I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1178 New Mission and Wang Mang's Choice! Ready to run the thighs of the abyss clan?

After listening to the tasks issued by the system.

Wang Mang was completely stunned.


What are you really thinking about!

Suddenly, Wang Mang became agitated.

If he wants to participate in the sixth-order invincible battle road.

Then the background must be what to look for.

This cannot be ignored at all.

Fortunately, when he was at a loss.

Even when I have no clue.

The system gave him a task.

At least he won't be so confused anymore.

Of course.

Mission first.

is impossible.

It's just a sixth-level top-level world master.

Could it be background?

What a fart background!

Formerly the Lord of the Nine Great Worlds.

They are all on the sixth-order invincible battle road.

They were easily eliminated.

This is simply no background!

Therefore, it is not reliable to find a sixth-level top-level world master as the background.

Therefore, task one can basically be completely ruled out.

As for the second task.

Wang Mang wanted to try hugging the Lord God's thigh!

However, judging by the rewards of this task, it is estimated that the possibility is not high.

If it is really easy to hug the thigh of the Lord God.

The system will not give him such a high reward.

Therefore, the second task can also be ruled out.

On the contrary, it is the third task.

Wang Mang's eyes lit up.

Why do you say that?

Because, he himself has the blood of the abyss dragon!

Therefore, he should be able to hug the thighs of the Abyss Clan.

Are the thighs of the Abyss Clan thick enough?

In Wang Mang's opinion, it's definitely thick enough!

After all, the sons of the Lord of the Abyss are very likely to be of the seventh order.

Then, the possibility that the Lord of the Abyss is the eighth level is not small.

Therefore, it is the most reliable way to embrace the thighs of the Abyss clan.

Although the abyss canyon is extremely dangerous, and even heard that the death rate is extremely high.

But Wang Mang seems to have to go.

So far.

Wang Mang had a choice in his mind.

Then, he silently said in his heart:

"System! I choose the third mission!"

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Mission selection successful! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

After hearing the sound of the system, Wang Mang suddenly felt better.

Previously, the little master of Jiuji, Xiao Bizi, finished his words.

It was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

Soon, Wang Mang started to walk in a good mood.

After he wins these three worlds, he will go to the abyss canyon.

At that time, his strength will be even stronger, and the danger will be a little less.

After half a day.

Wang Mang finally found the location of the sixth-rank top-rank.

But what confuses Wang Mang is that there is no world here?

At first glance, there is no world at all, right?

But at the next moment, Wang Mang seemed to think of something, and immediately condensed the giant palm of the law, and began to bombard the surroundings frantically.



After Wang Mang patted all around one after another, under the giant palm of more than ten laws.

One of the law giant palms seemed to have captured something.


Accompanied by a shocking explosion.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw it, and a huge sixth-order top-grade world appeared in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing.

Paralyzed, she really used tricks to hide the world!

If it weren't for his crazy shooting, it would be difficult to discover this world.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was filled with emotion.

Afterwards, Wang Mang did not hesitate, and with a movement of his body, he flew towards the big world.

Then, Wang Mang raised his hand, and the condensed giant palm of law easily blasted away the barrier of this world.

At the same time, Wang Mang also entered this side, the huge sixth-order top-rank world.

After entering this sixth-order top-grade world.

Wang Mang was surprised to find that there are quite a few strong masters here.

There are as many as seven people!

Among them, there are three strong masters who dominate the later stage!

Among the remaining four rulers, one dominates the mid-stage and two dominates the early stage.

The aura of the strong rulers of the seven paths filled this sixth-order top-grade world.

Obviously, this side is a sixth-order high-grade world.

They were also guarded by the two powerhouses who ruled the eighth heaven.

Then his harvest should be quite a lot.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately began to arrange the barrier.

Moreover, the enchantment that Wang Mang arranged this time is not just to imprison one party.

He has imprisoned the whole world in it.

That is to say!

As long as Wang Mang is unwilling!

No creature can escape from this world!

Unless there is a sixth-order top-grade top-level teleportation talisman.

Otherwise, in this sixth-order top-grade world, all the masters and powerhouses will not be able to escape!

But how can there be so many sixth-order top-grade top-level teleportation symbols?

Wang Mang himself is no different from the top-level sixth-level top-grade things.

Therefore, none of these guys can escape.

at the same time.

When Wang Mang entered this sixth-order high-grade world.

The two eighth heaven elders in this world suddenly panicked.

Especially when they saw that Wang Mang actually started to set up an enchantment!

The two couldn't sit still at all, and both of them had ugly faces and were a little at a loss.

They didn't expect that there would be a dominator, or a dominator at the peak!

The breath alone is enough to make them tremble and despair, which simply kills the possibility of their resistance!

They all used the sixth-level high-grade hidden talisman papers to hide this world, but they didn't expect that something would happen!

"What should I do? The opponent's strength has definitely reached the pinnacle of dominance, and may even have reached the extreme."

"His aura is much more terrifying than the aura of the strong ruler of the Nine Heavens that we have seen before."

At this moment, the blond old Juggernaut looked at another old Juggernaut with an ugly expression on his face.

Hearing this, the white-haired old man Juggernaut shook his head with an ugly expression, and said bitterly:

"We, let's take the initiative to go out and surrender!"

"If you go out, there may be some possibility of surviving."

"If it's disobedient, even if we join forces, it won't be enough!"

"Also, your guess is right, the opponent's strength may have reached the extreme."

After finishing speaking, the white-haired old man Juggernaut also had a look of decadence and despair on his face.

Hearing this, the old man with blond hair ruled after being silent for a moment, then nodded helplessly and said:

"Let's go! Get out! There's no escape."

"As soon as the opponent comes in, set up an enchantment."

"Now we are birds in a cage."

"There's no way to escape."

The two looked at each other with expressions of helplessness on their faces, and then flew towards where Wang Mang was.

Similarly, not only the two of them, but the other five masters felt that the entire world was blocked by the barrier.

These five masters shot up from all over the world, and then flew towards where Wang Mang was.

Because they can't escape at all!

It's useless to hide!

Not long after.

In this sixth-order high-grade world.

The seven rulers looked at Wang Mang in awe, and looked at Wang Mang with terrified and pale expressions, and said one after another:

"I have seen the seniors!"

"I have seen the seniors!"

"Hello senior!"

"Hello senior!"

At this moment, Wang Mang saw that the barrier was almost set up.

Only then did he put his hands behind his back, looked at these masters, and said indifferently:

"Okay, everyone, please hand over the storage rings!"

"Be honest, if you dare to hide your secrets, I will crush you to death on the spot!"

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

The faces of the seven masters were all pale, and their eyes were full of despair.

They didn't object to handing in the storage ring at all.

After all, no matter how important resources are, life is not important.

But they were afraid of handing over their property.

Wang Mang still wants to kill them!

As for why so worried?

Because they are all masters.

They could feel a strong bloody aura from Wang Mang's body.

This means that Wang Mang was extremely hostile and killed a lot of people!

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