I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1180 Ready to go! Wang Mang is ready to go to the abyss canyon to hug his thighs!

After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough!

His harvest this time is really very rich!

It has completely reached 2 billion sixth-order top-grade law crystals!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang silently said in his heart in a happy mood:

"System! Extracted the 600 million law value from the garbage bin!"

"In addition, convert 1.8 billion sixth-order top-grade law spars into sixth-order top-grade law spars!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully extracted 600 million rule points from the garbage bin! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully exchanged 1.8 billion sixth-order top-grade rule spars! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 1.8 billion rule points! 】

【Ding! Accumulated to meet the breakout conditions, whether to start a breakout? 】


After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was in a happy mood and said silently without hesitation.

He is now very powerful.

If you continue to improve your strength.

It will probably be even more difficult to find the sixth-order world by then.

So, he was in no danger.

Wang Mang was still unwilling to break through the realm.

Moreover, his failure to break through is a hole card.

Once you encounter danger, you can upgrade and break through at any time!

Therefore, it doesn't matter at all if you don't rush to break through your strength.

After another half day passed.

Wang Mang successfully found two other sixth-tier mid-tier worlds.

And, in one day.

He easily ransacked the two worlds.

It is worth mentioning that.

The first sixth-order middle-grade world.

Let him harvest 550 million sixth-order top-grade law crystals.

Plus two sets of Tier 6 mid-tier top-level divine weapons.

The second sixth-order middle-grade world.

He harvested 450 million sixth-order top-grade law crystals.

Plus two sets of Tier 6 mid-tier top-level divine weapons.

The total gain added up is:

One billion rule spars!

Four sets of sixth-tier mid-tier top-level magical weapons (worth 120 million)!

Two sixth-tier mid-tier world seeds (worth 180 million)!

The total harvest is around 1.3 billion!


Wang Mang successfully exchanged all these into law value.

This also caused Wang Mang's law value to skyrocket again: 5.5 billion law value!

Under such a huge law, even if he has evolved, he still has a lot of law value.

However, Wang Mang was not in the mood and continued to collect the sixth-order world.

Because, Wang Mang wants to go to the abyss canyon!

There is no other reason.

He is going to find a way to hug the thighs of the Abyss Clan first!

Pave the way in advance for participating in the sixth-order invincible battle in the future!

Another thing worth mentioning is.

The place of Abyss Canyon is too recognizable.

The location is located in the west of Tiantian on the third ring road.

Wang Mang hardly needed to ask for directions.

Only under the guidance of the blood coffin.

Wang Mang only spent three days.

He successfully crossed from the east of the third ring to the west of the third ring.

If he wants to be faster, he can even arrive in half a day.

It's just that Wang Mang was more or less lucky in the process of rushing, hoping to encounter the sixth-order world on the way.

But Wang Mang obviously thought too much.

As his strength grows stronger.

He is found in the Three Rings universe.

It is basically difficult to encounter the sixth-order world.

Therefore, even if Wang Mang reached the entrance of the abyss canyon, he still had nothing to gain.

The entrance of this abyss canyon is a light gate, and there is another world behind the light gate.

Moreover, the law of space of the light gate is also very stable, as long as you step in, you will be considered as entering the entrance of the abyss canyon.

The next moment, just as Wang Mang was about to step in, there was a sudden movement behind him.

After turning his head to look, Wang Mang saw a young man with a strange face flying towards this direction as well.

Not only that, judging from his aura, Wang Mang couldn't help being surprised.

Because, this guy's aura is too strong.

It has reached the level of the extreme realm.

Even, just judging by the breath, it has completely crushed him.

Unless Wang Mang breaks through the first level of the extreme realm, he will be able to truly compete with the opponent!

Moreover, this young man with a weird face also saw Wang Mang.

While Wang Mang was looking at him, he was also looking at Wang Mang.

This is a man full of motley.

His complexion is filled with several different colors.

His body looked ordinary, but it gave Wang Mang an extremely huge sense of oppression.

"This guy has reached the legendary Tianjiao, and the realm is probably the same as mine."

For a moment, Wang Mang had a rough guess in his mind, and his face became serious.

At this time, the weird young man covered in five colors looked at Wang Mang with a surprised expression and said:

"Why, do you also want to enter the abyss canyon?"

"From your body, I feel the breath of a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon."

"If possible, I hope that one day you will die by my hands."

Hearing this, Wang Mang narrowed his eyes immediately, looked at the young man with cold eyes, and said with a blank expression all the time:

"Your strength is not enough to kill me!"

Hearing this, the five-color youth gave a weird smile, nodded after pondering for a moment and said:

"I can feel that it's not enough to kill you now."

"Would you like to go together? Let's go into this abyss canyon and see?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Then let's go together!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang stepped into the abyss canyon without hesitation.

Seeing this, the strange youth of five colors also stepped into the light door without hesitation.

After entering the Guangmen, Wang Mang was surprised to find that the place was deserted.

At a glance, everything is barren, with scars and broken arms everywhere, and bones of corpses everywhere.

Even, the aura of law here is extremely violent and full.

Even in such an environment, Wang Mang can feel very comfortable physically.

It seems that the power of law here is very suitable for him and very friendly to his body.

This also made Wang Mang a little confused, what is the situation?

Just when Wang Mang was puzzled, the five-colored weird youth couldn't help frowning and said:

"Do you feel anything? Is the power of law here also suppressing you?"

"It's more difficult for the internal laws you suppress to operate?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly became very strange.

Because of what this guy said, he didn't have any at all!

On the contrary, he also felt that the situation here was too comfortable.

It seems that the power of the law of heaven and earth is extremely friendly to him.

As for the so-called suppression? No pressure on him at all!

On the contrary, Wang Mang felt that if he fought here, his fighting power would be stronger.

Even the speed of recovering from injuries is probably faster than that of the three-ring universe outside!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang shook his head indifferently and said, "No, I feel very happy here."

"This feeling is as if everything in the world is full of kindness to me, as comfortable as coming home!"

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