I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1511 The Son of the Bone Race with Outstanding Strength! The gradually recovering bone!

The next moment, I saw the golden bone in front of the Saint Son of the Bone Race began to emit a violent wave.

All of a sudden, streaks of golden air slowly spread around him.

I saw that the power of the avenue where the golden air flow passed began to slowly solidify.

Seeing this, Wang Mang said to himself with great interest:

"Can it affect the ability of the power of the Dao?"

"Good ability, but not enough."

As soon as the words fell, countless devouring avenues gushed out of his body and attacked the Bone Race Saint Son.

However, under the influence of the golden airflow, the speed of Devouring Dao's attack on him was much slower.

Just when the Great Dao of Devouring was about to hit the Saint Son of the Bone Race, the golden Dao Bone in front of him suddenly erupted with a wave of Dao that was not weaker than Wang Mang.

All of a sudden, Devouring Dao was scattered.

At the same time, the golden bone quickly merged into his body.


Several patriarchs who were watching the battle from outside squinted their eyes when they saw this scene.

Afterwards, Mo Yang said with a contemptuous sneer:

"Hehe, if I remember correctly, this is the bone of the eternal realm powerhouse in the ancient times of the Bone Race, the bone of inheritance left behind after passing away."

"I didn't expect you to be willing to pass it on to Gu Yi."

Hearing this, the Bone Clan patriarch said lightly:

"So what, where are you Mo people going?"

As soon as the words fell, Mo Yang snorted coldly.

The few patriarchs around just watched the two bickering quietly.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the pavilion became dull.

In the end, it was the patriarch of the Starry Sky Ancient Clan who broke the atmosphere.

I saw a meaningful smile on his face, and said slowly:

"Don't you Mo people also have inherited fetishes?"

"What? Don't you plan to pass it on to Wang Mang?"

As soon as the words fell, the corners of the mouths of the several patriarchs present all raised.

This also shows that Wang Mang has not gained enough trust in the Mo people.

What they were worried about was the gradual growth of the Mo clan under Wang Mang's leadership.

At that time, the status of their clan will naturally be affected.

This move of the Mo people undoubtedly reassured them a lot.

The next moment, Mo Yang said to himself with a complicated face:

"I also think about it, but it is impossible for him to put the Mo people first in his mind."

"No one can tell what will happen in the future."

After hearing his words, faint smiles appeared on the faces of the surrounding patriarchs.


At this time, the fusion of the Bone Race Saint Son and the golden Dao bone was completed.

His realm also began to skyrocket.

There are two heavens in the Immortal Realm, and four heavens in the Immortal Realm.

In the end, his aura soared to the seventh level of the Immortal Realm before it stopped.

Seeing this, Wang Mang said with some surprise:

"What kind of fetish is this?"

"It actually made his realm directly rise to the fifth heaven?"

In Wang Mang's cognition, such items have surpassed the category of gods and demons.

After all, the appearance of gods and demons can only increase the combat power of the first layer of heaven.

For a moment, Wang Mang's gaze towards the Holy Son of the Bone Race became very fiery.

If this kind of thing is obtained by him, or swallowed, wouldn't it be...

Thinking of this, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth rose slightly.

The next moment, his figure shot towards the Saint Son of the Bone Race.

Seeing this, the Saint Son of the Bone Race solemnly said as if facing a formidable enemy:

"bring it on!"

As soon as the words fell, several powers of the Great Dao erupted from his body, and rushed towards the attacking Wang Mang.

For a moment, the figures of the two criss-crossed.


Countless pulsating avenues of power collided around the two of them, making dull sounds one after another.

The next moment, Wang Mang's fist seemed to be carrying a mighty force, roaring towards the body of the Bone Race Saint Son.

Seeing this, the Saint Son of the Bone Race hurriedly greeted him with a palm.

Afterwards, the figure of the Saint Son of the Bone Race flew out uncontrollably like a kite with a broken string.

He slammed it hard towards the ground.

Seeing this, the Saint Son of the Bone Race hurriedly drove the power of the Dao to stabilize his falling body.

Under his coordination with all his strength, the figure that flew upside down stabilized.

Looking at the Bone Clan Saint Son who didn't know how to live or die, Wang Mang said with a shameful smile:

"You are so naive, you dare to fight me in close combat."

"It seems that the courage brought to you by that bone is not ordinary."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took advantage of the victory and continued to wave his fists to attack the Son of the Bone Race.

As his figure appeared beside the Saint Son of the Bone Race in a flash, the torrential rain of pear blossom-like punches smashed towards him with a roar.

Seeing this, the Holy Son of the Bone Race quickly raised his hands to resist.

boom! boom! boom……

Suddenly, the dull sound of countless physical collisions resounded.

At the same time, the figure of the Saint Son of the Bone Race was gradually unable to stand up to Wang Mang's attack, and was beaten back again and again.

The next moment, I saw the Saint Son of the Bone Race who was suppressed by Wang Mang growl angrily:


"With the blessing of the inherited fetish, how can I be afraid of you!"

"Monstrous sea of ​​bones!"

As soon as he finished speaking, bursts of golden light appeared around him.

In an instant, countless powers of the avenue turned into countless bones, floating around his body.

Immediately, countless skeletons entangled Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang's waving fist stopped, and his figure also receded towards the rear.

It's not that he was afraid of him, but at this moment, the voice of the blood coffin suddenly sounded in Wang Mang's mind:

"Wang Mang, you must take that bone down!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang said to it:

"I am planning to do so."

"By the way, what exactly is this bone?"

While speaking, he kept waving his fists to scatter the attacking bones.

The next moment, the answer from the blood coffin sounded slowly:

"This is a rib that contains the lifetime Dao Fruit of the Eternal Realm powerhouse."

"Contains the Tao and Law of the Eternal Realm powerhouse!"

"This thing can't be seen everywhere!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang licked his lips and said:

"Don't worry, this seat will not let it disappear before my eyes!"

"How can you make him waste everything?"

While speaking, the incomparably thick Dao of Devouring began to pour out of his body continuously.

If it was just a warm-up just now, then Wang Mang has obviously made a real move at this time.

The next moment, Wang Mang's whole body was occupied by the gushing Dao of Devouring.

All of a sudden, a vacuum zone appeared around him, and the bones that hit him were blasted into pieces by the devouring avenue.

Seeing this, the Holy Son of the Bone Race said solemnly:

"Is it such a terrifying power of the avenue?"

"What kind of monster did the Mo tribe recruit!"

While speaking, the bones in his body seemed to feel that the master was in danger, and began to violently turmoil.

Afterwards, a dazzling golden light was seen emitting from his chest.

In an instant, a majesty of the avenue that did not belong to him suddenly appeared around him.

The next moment, several powerful dao rhymes that only the strong in the eternal realm can possess slowly wrapped him up.

At the same time, the remaining will in the golden bone began to gradually wake up.

All of a sudden, the Saint Son of the Bone Race suddenly appeared in the endless jihad, as if he was a strong man in the Eternal Realm.

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