I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1181: At first glance, everything is devastated, and everything you look at is barren and dr


Feeling at home?

After hearing Wang Mang's answer.

The ruler of the five gods was instantly stunned.

He subconsciously widened his eyes and looked at Wang Mang in astonishment.

Because, here, he feels very uncomfortable.

Even the operation of the law has become much more difficult than outside.

Originally, he thought that Wang Mang should be the same as him.

But Wang Mang's answer instantly stunned the ruler of the five gods!

For a moment, the master of the five gods, who was puzzled, stared fixedly at Wang Mang.

As if he wanted to see if Wang Mang had lied or deceived him.

It can be seen that Wang Mang does not seem to be cheating, and the doubts in his heart are even worse:

"This abyss canyon is really weird."

"I also inquired clearly before I came here."

"They all said that the suppression of any monk here is very great."

"As for your situation, it's really rare."

"Unless you're a member of this place yourself."

After hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned.

Then, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Obviously, Wang Mang had already guessed in his mind!

He suspected that it was probably due to the blood in his body!

After all, the blood in Wang Mang's body now is the blood of the abyssal dragon.

One of the nine bloodlines belonging to the Lord of the Abyss!

However, it is also called the Abyss Canyon.

It must be the place where the Abyss clan once gathered.

If you want to come this way.

Wang Mang immediately felt that it made sense!

Of course.

Although I know the reason of the matter.

However, Wang Mang remained expressionless, and did not intend to explain to the other party at all.

The two parties are just a temporary cooperative relationship!

If something goes wrong, the cooperation between the two parties will collapse on its own.

At this time, the ruler of the five gods said slowly:

"Let's go! Search this barren land, and you should be able to find the so-called abyss canyon."

"There is no canyon in this flat land, so naturally it is impossible to reach the place where the Abyss clan is located."

"It is said that in the canyon of the abyss, there are many magical treasures and so on."

"If we are lucky, we should be able to gain something."

"After all, the abyss clan also exists in the seventh-order world."

After hearing this, Wang Mang's heart moved, and he nodded indifferently.

Afterwards, the two began to wander in this barren land looking for it.

But at this moment, Wang Mang immediately noticed the situation, and these marks that had not turned into bones remained in the broken arm.

There are even individual broken arms that still wear storage rings.

This also made Wang Mang subconsciously bend down and pull out the storage ring.

Afterwards, Wang Mang used the law to stimulate the exploration of the storage ring.

But what surprised Wang Mang was.

In this storage ring, there is actually a sixth-order high-grade law spar.

Although the number is not large, there are only about 50 million, and a sixth-rank middle-grade divine weapon.

But this is equivalent to picking it up for nothing!

Therefore, Wang Mang became energetic in an instant!

Similarly, the five gods who were traveling with him noticed the abnormality and couldn't help asking:

"Is there something in this storage ring?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn't respond, he put the storage ring in his pocket, and continued to search in the field full of dead bones.

Soon, Wang Mang picked up several storage rings one after another.

Among them, there are storage rings and nothing.

However, there are tens of millions of law crystals.

There are even hundreds of millions of law crystals!

This also made Wang Mang extremely excited.


No wonder those strong masters, knowing that the abyss canyon is extremely dangerous, still dare to rush into it.

Because, this feeling of picking up money directly is really cool!

Similarly, the ruler of the five gods apparently also discovered this problem.

He also began to search everywhere, collecting storage rings.

All of a sudden, in the endless barren land.

The two began to collect the storage rings in the field.

After a day.

Mr. Wang Mang has gained a lot.

Dozens of storage rings.

Among them, the sixth-order top-grade law spar.

It directly reached 1.5 billion!

This also made Wang Mang even more excited.

Therefore, Wang Mang is still looking for the storage ring and collecting the resources in the storage ring.

This is mainly because there are too many storage rings here.

Some are buried deep in the dead bones, and some are still on the broken arms.

As for Wang Mang and the master of the five gods, they have turned into treasure hunters, looking for the storage ring with great joy.

There is no way, the main reason is that this place is really too rich!

There are a lot of these storage rings, as well as the broken arms and limbs of corpses.

In one day, 1.5 billion sixth-order top-grade law spars were harvested.

It is much more powerful than him looking around, the sixth-order top-rank world!

Just as Wang Mang was still happily searching for the storage ring.

The ruler of the five gods not far away also had a happy expression on his face and asked:

"Friend Daoist, how many good things have you found?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang smiled and said:

"You can just find yours. How much do you care about this seat?"

"What? Don't you still want to rob this seat?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the Lord of the Five Gods frowned, and said in displeasure:

"I don't even bother to do such a despicable thing."

"Don't judge everyone by your narrow heart!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang snorted coldly, ignored the ruler of the five gods, and continued to look for the storage ring.

Not long after.

Wang Mang found five more storage rings.

Afterwards, Wang Mang checked these storage rings while looking for them.

But when Wang Mang checked the third storage ring, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and his face was full of ecstasy.

Because, in this storage ring, there is actually a sixth-tier high-grade armor!

In addition, there are 200 million sixth-order top-grade law crystals!

This is the first time that Wang Mang has picked up a sixth-rank high-grade magic weapon!

to be honest.

Wang Mang was a little skeptical about life.

If it is not confirmed that it is indeed a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon.

Wang Mang felt like a dream!

How rare is a sixth-tier high-grade divine weapon?

Basically he got it by snatching it!

But this time, the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon he obtained was actually picked up!

Yes, it was picked up!

Tell it, who would believe it?

Sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon!

He was able to pick it up!

Still in this abyss canyon.

In this barren land.

You can pick up storage rings!

Moreover, in the storage ring, there are law crystals, cultivation resources!

Even, now even the sixth-rank high-grade magic weapon has been picked up!

Think here.

Wang Mang couldn't help feeling filled with emotion.

Because, he really never thought about it.

One day, I will be able to pick up a sixth-level top-grade divine weapon!


Wang Mang was even more excited.

Because, what does it mean to pick up a sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon?

It means that he is very likely to pick up a second sixth-tier high-grade divine weapon?

Even, the third sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon? The fourth sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon?

Everything is possible!

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