I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1512 The battle that destroys the world! A fully revived inheritance bone!

Feeling this immense power, Wang Mang laughed loudly and said:

"Yes, I am very satisfied with such power!"

"Shadow Chasing Dreams!"

As soon as the words fell, his figure disappeared immediately, and he quickly attacked the Bone Race Son.

Looking at the afterimages left by where Wang Mang passed, the Saint Son of the Bone Race said cautiously:

"I can't see where the main body is, so fast!"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Mang's figure suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost, with one hand forming a palm towards him to suppress him.


As the Devouring Dao in Wang Mang's hand came into contact with the Dao Rhyme emanating from the golden Dao bone, a collision sound resounding through the sky suddenly resounded.

At the same time, the holy son of the Bone Race, who was wrapped in Dao Yun, felt the power of this palm, and his eyelids jumped up uncontrollably.

Then, he exclaimed in disbelief:

"How is it possible? Just one palm can compete with the Dao Yun of the Eternal Realm!"

"Is this something humans can do?"

At this time, the Dao Yun around him, following the collision with Wang Mang's palm, continuously emitted intense Dao fluctuations.

The aftermath of the avenue like a huge wave began to spread rapidly in all directions.

All of a sudden, the sky in the Bone Race domain began to violently turbulent.

The space around the two of them had already been distorted beyond human form.

The few people who were closer vomited blood from the shock of the terrifying aftermath.

The aftermath of the avenue that spread out was tearing their bodies apart recklessly.

Some weaker people lost their vitality after resisting for a while, and their corpses also fell towards the bottom quickly.

Seeing the countless corpses falling from the sky, everyone in the Bone Race Realm said in horror:

"What kind of power is this!"

"Sure enough, we weak people don't even have the qualifications to approach?"

"This is really how gods fight, and mortals suffer!"

"The power of one blow is so terrifying!"

"This kind of battle is too shocking!"

"How strong is this holy son of the Mo clan?"


As for the people who came to help the Saint Son of the Bone Race, they ran away from the battlefield as if they were fighting for their lives.

Obviously, such a devastating battle is no longer something they can intervene in.

Just the aftermath that spread out made it difficult for them to fight.

With this in mind, they immediately chose to hide in the distance and watch the battle from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, Wang Mang was still bombarding the Dao Yun around the body of the Saint Son of the Bone Race.

However, Wang Mang found that this alone was not enough to break his defense.

Seeing this, Wang Mang said to the Holy Son of the Bone Race with a calm face:

"Ant, is this tortoise shell quite hard?"

"Let you see what real strength is!"

As soon as the words fell, his other hand was raised high.

The next moment, the massacre halberd suddenly appeared in his raised hand.

Feeling the monstrous power of the massacre, the Son of the Bone Race whispered with an ugly face:

"It seems that today is going to be defeated by this person."

"No, the patriarch even bestowed the inheritance fetish to this seat, how can I just lose to him like this!"

"Wake up fully! Inherit the Dao bone!"

With a low shout, the essence and blood in his body began to rush towards Daogu.

At the same time, the bones in his body began to fully recover.

The next moment, a thought that shakes the world suddenly appeared.

All of a sudden, a majestic human figure slowly appeared behind him.

In this figure, Wang Mang felt a long-lost sense of threat.

Immediately, Wang Mang stared at the figure solemnly.

As long as it makes the slightest movement, Wang Mang will quickly withdraw.

At this time, the eyes of the Saint Son of the Bone Race emitted beams of light that reached the sky, and countless avenues of power began to surge around him.

Following that, the endless Taoism contained in the Tao bone blessed the phantom, and the phantom behind him seemed to come alive.

The next moment, I saw this phantom glanced around and whispered:

"Huh? Why did I wake up in the endless jihad?"

"Junior, did you wake up this seat?"

Hearing this, the Saint Son of the Bone Race hurriedly said respectfully:

"My lord ancestor, this junior needs your power today to defeat the person in front of me."

"Please also help the junior!"

After hearing his words, the phantom said with a lonely face:

"Has the Bone Race already declined to this extent?"

"The little endless jihad has been reduced to using the power of this seat."

As soon as he finished speaking, an embarrassing expression appeared on the face of the Bone Race Saint Son.

Then, he said helplessly:

"Ancestor, the Bone Race is still as brilliant as ever under the leadership of the Bone Ancestor."

"But this person in front of me is not an ordinary person, otherwise this junior would not use your strength."

Hearing this, the phantom murmured to himself:

"Xiao Ling? That kid really did not live up to my expectations."

"Since that's the case, let me see what kind of strength this little baby has, and it will let you wake me up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes shot out a ray of light, and he began to examine Wang Mang directly.

For a moment, Wang Mang said with an ugly face:

"Stop looking down on people!"

"Come to fight!"

The next moment, I saw Wang Mang waving the massacre halberd and attacking them.

Seeing this, the phantom said lightly:

"Arrogant boy."

"Let me see how much you weigh!"

As soon as the words fell, the endless Taoism around him blasted towards Wang Mang who was attacking.

Suddenly, a great sense of threat appeared in Wang Mang's mind.

Immediately, Wang Mang, who felt threatened, quickly retreated to the rear.

The next moment, I saw Dao Fa, who was avoided by Wang Mang, blasting directly at the place where Wang Mang was originally.


In an instant, a deafening roar rang out incessantly.

The place hit by Taoism has completely turned into a vacuum.

The space has been completely evaporated, leaving only endless void.

Seeing this, Wang Mang scolded in disbelief:

"Damn it, what a fart!"

As soon as the words fell, his figure quickly fled towards the distance.

Just one blow made Wang Mang lose his desire to fight.


At this time, everyone who was watching the battle outside said in disdain:

"What's the difference between that and cheating!"

"That's right, these big clans are too bullying because of their solid background!"

"Even the ancient ancestors of the Bone Race appeared."

"It's over, it seems that the future endless jihad will be completely taken over by these great clans!"

"Alas! The Endless Jihad is just a stage for the big clan to show their strength."


The patriarchs in the pavilion all changed their faces when they saw this.

Afterwards, Mo Yang cursed angrily:

"Look at the holy son of your clan, who fought endless holy wars and completely awakened the inheritance gods."

"Is that what it's used for?"

Hearing this, the face of the Bone Clan patriarch also became very ugly.

You must know that the inheritance of fetishes is generally given to the patriarch, and it will be fully revived only when there is a crisis of genocide.

Originally, the bone of inheritance was bestowed on Gu Yi, just to keep him from being disadvantaged in the confrontation with Wang Mang.

Unexpectedly, this product directly revived the bones of the inheritance.

After thinking up to this point, the patriarch of the Bone Clan didn't refute Mo Yang anymore.

After all, Gu Yi's approach is indeed somewhat inappropriate.


At this time, the holy son of the Mo clan in the bone clan domain looked at Wang Mang who was fleeing, and said anxiously:

"Ancestor, you can't admit that this person has run away!"

Hearing this, the phantom said indifferently:

"Do not worry!"

"A finger in the sea!"

As soon as the words fell, he slowly raised a hand in the direction where Wang Mang was leaving.

In an instant, an earth-shattering power of the avenue condensed at his fingertips.

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