I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1162 Are the rulers of the sun god and the ruler of the star god going to ask for help? Wang

After sorting out my thoughts.

Wang Mang was immediately prepared!

Wait until the star god master and the sun god master are killed.

After getting their resources and divine weapons, he then sold the Great Sealing Technique.

The resources he obtained are enough for him to practice this speed-like supernatural power and physical body-like supernatural power!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a good mood immediately, and then he got up and blasted the barrier, and rushed out of the Cosmic Stone.

After rushing out of the Cosmic Stone, Wang Mang flew towards the world where Star God Ruler and Yang God Ruler are located.

Now he can break through to dominate the Nine Heavens' battle strength!

Even if the other party possessed a sixth-tier high-grade divine weapon, it was useless to Wang Mang.

His law power alone has already suppressed the opponent ten times!

It is impossible for the two of them to be his opponents now!

Therefore, this is one of the reasons why Wang Mang couldn't wait to kill the two of them.

half an hour later.

Wang Mang successfully found the world where the Yang God and the Star God are located.

Afterwards, Wang Mang was even more violent. He raised his hand and blasted the barrier, and plunged into it.

After entering this world again.

What caught Wang Mang in circles was.

He only felt the breath of the Yang God.

As for the aura of the Star God Lord, it was completely gone.

This made Wang Mang frowned.

Where did this star god ruler go?

Just when Wang Mang was wondering.

The next moment, Yangshen Juggernaut flew in front of him from the distant sky.

After seeing Wang Mang, the ruler of the Yang God was a little surprised and puzzled.

He didn't understand why Wang Mang came to him on his own initiative?

The so-called abnormal things must have demons!

Therefore, after Wang Mang appeared again.

This also made Deyang God vigilant.

And, he was alone.

If Wang Mang had the intention to kill him.

I'm afraid he can't resist Wang Mang at all.

At the same time, Wang Mang suddenly appeared.

It also caught him off guard.

He also thought about waiting for his brother to find a helper.

Then go and kill Wang Mang, the master and apprentice.

It turned out that Wang Mang was lucky and came to the door on his own initiative.

However, before knowing Wang Mang's motives.

The Yang God Master is still very cautious.

He inadvertently had an extra teleportation talisman in his hand.

Once Wang Mang wanted to attack him, he would run away.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to do so, it is also safer.

Similarly, Wang Mang also saw the teleportation talisman in this guy's hand.

Therefore, Wang Mang turned a blind eye and asked with a smile pretending to be puzzled:

"Fellow Daoist, where is your brother?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the ruler of the Yang God suddenly laughed lightly and said:

"I've got something to do, I think I'll be back soon."

The reason why he said that was not to scare Wang Mang.

But his own brother, the Star God Lord will be back soon.

After all, how much time would it take to get an ally to help?

Moreover, his words were also telling Wang Mang not to mess around.

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded expressionlessly, and said with a light smile, "Then I am giving you some time."

"If your brother doesn't come, I'm afraid he can only collect your body."

After hearing Wang Mang's very arrogant words, Yang Shenzhu secretly thought in his heart that it was true.

He guessed that Wang Mang came prepared, especially when he saw Wang Mang's confident appearance.

However, he just smiled slightly, and did not refute Wang Mang's words, but just confronted Wang Mang like this.

This confrontation lasted for half a month.

When Wang Mang was about to lose his patience completely.

On this day, Wang Mang suddenly felt it.

Several threatening auras swept over.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw that the Star God Ruler and another middle-aged man who ruled the Eight Heavens rushed in from outside the world.

When the Star God Master and the middle-aged man saw Wang Mang, they were all surprised.

Especially the Star God Juggernaut, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Obviously, he didn't expect Wang Mang to come too!

What's going on here?

But after seeing the master of Yangshen, give him a wink.

The Star God Ruler didn't hesitate, and began to arrange the barrier with a wave of his hand.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged burly ruler who came along with the star god ruler also began to arrange the barrier in one go.

Then, the master of the Yang God also began to set up a barrier, while observing Wang Mang with a smile.

But to the surprise of the three of them, Wang Mang also started to set up an enchantment.

This moment confused the three of them.

Especially the ruler of the sun god and the ruler of the star god.

The two wanted to ask Wang Mang:

Where do you get your confidence from?

There are three of us now!

Is it possible that you still want to hit three?

Although very puzzled in my heart.

But the three of them started to arrange the barrier very tacitly.

Just half an hour later.

This enchantment is fully arranged to a thickness of two meters.

No way, the four of them set up the enchantment together.

Moreover, he still tried his best to set up the enchantment.

It's hard to make this enchantment not thick!

Similarly, after setting up a two-meter-thick enchantment.

The Yang God Master, the Star God Master, and the middle-aged Master all stopped.

The three of them subconsciously gathered together, staring at Wang Mang covetously.

The master of Yangshen couldn't help asking: "Fellow Daoist, where did you get your confidence?"

"There are three of us? Don't fellow daoists have the confidence to fight three with one?"

While speaking, the master of the Yang God took out the sixth-rank high-grade spear and held it tightly in his hand.

Similarly, the Star God Ruler also took out a sixth-tier high-grade long sword and held it tightly.

Even the helper they invited took out a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon with an iron rod in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang smiled, but did not respond to the Yang God Master's inquiry.

He took it out, put on the water god armor, and held the dark halberd tightly in his hand.

After doing all this, Wang Mang looked at the three of them, smiled lightly and said:

"You really want to know, where is my confidence?"

Seeing Wang Mang at this moment, he could still laugh, and the faces of the three of them sank.

Afterwards, the three of them stared at Wang Mang closely, waiting for Wang Mang's answer.

They want to see where Wang Mang's confidence comes from!

But in the next moment, under the eyes of the three of them.

Wang Mang couldn't help laughing, and then silently said in his heart:

"System! Let's start evolving!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 1 billion rule points! Starting to evolve...! 】

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang's whole body was radiant, and at the same time, his aura rose instantly.

In just a moment, Wang Mang's aura had already soared to the level of dominating the Nine Heavens!

This scene completely stunned everyone present.

All of a sudden, whether it is the ruler of the star god, the ruler of the sun god, or the ruler of the assistant black tiger.

The three of them can be said to be full of astonishment, as if they have seen a ghost, and their eyes are full of disbelief.

Because, like Wang Mang's situation, they have never seen or heard of it!

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