The sound of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully replaced the new blood! 】

After listening to the sound of the system, Wang Mang was in a good mood.

Afterwards, Wang Mang took out the supernatural power jade slip.

Because, what Wang Mang is going to do next.

It is to master this supernatural power.

Then hunt down the Star God Master and the Sun God Master!

Then continue to refine into a body for refining soldiers.

The next moment, Wang Mang untied the supernatural power jade slip.

Afterwards, the aura of supernatural powers rushed into my mind.

At the same time, Wang Mang also had more in his mind, the cultivation method of this supernatural power.

The name of this magical power is: Stepping on the Wind and Immortal Tour.

There are only two realms in total!

They are:

To cultivate to the realm of Xiaocheng, one needs to condense a mark of the law of wind in the body, which has a speed five times faster than that of the same level, and needs to spend 1 billion sixth-grade top-grade law of wind spar.

To cultivate to the realm of Dacheng, you need to condense two imprints of the law of wind in your body, which has ten times the speed of the same level as the source, and you need to spend another 1 billion sixth-level top-grade law of wind spar.

Of course.

Except for the strong ones who major in the law of wind, there is no need to condense the imprint of the law of wind at all.

This also made Wang Mang very helpless.


I want to cultivate this supernatural power to the level of Dacheng.

He has to spend 2 billion law crystals!

Because, the law of wind spar with attributes.

Theoretically, the price is the same as the law spar of the same level.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling helpless.

Because, the law value of two billion is enough for him to break through the realm again.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was particularly entangled, if he got all the law values ​​next time.

Do you want to practice?

After thinking for a long time, Wang Mang's eyes lit up.

He immediately had a solution.

Although cultivating supernatural powers does require a lot of resources.

But he can sell supernatural powers!

After selling the Great Sealing Technique.

The resources he obtained are completely enough to practice supernatural powers, okay?

At that time, he will be able to cultivate the body of training soldiers!

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