I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1171 Successfully mastered two supernatural powers! The strength has skyrocketed! Comparable

So far.

Wang Mang couldn't help but look forward to it.

Afterwards, Wang Mang was even more joyful and said:

"System! Exchange for 2 billion sixth-tier high-grade wind crystals!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 2 billion rule points! 】

【Ding! Chen Gong deducted 200 million rule points as a handling fee! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 2 billion sixth-level top-grade wind crystals! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched.

This law value is indeed one to one with the law of the wind spar.

It's just the system's handling fee, it's just too fucking stupid!

10% handling fee!

The system is too fucking dark!

All of a sudden.

Wang Mang don't mention the fleshy pain!

But in order to cultivate Tafeng Shenyou to Dacheng.

In the end, Wang Mang decided to endure it!

no way.

Can't bear it!


Could it be that he was asked to find a strong person who majored in the law of wind to exchange for 2 billion crystals of the law of wind?

Although this method is also possible, the problem is that it takes a lot of time. Who knows when it will be found.

Therefore, although the system here is expensive, it is convenient!


10% handling fee.

Naturally, Wang Mang could not easily agree.

After taking a deep breath.

Wang Mang quickly adjusted his state.

Afterwards, the spar of the law of wind all over the sky floated beside him.

At the same time, Wang Mang also slowly closed his eyes, and began to try to condense the imprint of the law of wind.

I saw that the law of wind spar piled up like a mountain, instantly turned into pure power of law of wind.

For a moment, Wang Mang was under the power of the law of the phoenix.

At the same time, Wang Mang is also constantly making tricks, trying to condense the power of these laws of wind into seals.

The condensing into a seal here is not a simple seal of controlling the law of wind to form an attack law.

It is not easy to condense the imprint of the law if you want to condense!

Especially those like Wang Mang, who don't major in the Law of Wind.

If Wang Mang wants to condense the imprint of the Law of Devouring, it is absolutely very simple.

But the problem is that what he wants to condense is the imprint of the law of wind, even though he is also familiar with the law of wind.

But in terms of finger making, it is definitely not comparable to the dominant master who majors in the law of wind.

Even, it is not a level at all.

Therefore, this retreat is destined to not be too short.

In fact it is.


In a blink of an eye.

A year has passed.

At this moment, in the vast and endless three-ring universe.

Three figures are fleeing desperately.

The strength of the three of them is not weak.

All of them have reached the realm king level powerhouse existence.

As for the one who chased them down, it was a powerful master.

These three people are not others.

If Wang Mang was here, he would be extremely surprised.

Because these three people are not others.

It was Wang Mang's three cheap apprentices.

Tao Dekuai, Haimei Shi, and Ao Shitian.

It's just that the three of them are extremely embarrassed now.

Since parting ways with Wang Mang.

Their life is actually not easy.

Even though they are at the same level as Wang Mang, they are the fifth-level little supreme who broke through the sixth level.

But the problem is, their luck is not as good as Wang Mang.

Therefore, being able to break through the world so quickly in a few years is already very against the sky.

What's more, they still exist in the late stage of the king of the realm, and their speed is already terrifying.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to compete against the dominant master in the late stage of the king of the realm.

However, their situation is much worse than Wang Mang's.

The three of them are extremely unlucky in the three-ring universe, no matter what they do, they are unlucky.

Even, they spent more time in the third-ring universe than in the sixth-order world.

The good name is to understand the vastness of the three-ring universe.

In fact, it was all about living in exile.

Either being chased and killed by this strong man, or being chased and killed by some strong man.

If it weren't for their hard life and strong combat power, I'm afraid they would all burp.

No, the three of them are now on the way to escape.

Fortunately, the enemy who chased them down this time was not strong at all.

It does have the strength to threaten them, but it is still a bit close to killing them.

Especially with the three of them working together, it is really difficult for the opponent to take them down easily.

However, the strong master has been chasing and killing them relentlessly, persevering.

This also made the three of them very helpless, so they had no choice but to escape in fear until now.

But just at this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly appeared in front of him.

This terrifying aura instantly frightened the three of them to a halt.

Not only the three of them, but the old master who was also chasing and killing the three little bastards also turned pale with fright, and stopped in his tracks.

That terrifying aura, just swept away, made him feel like the horror of hell in the depths, and felt palpitations inexplicably.

After swallowing his saliva, the old man in black robed ruler couldn't help but trembled and said, "This is...the peak ruler!"

At the same time, he also gave up his plan to escape.

In front of the dominant peak powerhouse, there is no way to escape!

Therefore, if he doesn't escape, the ruler will not take it seriously.

But once he escaped, the peak ruler became interested in him.

It's really over!

at the same time.

At this moment, Wang Mang, who walked out of the drifting meteorite in the third ring universe, had a completely different aura.

Compared with him in the past, Wang Mang's aura at this moment is extremely sharp and terrifying.

His aura clearly only dominates the peak of the Nine Heavens.

But his coercion has already surpassed the pinnacle of the Nine Heavens!

Because, Wang Mang has already refined his body of training soldiers to the level of Xiaocheng!

Similarly, Ta Feng Shen You was also cultivated by Wang Mang to the level of Dacheng!

At this moment, Wang Mang can be said that his physical body is no longer afraid of the sixth-rank high-grade magic weapon.

Of course, it's impossible to blow up a sixth-tier high-grade divine weapon by relying on the physical body.

But even so, his current combat power is very against the sky!

Because, his physical body is comparable to a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon!

Of course, if he can cultivate to great success.

Even a sixth-tier high-grade divine weapon can actually blow up!

Once he has cultivated to the state of consummation.

Which is really against the sky, when the time comes, the physical body will be the sixth-rank top-grade level.

The sixth-tier top-ranked top-level magic weapon is completely helpless to him.

Feel carefully, after the powerful changes in the body.

Wang Mang's face was full of smiles, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

When he clenched his fists, he could feel the roar of the law under his pressure.

This is his current physical body, which is extremely powerful!

Similarly, Wang Mang's speed is also extremely powerful!

If you really want to evaluate Wang Mang's strength.

It should have reached the first level of the extreme state!

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