I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1182 Super scary giant with three heads and six arms! Just hang up the five gods and beat th


Very cool!

Wang Mang in a happy mood.

After proceeding to start organizing storage rings.

He began to continue to put away the rest of the storage rings, and continued to look for storage rings.

Similarly, the five gods on the other side will do the same, still digging their heads into the search.

At this moment.

Wang Mang, who was searching for the broken arm, suddenly found a huge arm.

Just when Wang Mang wanted to pick up this huge arm.

Suddenly this huge arm suddenly grabbed Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's face was filled with astonishment.

At the same time, Wang Mang easily dodged the huge arm.

But the next moment, something happened that surprised Wang Mang.

This huge arm, exposed from the ground, is getting bigger and bigger.

Then the entire huge barren land began to tremble.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw a huge giant with three heads and six arms appearing in front of his eyes.

He was so huge that it was tens of thousands of meters high, and six pairs of blood-red eyes were staring at Wang Mang and Wang Mang closely.

This huge change naturally made the Five Gods Master pay attention to this huge giant.

But what shocked the ruler of the five gods was that he could feel this weird guy.

It is very powerful, and its strength seems to have reached the second level of the extreme realm.

In addition, this giant with three heads and six arms has an extremely powerful physical body.

It seems that the physical body has reached the level of the sixth-level top-grade top-level magic weapon!

This is not a good thing for them!

This means that this giant has the strength to threaten them!

Moreover, it even has the strength to kill them!

at the same time.

The three-headed and six-armed giant spoke in an extremely hoarse and angry voice:

"You are plundering my wealth!"

"I'm going to kill you all!"

"You are all bullying me!"

After finishing speaking, the giant with three heads and six arms was the first to pat Wang Mang.

His gigantic arm, holding the energy of the law of death, slapped him suddenly.

The next moment, Wang Mang easily avoided this guy.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise.

I saw that the earth completely exploded and opened a huge hole.

But as Wang Mang avoided, the three-headed and six-armed giant became even more furious.

Afterwards, the huge giant with three heads and six arms began to slap Wang Mang like crazy.

boom! boom! boom!

Amid the loud bangs.

Wang Mang kept dodging the attacks of these three-headed and six-armed giants.

At the same time, Wang Mang also had a dark halberd in his hand and a divine armor on his body.

This is because, this giant with three heads and six arms is too frighteningly terrifying!

Especially the three-headed and six-armed body has almost reached the top level of the sixth-order top-grade.

What is this concept?

Unless Wang Mang cultivated the body of the soldier to the perfect state.

In this way, his physical body will reach the sixth-level upper-grade level.

Similarly, his physical strength can also be compared to that of a sixth-tier top-ranked divine weapon.

The other is.

These giants with three heads and six arms.

The strength has even reached the level of the second level of the extreme realm!

If Wang Mang didn't want to break through the realm.

I'm afraid I can't beat the opponent at all.

Therefore, Wang Mang recited silently in his heart without hesitation:

"System! Let's break through!"

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 3 billion rule points! It is starting to evolve...]

at the same time.

When Wang Mang evolved.

A furious giant with three heads and six arms.

Once again launched an attack on Wang Mang.

Similarly, while Wang Mang broke through, he was also avoiding the three-headed and six-armed giant.

After two minutes.

Wang Mang's whole body was enveloped by the terrifying power of the Devouring Law.

At the same time, his aura instantly reached the second level of extreme realm!

Obviously, Wang Mang's realm has once again broken through!

Now, he has broken through the realm without reservation!

Seeing this scene, the Master of the Five Gods not far away narrowed his eyes, obviously expecting it.

He didn't take action against Wang Mang at the beginning because Wang Mang's strength background was very terrifying.

He could even feel that Wang Mang was obviously not the kind of person who lacked resources.

Moreover, when facing him, there is no fear at all.

This proves that Wang Mang has sufficient background and can break through at any time,

Now Wang Mang's breakthrough also proved his guess.

However, he did not help Wang Mang.

There is no other reason.

This giant is so weird from top to bottom.

Let's talk about leaving here.

So far.

The ruler of the five gods suddenly soared into the sky and flew towards the distance.

But it was his behavior that completely angered the three-headed and six-armed giant.

The three-headed and six-armed giant who was still attacking Wang Mang violently, immediately gave up attacking Wang Mang.

Afterwards, he rushed towards the ruler of the five gods like a madman, roaring hoarsely:

"I'm going to kill you, a nasty thief, for trying to steal my wealth!"

Seeing this scene, the ruler of the five gods was instantly stunned.


What's the matter?

Aren't you going to kill Wang Mang?

You go kill him first!

Why did you come here to kill me?

Although confused, the ruler of the five gods is not afraid.

Without hesitation, he became tens of thousands of meters high in an instant.

Afterwards, he fought with the three-headed and six-armed giant.

Moreover, the two sides were in a thorough physical fight, which could be described as punching to the flesh.

The sky was so barren, the sky was dark and the ground was dark, flying sand and rocks.

This also made this three-headed and six-armed giant who had just broken through the realm and was about to teach him a lesson.

Unexpectedly, this three-headed and six-armed giant seems to have some incomplete wisdom.

Not only gave up on him, but launched an attack on the ruler of the five gods.

at the same time.

What shocked Wang Mang even more.

These five gods are too powerful.

It was actually able to physically contend against these three-headed and six-armed giants.

But the next moment.

Wang Mang heard the screams of pain from the master of the five gods.

I saw that the giant with three heads and six arms beat the master of the five gods with six fists in an instant, screaming again and again.

Even the chest of the ruler of the five gods was twisted and sunken.

what does that mean?

It means that the rulers of the five gods are comparable to the physical body of the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon.

In front of this three-headed and six-armed giant, it's still not enough to see!

This also made Wang Mang speechless.

He just thought that the five gods ruled the cow pen.

As a result, this guy is not enough to watch immediately!

Typical can't stand his praise!

However, this guy's physical body can't compete, a giant with three heads and six arms.

Then, there is no need to talk about Wang Mang's physical body.

It is absolutely impossible to compete with this giant with three heads and six arms.

at the same time.

In Wang Mang's mind, a nervous voice suddenly came from the blood coffin:

"Run if you can't fight later."

"The flesh of this giant monster."

"It's not the top level of the sixth-order top-grade."

"His physical body has already reached the pseudo-seventh level."

"This big guy is just a freak, it's unbelievable."

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