I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1532 The Primordial Spirit's Special Extreme Realm! The two defeated sons!

At this time, in the patriarch's pavilion.

The monstrous will in Wang Mang's body was still clearly perceived by the patriarchs even though he was separated from another world.

Feeling this overbearing aura, all the patriarchs fell silent.

The next moment, the starry sky patriarch said in disbelief:

"This...is this the special extreme state of the primordial spirit?"

"Why can an immortal realm awaken?"

Hearing this, the other patriarchs all showed expressions of sudden realization.

But afterwards, even the starry sky patriarch showed a look of surprise.

You must know that no matter whether it is the physical body, the soul or the realm, there is a special realm.

There are only a few hundred people who can successfully awaken from ancient times to the present.

Who can achieve this feat, who is not the proud son of heaven who has amazed an era.

Even the veteran powerhouses of the Eternal Realm failed to awaken any of the extreme realms.

Unexpectedly, today they saw the power they dreamed of in a junior.

All of a sudden, the patriarchs in the pavilion gasped.

Among them, Mo Yang showed a bright smile.

Although he was surprised that Wang Mang had awakened to a special extreme state, that was all.

What really made him happy was that Wang Mang was able to turn the tide of the battle with the help of this power.

When he thought of this, his mood immediately improved.

An old man who was fighting on the outside of the domain looked at the brave Wang Mang with a look of relief on his face.

At the same time, he also quietly crushed the seventh-order mid-grade sound transmission talisman in his hand:

"Master Patriarch..."

At this time, in the top-level world of the nine clans in the distant abyss.

Looking at the void from a distance, Abyss Skeleton whispered faintly:

"Yes, have you awakened the special extreme state now?"

"Unexpected and reasonable."

The next moment, he recorded to a sound transmission note:

"Thank you, Elder Heiyan."

"Wang Mang, I will trouble you to pay more attention."

"By the way, don't show up and take action when it's not a life-and-death crisis."

After finishing speaking, he slowly crushed the sound transmission talisman in his hand.

As the sound transmission symbol turned into a ray of light, it quickly flew into the endless sanctuary.

After doing all this, he thought for a moment, and said:

"Come on!"

As soon as the words fell, another elder appeared in the patriarch's room.

"Master Patriarch, what are your orders?" The elder asked respectfully.

After a moment of silence, Abyss Skull chuckled with an inexplicable expression on his face, and said slowly:

"Think of a way to let those spies know that Wang Mang is no longer the patriarch of the Abyss Nine Clans."

"Also, do it in a more secretive way so as not to make people suspicious."

Hearing this, the elder bowed slightly to him and said:


"Well, back off."

Waving his hands, Abyss Skull said lightly.

After the elder stepped back, he muttered to himself reminiscingly:

"Wang Mang, you still have fifteen magical weapons that you haven't taken away."


At this time, in the endless sanctuary.

After receiving the reply from the abyss, Hei Yan, who was hiding in the spectator seats, whispered:

"I didn't expect that the patriarch would care so much about this kid."

"Yes, after all, he entrusted the future of the eight clans on this kid."

"Wang Mang, don't let the patriarch down."

"Hmph, Mo tribe!"

Hei Yan looked darkly at Mo Yang who was in the patriarch's pavilion.

Suddenly, Mo Yang, who was watching the battle, suddenly felt a faint feeling of palpitation.

As if being targeted by some peerless powerhouse.

But this feeling soon disappeared.

Immediately, his brows were wrinkled, and he muttered silently with some surprise:

"Huh? How long has it been since I felt this way?"

"Is there any major event going to happen recently?"

At the same time, he glanced around with some uncertainty.


At this time, in the realm of the Ming clan.

The criss-cross figures of the three suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

With the blessing of this domineering aura, Wang Mang became more and more courageous as he fought.

At this moment, he only felt that his every move carried a special charm.

Although there is no difference from before, it is unreasonable to suppress the two sons.

The next moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in Wang Mang's mind:

【Ding! Detected that the host has awakened in advance to a special extreme! The personal information page starts to update! 】

【Ding! The estimated update time is three days! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned and said silently in his heart:

"Special extreme? Is it this inexplicable willpower in me?"

Originally, this willpower was only faintly visible when Wang Mang was fighting.

But as the battle between him and the two holy sons came to a head, this burst of breath also completely caught Wang Mang's attention.

But at that time he was busy fighting with the two holy sons, so he didn't pay too much attention to it.

He only noticed after the system said so.

Seeing Wang Mang who suddenly stopped speaking, the two holy sons quickly raised their voices.

In an instant, the power of shattering space and the light of falling into the world roared towards Wang Mang.

Wang Mang, who came back to his senses, quickly swung the Slaughter Shot to fight back.


Wang Mang only felt a pain in his chest, and an extreme penetrating power wreaked havoc in his body.

Immediately, he quickly manipulated the Dao of Devouring to resist.

The next moment, the light of the fallen world also hit.

But when he got close to Wang Mang's primordial spirit, he was destroyed by that overbearing willpower.

Seeing this, the Guangming Son on the side showed a bitter expression on his face.

Now that he was fighting, his threat to Wang Mangzhao was minimal.

If it weren't for Hao Shixuan's inherited fetish that was lethal to Wang Mang, the two of them would have been defeated long ago.

With this in mind, the Holy Son of Light murmured with a gloomy expression:

"Can we really beat him?"

Hearing this, Hao Shixuan on the side said disdainfully:

"It's pointless to say these things at this time."


As soon as the words fell, the two of them were ready to deal with Wang Mang's next offensive.

Looking at the cautious two, Wang Mang's eyes froze.

At the same time, countless devouring avenues surged out of his body.

In an instant, the massacre halberd in his hand swept towards Hao Shixuan.

Now he only needs to defeat this guy, and this battle is over.

With this in mind, Wang Mang began to bombard him frantically.

At this moment, the speed of Wang Mang's attack has reached its limit.

In Hao Shixuan's eyes, the afterimages of countless halberds gradually magnified in his eyes.

Immediately, he quickly retreated towards the rear.

At the same time, shouting:

"Guangming, don't let him come near me!"

Hearing this, the Holy Son of Light rushed towards Wang Mang.

He knew that if Hao Shixuan was defeated, it would be over.

Seeing Guangming Shengzi who was trying to hold him back, Wang Mang dismissed it and continued to rush towards Hao Shixuan.

All of a sudden, his figure suddenly sped up, making the attacking Son of Light fly away.

Seeing this, the power of the Dao in Hao Shixuan's body surged crazily and attacked Wang Mang, trying to stop Wang Mang's rushing figure.

"Useless move, absorb!"

Looking at the panicked Hao Shixuan, Wang Mang said disdainfully.

In an instant, his avenue power was absorbed.


With a loud noise, Hao Shixuan was hit, and his figure shot towards the ground.

Seeing this, the Holy Son of Light muttered in a trance:

"We, lost?!"

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