I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1179 The harvest of a sixth-order top-grade world has reached as much as 2 billion?

"Senior, if we hand over the storage ring to you, can you let us go?"

"Yes! Senior, we are willing to hand over all the rings to senior, but please spare our lives!"

"Senior, I beg you, as long as you spare the junior's life, you can ask the junior to do anything."

All of a sudden, the seven rulers present all turned pale, begging Wang Mang for mercy in panic.

Hearing this, Wang Mang said indifferently: "You and others are not qualified to discuss the conditions with me."

"If you don't want to be killed by this seat now, you should hurry up and hand over the law spar to this seat."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, all the rulers looked at each other, and finally nodded bitterly.

Afterwards, a group of masters took the initiative to hand over the storage rings to Wang Mang.

After picking up the storage ring, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction, and then prepared to kill these little guys?

But at this moment, a cautious voice of inquiry came from a distance:

"Wang Mang?"

After hearing this voice.

Wang Mang suddenly turned his head and looked down.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw a familiar figure.

After seeing this familiar figure, Wang Mang was completely stunned.

Because, this Miaoman figure is not someone else.

It was the female supreme that Wang Mang had seen in the past.

It's just that the female supreme at the moment has a different flavor.

Dressed in a snow-white robe, it gave off a simple, clean and sharp look.

At this moment, the female supreme was looking at Wang Mang in surprise and complexity.

She was surprised by Wang Mang's strength.

Surprised by Wang Mang's strength.

She really didn't think about it.

Wang Mang, who used to help at will.

Now it has grown to the point where she needs to look up to.

Even if it is her, she is only in the Realm King realm now.

But what about Wang Mang?

Directly reached the realm of domination!

Moreover, even his grandfather trembled in front of Wang Mang, and even humbly begged for his life.

At this moment, her emotions were mixed and extremely complicated.

Wang Mang suddenly smiled in surprise, "So it's you, long time no see."

For this female supreme, Wang Mang still has a good impression.

At the beginning of the fifth-level invincible battle road, the two sides did not have any conflicts at all.

Moreover, they also helped him, and they cooperated twice in a row afterwards.

In the process of getting along, the relationship is pretty good.

At this time, the female supreme stretched out her hand and couldn't help but whispered:

"He is my grandfather, can you let my grandfather go?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and followed the direction the female supreme was looking at.

This is the only old man who dominates the middle stage among the seven masters.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang pondered for a moment, then said indifferently to the old man, "Old man! Let's go!"

"Thanks to your granddaughter, I won't embarrass you."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the old man who ruled the mid-term powerhouse was overjoyed.

He was already desperate.

But I didn't expect this invader who dominates the peak powerhouse.

Knowing his granddaughter unexpectedly saved him from the disaster.

Thinking of this, the old man who ruled the strong, with a look of joy on his face, cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, senior."

After finishing speaking, the old man who was a strong ruler immediately left the group of rulers, and then disappeared from sight with the female supreme.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the rulers all had bitter expressions on their faces.

They looked at the old man who had survived the disaster, and they couldn't help but feel envious.

At the same time, Wang Mang made a sudden move.

Before the crowd of masters could react.

Wang Mang suddenly jumped up, his body moved as fast as lightning, and he roared out directly.

At the same time, the giant palm of several laws was condensed and photographed by Wang Mang!

Seeing this scene, the other six masters became terrified.

"no, do not want!"

"Senior, please forgive me!"

"Senior, don't kill me!"

Amidst the terrified screams of all the masters.

The roaring giant palm of the law directly bombarded the six rulers, all of them were killed on the spot!

All of a sudden, the six rulers were killed by Wang Mang.

The next moment, the blood coffin above Wang Mang's head flew out again, directly absorbing the flesh and blood of all the masters!

After absorbing the flesh and blood of all the masters, the blood coffin flew back.

Seeing this, Wang Mang raised his hands, and began to condense the giant palms of the law, bombarding the barrier.

After a few sticks of incense time passed.

Only then did Wang Mang blast away the barrier he had set up.

Afterwards, Wang Mang took away the sixth-order high-grade world seed.

After doing all this, Wang Mang left here satisfied.

After leaving this sixth-order top-grade world.

Wang Mang just started to count the seven storage rings.

Yes, seven storage rings.

Although, he let go of the supreme woman's grandfather.

However, the grandpa of the female supremacy, the old man's storage ring was also handed in.

Therefore, Wang Mang has the storage rings of seven rulers in his hand.

But after Wang Mang checked, he couldn't help being disappointed.

The combined net worth of the four masters who ruled the initial stage was only 300 million law crystals, plus three sets of sixth-tier middle-grade top magic weapons.

A strong man who dominates the mid-term, with a total net worth of 300 million law crystals, plus a set of sixth-order middle-grade top magic weapons!

As for the two powerhouses who rule the eighth heaven, their wealth is completely different.

The combined net worth of the two of them reached 1.2 billion for the sixth-order high-grade law spar alone.

In addition, there are two other sixth-level top-grade illusion charms!

Other than that, there is nothing else.

Summarize the words.

Wang Mang obtained a total of 1.8 billion sixth-level top-grade law crystals!

Four sets of sixth-tier middle-grade top-level divine weapons!

Two top-grade illusory talisman papers of the sixth rank!

A sixth-order top-grade world seed.

If calculated in this way.

He probably gained more than 2 billion!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling happy.

A sixth-order top-grade world directly brought him 2 billion resources.

Wang Mang was very satisfied.

Because, now his resources, plus the original remaining, are completely enough to break through the realm again.

With this in mind, Wang Mang couldn't help but meditate in his heart while he was on his way:

"System! Open your personal information!"

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Wang Mang: The strongest of the heavens (dominates combat power).

Template: Shenxu Demon Python (Dominates Nine Stars).

Bloodline: Abyss Demon Dragon (ruling nine stars).

Realm: Dominate the sixth level (Unrivaled Heavenly Proud).

Supernatural powers: Stepping on the Wind and Immortal Tour (great achievement), the body of training soldiers (small achievement), supreme domain (not mastered).

Space: Tier 6 teleportation talisman X3, Tier 6 good luck talisman X1, Tier 6 bad luck talisman X2, Tier 6 illusion talisman X2, Tier 7 magic weapon fragment 29/30, Tier 7 supernatural power fragment 10/30 .

Equipment: Dark halberd (top six), talent value 19050/20000 (Legendary Tianjiao), a set of sixth-level top-grade magic weapon of the law of water (top six), divine flame gun (top six), top-level sixth-level law spar 1.8 billion.

Law value: 1.8 billion/3 billion.

Garbage warehouse: 600 million law value (the value of the complete seeds of the sixth-level top-grade world is 470 million, and the value of four sets of sixth-level mid-level top magic weapons is 130 million.).

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