I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1172 Meet Three Cheap Apprentices! Wang Mang: Disciples! The road ahead can only depend on y

The first level of the extreme world.

It is to dominate the realm above the Nine Heavens.

This realm is also known as the exclusive realm of Tianjiao.

The highest can reach the extreme nine heavens!


The Nine Layers of Extreme Realm is the standard equipment for Invincible Supreme!

For the realm of invincible supreme.

When Wang Mang was at the fifth level in the past.

He simply hadn't reached it.

After all, when he quit the fifth-order All Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms Invincible Conquest Road.

His ultimate achievement is nothing more than a Little Supreme.

Because, at the fifth level.

Wang Mang didn't have time to complete the background at all.

Therefore, when entering the fifth-order invincible battle road.

He didn't even reach perfection in combat power, let alone break through the extreme realm.

But this time it's different.

The road to the sixth-order invincible battle has not yet begun.

He has already reached the extreme level.

If time permits.

Wang Mang is even confident that before the start of the sixth-level invincible campaign, he will raise his resource strength to the third level of the extreme realm!

Even, it is not impossible to be in the fourth heaven of the extreme realm.

After all, the current master of the Manggu Great World is the combat power of the extreme fourth level.

After recovering, Wang Mang was in a good mood, but suddenly saw three familiar figures in the distance, in the three-ring universe.

After seeing these three figures, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, his face full of surprise.

Because these three people are none other than his three cheap apprentices.

To be honest, Wang Mang did not expect such a coincidence!

Similarly, these three cheap apprentices of Wang Mang also recognized Wang Mang.

The moment they saw Wang Mang, the three of them felt incredible.

Although they guessed in their hearts, Wang Mang was definitely stronger than them.

After all, before they broke through to the sixth level, Wang Mang was already very powerful in the world master realm.

But they didn't expect that their cheap master would be so powerful!

Just the breath is enough to make them despair.

This is obviously far beyond the usual dominant powerhouse.

Even, most of the masters they saw were strong.

The sense of oppression given to them is not as terrifying as Wang Mang!

The next moment, the three couldn't help shouting happily:




All of a sudden.

The voices calling for Master one after another can be heard endlessly.

The three of them flew towards Wang Mang even more excitedly.

This scene, the strong old man who could not see far away, was instantly stunned.


These three little bastards actually know the master of the master?

For a moment, the old man was completely stunned!

After recovering, the old man was also trembling.

The next moment, without any hesitation at all, he fled towards the distance in horror.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Tao Dekuai, Haimei Shi, and Ao Shitian changed drastically.

Afterwards, the three quickly looked at Wang Mang and said anxiously:

"Master, don't let him run away."

"Yes! Master, catch him quickly!"

"Master! This old man has been chasing and killing me for a long time!"

Wen Yan, upon hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly.

The next moment, Wang Mang had disappeared in place.

In just a few breaths, Wang Mang had already caught up with the fleeing old master.

The old man who ruled the second heaven saw Queen Wang Mang who was blocking him.

The old man who ruled the second heaven couldn't help but turn pale, and said bitterly:

"Senior, please forgive me this time."

"The juniors don't know, they are your apprentices!"

"If you know that they are your apprentices, this junior would not dare to chase them down even if you kill them!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the old man who ruled the second heaven were full of fear and pleading.

Hearing this, Wang Mang hadn't had time to speak yet.

At this moment, the three Tao Dekuai who had already caught up looked at the old man with resentment on their faces.

Afterwards, the three of them turned to Wang Mang and said:

"Master, kill this old thing!"

"Yes! Master, he is chasing and killing your three precious apprentices like this!"

"Master, kill him! This old guy is too hateful! He has been chasing us for so long."

After hearing the words of the three apprentices.

Wang Mang was speechless immediately.

It was not easy for him to refuse.

The next moment, without waiting for the old man to explain, Wang Mang raised his hand and pointed.

Then a terrifying law sword pointed out, and it pierced through the old man's head in an instant.

At this point, an old man who ruled the second heaven fell into Wang Mang's hands on the spot.

This is the absolute crushing of the dominant powerhouse!

When the strength gap reaches a certain level.

Even if they are also dominant powerhouses.

It is also very different!

What's more, the gap between this old man and Wang Mang is too great.

It's almost almost a big realm short!

It can also be seen from here.

How powerful is Wang Mang's fighting power?

For Wang Mang, the current ruler is strong.

Whether it is the early stage of domination, or the middle stage of domination.

Basically, it is as easy as killing a chicken!

Seeing this scene, Todd's three apprentices were also dumbfounded.

Obviously, they didn't expect their master to be so powerful.

It was terrifying to the extreme!

The next moment, Wang Mang stretched out his hand, and the old man's storage ring flew into his hand.

Afterwards, Wang Mang pondered for a moment, then threw it to the three apprentices, and said slowly:

"Disciples! This is the only place I can help you as a teacher."

"As for other things, I have nothing to give you as a teacher."

"When you reach the realm of dominance, you need to rely entirely on your own efforts."

"As a teacher, I believe that sooner or later you will be able to stand at the pinnacle of the three-ring universe."

After speaking, Wang Mang reached out and patted the shoulders of the three apprentices, and left directly.

For a moment, in the vast universe, there were only three stunned apprentices left.



They still want to hug their thighs.

In the end, their master left them alone?

At first they thought that all the hardships would be rewarded, and they would be able to hold Wang Mang's thigh.

As a result, the thigh ran away!

When they reacted and wanted to chase Wang Mang back.

It was only then that they realized that Wang Mang was no longer in the Three-Ring Universe.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the three apprentices turned down one after another.

At the same time, their faces were full of helplessness.

The only thing that makes them a little bit relieved is that.

Before leaving.

Their cheap master Wang Mang.

He also killed the old man who ruled.

It was thrown to them along with the storage ring.

All of a sudden, these three apprentices of Wang Mang.

It can be said that his face is full of helplessness.

I couldn't help but sighed.

Because, for them, this is simply a drop in the bucket!

After all, there are too many resources they lack!

With Wang Mang's help.

They can save a lot of experience and time.

Even, they are also Wang Mang's apprentices, right?

Naturally, he can confidently ask Wang Mang for some resources!


But what they don't know is.

Wang Mang was worried about these three cheap apprentices, asking him for training resources and so on.

That's why Wang Mang ran away quickly after seeing each other immediately.

After all, Wang Mang has cultivated himself to this point.

He himself has spent too much experience.

How could he have the heart to help his disciples!

Therefore, Wang Mang parted ways with them without hesitation.

In fact, it is also telling them a clear signal:

Don't come to him to practice and ask for resources!

Don't try to hug his thigh either!

As for, he is the master.

Why not train three apprentices?

Is this possible?

What are the benefits of training three apprentices?

No good thing.

It was impossible for Wang Mang to do it.

As for the relationship between master and apprentice.

It's too empty for Wang Mang.

After all, driven by interests.

Wang Mang can even sell his brothers!

What can a few apprentices count?

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